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About Juholin

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  1. Is there a way out of this sex dungeon? 

  2. Fixes hole in sink very good


  3. -1 Cant see this increasing player count.
  4. Thats why i did this post :/. I would like to see those jeans added in rage when it comes out. And its more likely them to add stuff now if they are redoing the clothing stuff.
  5. Would like to see new clothing options for male characters in bottoms. In my opinion fitted and slim fit jeans should be added. https://youtu.be/Va7fQx5O8-8?t=4m46s
  6. +1 Over powered cruisers forces criminals to "fail rp" by lag pitting cause they cant lose them on straight with super cars. I think cruisers should represent something like dominator or buffalo speed and handling wise.
  7. Juholin

    Phone booths

    +1 This would be good add to server to also help new players to call taxi and etc. I find it myself annoying when i get robbed and killed and spawn at random hospital and there isnt way to call taxi and i have to run between atm and general store to get myself a new battery
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 17.12 16.00 gmt +2 Character name: James Wood Issue/bug you are reporting: I have 3 parking slots house in vinewood and the door is so far away from the garage doors that i have to drive my car upstairs everytime i want to park it . if i upgrade suspension or buy a lower car in future i might not be even able to park it Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://gyazo.com/bad9df1d35a3cdc4f8e7e46463b9d281 I have to drive it up few steps to get it in the radius, i would like to radius increased so much that i can park thee cars on row in front of the garage doors Location of my house: https://gyazo.com/8c7e19cafc8cf0a0e4144a1169c18f76 ignore the cursor it is at the waypoint and my character location
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