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About Gramz

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  1. Agree with the bulk of this. Even if the response to /release is "your request has been made" then "your request has been accepted, officer on the way" if/then "officer called to emergency, your request is back in the que at dispatch"
  2. ^ Impound lot being one of the few places where we see the rare event: sworn enemies treating each other with kindness and respect, gratitude and patience. I'm paraphrasing Xoxa here but having the impound lot work more like /mechanic and /newsagency or giving the people some indication of estimated wait time would be great.
  3. Yes. But there are additional spawn points at ET, most of the time when a vehicle is there, it does not drop a car on top of it but spawns it inside the garage.
  4. Date and time (provide timezone): April 1, 5:55pm pst Character name: Tristen Augusta Issue/bug you are reporting: My bike was destroyed due to the eclipse towers un-park dropping a vehicle directly on top of it. https://streamable.com/4oapnz Expected behavior: The Apartment would not un-park vehicles on top of currently placed vehicles, people, or objects.
  5. sounds like they want you to report it to the police find police report it via words
  6. +1 ". . .when it’s against PD, crim RP is always to blame." either a) drastically reduce prison sentences and financial penalties for getting caught or b) give the jailbirds something worth risking hours in prison hell for, e.g. script update
  7. +1 /takeguns means no idea of ammo, attachments, fingerprints, serial numbers. I typically use it if they only have a melee weapon and not a gun, to fast-forward through the ooc uncuff and drop.
  8. +1 looks like the los santos bank already has access to this technology we just need to get on that plan
  9. Gramz

    System like Bail

    +1 "you have bribed a government official and reduced your prison sentence!"
  10. +1 crim update 1st tho obvi.gov/gibcrimupdate
  11. Fair. Ultimately unconvinced, but open to compromise. Again, anything is better than the status quo shroud of uncertainty. So if we need to keep some ambiguity or opacity regarding length of time in jail, ban length, etc, I'm fine with that. Or alternatively, why not just have serious punishments for the rules and make those punishments public? If the concern is relaxed adherence to the rules, then publicity guarantees everyone knows that every rule is serious and what the consequences are for breaking each. I don't see what benefit obscurity captures that publicity couldn't also capture. Also, brains across the server are all clearly relaxed when it comes to some rules more than others. "no meta" is a meme. I'm skeptical that public punishment guidelines would decrease the quality of RP. Most of this really stems from just wondering. And wondering why I have to wonder.
  12. "it is difficult to know how serious each violation is, or how important it is for that violation to cease occurring. " ^ This is one of many reasons why the punishments should be public information. An implication to the reason stated above is that I simply do not report people for non-rp and fear-rp breaks (or at least at a far lower frequency than DM), because I see so many violations handed out with few bans, it seems to me that DM is the most serious violation by far. Fear-RP and Non-RP seem more like slaps on the wrist with many chances for rehabilitation, but I could be completely wrong! Again, just guessing, it is all I can do. I am curious what some of the unstated reasons for classifying this information would be. Flucifal: "that is staff information only" - why? "just follow the rules and there won't be an issue." - I do follow the rules and there is an issue, it is stated above. I am actually surprised there is opposition to this, because I do not know the reasons why this information is "staff only." What are the benefits to keeping this information private?
  13. The server has a living document of rules that is constantly tweaked to accommodate the needs of the server, but I cannot find any documents that instruct players what the penalties are for breaking rules. Fear RP, Non RP, and DM all have varying degrees of punishment. I have heard 2 DMs results in a permanent ban, but I have also seen countless "permanent" bans lifted via appeal. Honesty and contrition seem to go a long way here. Again, I'm just guessing because I do not have access to any information regarding the implications of punishments for breaking rules. There are guidelines for staff (x violation = x minutes of A-Jail, etc), but without those being public, it is difficult to know how serious each violation is, or how important it is for that violation to cease occurring. This is probably because so many rule breaks occur on grey-areas of debate, but once the punishments are rendered, a Fear RP violation is a Fear RP violation is a Fear RP violation. So, the ambiguity surrounding the rendering of the decision does not really concern my suggestion. More clarity is good. Suggestions specifically are: 1) Include information about punishments with the server rules, so that they are clear for all to see. Examples: A) Two counts of deathmathching will result in a permanent ban. B) 3 counts of breaking Fear RP will result in a one month ban. Et cetera... 2) Include information about punishments on forum reports of rule breaks. Example: Player X will be punished with Fear RP violation #2. The punishment for this is 15 minutes of a-jail, and the next violation will result in a one month ban.
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