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Everything posted by Commander783

  1. Since speeding cameras wouldn't be able to be implemented realisticly from a technical and a player standpoint (making pictures of the car and the driver and then someone analysing the data), this would make it so, that the system doesn't get abused by anyone in an IC or OOC way. Example: Let's make someone poor, because they are rich. Let's just drive all the way through all the speed cameras.
  2. It's not about people draining their money. It's about setting up a better standard, than what we have now, regarding to driving. It's not going to effect most people in a scheme, like most people might think, that all their money will be drained, but it adds another layer of roleplay and speeding tickets are not going to be the same as attempted murder, for sure. Besides, it's not about making money anymore or is it? It's about having a great experience for everyone really. Making money should be treated as side reward on a roleplay server, but we need more things to do with our money overall of course, but that belongs to another topic.
  3. Speed cameras don't work that way.
  4. We have to move forward guys. Escaping the trend of GTA Online, where everyone drives like they want, just because they have the power to do so. This is a roleplay server, if you like it or not.
  5. A speed camera, tracks the speed of your vehicle and if it goes above a certain speed tolerance, it will get triggered and a picture of the vehicle and the driver will be sent to the Police Department (in a server sense) and you will be ticketed according your speed above the tolerance speed. The higher you speed, past a speed camera, the higher the cost will be for you.
  6. You shouldn't be thinking, that there would be speed cameras for every street now, but at places, where it's most important, where the most accidents happen. It would be unrealistic to put speed cameras everywhere, but on certain location, it will make sense.
  7. Only the driver should be punished with their (ID) when they are speeding.
  8. Dynamic speed cameras could be an interesting solution. Emergency vehicles excluded of course. There was a fair point made, regarding robbers robbing law abiding traffic drivers. I just think, that people shouldn't be pulled over and robbed on the mid of daylight and an open street with good visibility. Same goes for pedestrians of course. There could always be someone observing and reporting it in, in theory. I love to drive according to law, sometimes I am looking for the "kick" (having a super car and other "toys") although, but never in the city and trying to drive not too life endangering for me. It's been a very long time, since I had to call a paramedic for a vehicle accident, but maybe, that's just me.
  9. Happy New Year you too everyone
  10. And now everyone: Happy New Year from me toooooย ๐Ÿค—ย ๐Ÿ˜˜

    1. The Terminator

      The Terminator

      Happy new year!



  11. People who have that PUBG mentality. "Loot it all" don't belong to a roleplay server. And when there's a faction/clan, who is doing it on purpose, should be completely removed from the server.
  12. I think it got fixed at a certain point.
  13. I guess these players want thrill and a quick success with little effort. There should be a point in improving the server for civilians and to make the civilian life fun. They added a lot for criminals. So the server as well, shifted more into the criminal direction. They added stuff for PD and MD in response as well. But the community wanted it (back then) and I don't really mind. Non government, civilian jobs are a shore and you are always alone and there should be an actual way, in requesting goods from companies or players and then players would have to fullfill deliveries and receive money for it, for example. So these players are not left out as well, who play a civilian part and get some interaction as well. Not everyone is creative enough, not everyone is smart enough, not everyone wants to be a "good person". That's the subconscious feeling, I have from the server, if I look on the overall community.
  14. Maybe two way identification via the Google Authenticator has something to do with it?
  15. I am glad, that my IC (or OOC for that matter) isn't called "stephine" LOL Cheers Andor
  16. Hey there! The Quiz was a lot easier back then, in just answering roleplay rules and server rules back then. We then had a huge growth in players, but who didn't know to roleplay and broke rules constantly or didn't even speak English, in a sense, that they could have understood English written rules at all. So it's a good thing, that they improved the "Quiz" greatly and that applications are now manually processed by the staff team. I wish you good luck, never the less. Cheers, Stef
  17. This seems to be an issue for some people now (a friend of mine, who is part of the staff, has this issue as well). @Osvaldon @NobodyLTU
  18. Hey there you two I wish you both Merry Christmas and I hope you can enjoy your stay here. Life is dangerous in Los Santos, so be careful out there. Greetings, Stef
  19. My username would be: Commander783 I also received my E-Mails from 2017, but I don't know, why it doesn't work anymore.
  20. Hello there, since the 24th of December, I am not able to login anymore and I tried to send me an verification e-mail to my e-mail account on https://outlook.live.com/ . I haven't received anyone yet, although it always worked. I tried multiple settings with my E-Mail Account, but nothing worked so far. I am looking forward to your help, thanks. Greetings, Stef
  21. Merry Christmas everyone!ย ๐ŸŽ„ย ๐ŸŽ…ย ๐ŸŽย โ™ฅ๏ธ

    1. The Terminator

      The Terminator

      Merry Christmas to you too โค๏ธ


  22. Our IC bickering was fun, sadly that the topic got removed (Dominator GTX).ย ๐Ÿ˜ž

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Denni


      I was being sarcastic ;). But what character was I responding with? Muahahaha.ย 

    3. Commander783



      Merry Christmasย ๐ŸŽ„ย ๐ŸŽ…ย ๐Ÿ˜˜

    4. Denni


      Merry Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. "Yukki Huth"? Another "Huth"? Blasphemy.ย ๐Ÿ˜…

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