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Everything posted by Spizor

  1. Please be patient while a senior staff member reviews the website! It will be reviewed as soon as a senior staff member is available to do so.
  2. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  3. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  4. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  5. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  6. I would like to say that there might not be a reason for not adding these old vehicles at all. They could've just not been thought of originally when adding the first bunch of vehicles to the server. So, if there's vehicles of that sort such as the golf cart, etc.. that you would like to see on the server, I would advise making a suggestion thread where it can actually be looked at and forwarded appropriately.
  7. Spizor

    Forum Name change

    Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  8. I don't really agree with removing the command completely. I'd back it if Eclipse was a heavy roleplay server but it isn't. And to answer a few points that were raised that I've commented on multiple times in different suggestions: "If you can’t remember someone then they must not be important to your character.": The server does not have enough character features to remember every person you've been interacting with especially when they type and don't use voice chat. And there are people who I interact with on a daily basis on both my criminal and LEO character that I can assure you I won't remember if aliases were removed, because of how similar they look. "Remove it completely, kinda weird having 90% of server using masks.": This is just not true, removing the command won't stop people from wearing masks. They are criminals, they will wear masks whether the aliases are there or not. Especially with larger groups, 99% of the time they will wear masks because of how often LEO interact with them, and that just makes sense. I don't understand why is it at all weird for criminals to wear masks to hide their identity? "Make /alias names wear off, IE: A month or so after /alias the name reverts back to a player number.": Why? Why does it make any sense for someone that you interact with on a daily basis to just have their name removed randomly as if you've never interacted with them before? Again, this is not a heavy roleplay server and I don't understand why we're trying to force it into something that it isn't, makes zero sense to me. If people don't want to see aliases above players' heads, have a toggle command to turn them off/on, similar to /toggletabbed.
  9. The list of vehicles that get added to ECRP with each GTAO vehicle update is handpicked most of the time and there's a reason for not adding all of them. If you feel like there's vehicles that aren't on ECRP and should be added, you can make a suggestion about it. As for the supers and "1 of 1" vehicles, most of them that are currently owned by players were either auctioned on the forums or were accessible at one point and no longer are. Sometimes they are also spawned in for events and such. As for the all armored vehicles such as the kuruma as you stated, these are not accessible to all players whatsoever and are only rarely spawned in by the commissioners.
  10. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  11. This has been suggested before plenty of times. There was a detailed suggestion about it but I cannot find it so I'll list it here myself: Add a command similar to /addpropertypermission: /givekey (Already exists, only gives them a key to the vehicle and nothing else). /addcarpermission [player] [permission] (Repairs, modifications). The way it would select the vehicle would work the same as /givekey, where you have to be inside the vehicle first. I think this would be a nice QoL update especially for players renting their vehicles, etc..
  12. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it!
  13. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  14. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it!
  15. There are some good suggestions on this topic such as caring for your own cruiser, but: Why does it make any sense to limit AP for LEOs to 50 when criminals still have access up to 100 AP? Why does it make any sense to add carbines to the import menu for criminals, what is it adding? Are you gonna fight LEO with it and expect to win? No, you're gonna lose it at some point and make another comment about how LEO needs to be nerfed. I have had 3 almost 4 years of experience as a criminal and 1 year as LEO on the server and I can tell you that I do not face any of the issues stated here or any that were previously stated repeatedly throughout the years. You are a criminal, you aren't meant to engage with LEO factions as realistically, they'll be 100x more stronger than you and that's just how it's meant to be. You can't bring out an AK and body armor, looking to fight another gang and when caught by LEO expect to win, no, you're gonna lose the situation 90% of the time and again, that is how it's meant to be. This also doesn't mean that you can't escape or win against LEO as I have done it plenty of times myself, you just have to be smart about your actions.
  16. I agree with Bala here. Not everyone prefers to have Realistic Gun Sounds installed and I am not with the idea of having it server-side. It is disappointing to see it banned completely as it was a nice change for those who prefer these kind of mods and I personally really liked it. The mod did not give you a huge advantage over other players as the range and everything else was still the same, it was only slightly louder. Which honestly, if players wanted to, they can still have the same effect of Realistic Gun Sounds with the normal sounds if they really wanted to, so I don't know why it was banned.
  17. Graphic mods that do not give you advantages are still allowed (NVE, QuantV, etc..). Graphic mods are only disallowed if they give you an advantage over other players (Removing shadows completely, messing with the game settings to gain a visual advantage, etc..). Same with car & gun mods, they are allowed as long as they don't give you an advantage.
  18. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! While it is pending, take a screenshot of the welcome message when you log into the server and post it here.
  19. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it!
  20. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! While it is pending, take a screenshot of the welcome message when you log into the server and post it here.
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