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Posts posted by Pazz

  1. Extended property inactivity
    An extended time before a property (be it a house, business etc.) is deemed inactive and auctioned off. Shouldn't be too big of a difference. Maybe a week or two.

    (Bare in mind that my two suggestions are things that I've seen in place on other communities et cetera. that I think could work on Eclipse)

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  2. Pets for VIPs or maybe even Donators
    I'm not sure why they were never added back to the server, I know other servers on Rage that have pets for i.e. a monthly fee of donation points, maybe that's an idea. The restriction would make it so that not everyone has a pet, reducing the impact it has on the server as well.

    (Bare in mind that my two suggestions are things that I've seen in place on other communities et cetera. that I think could work on Eclipse)

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  3. On 2/7/2019 at 11:04 AM, Randyrandul said:

    Good idea, I'll draft something up today and with approval will be posted later today. 

    Unfortunately due to the way that the registration and licensing fees will change over time until we find a nice balance. Making a post with figures on would just be outdated almost instantly. Even if this wasn't the case the commissioners have decided they don't wish the figures to be public knowledge at this time.

    Thank you for your answers. I know you stated that you would draft something up, I'm not sure if you were planning on including what happens to businesses that are not registered. From my understanding, they are not allowed to be operated unless they are officially registered with City Hall, but as operated is definitely not the same as owned, they would remain owned by the same person, and not taken away. Is this true? Or am I wrong? If so, what does happen to businesses that don't get registered? 

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  4. I'd like to see a public post containing information and listing all fees for the registration of businesses and licenses, it's something that I feel like should've been created before pushing City Hall and business registration as a whole. I don't think the registration being a thing now is a bad thing, I just think a public document with the fees is of importance so that us business owners know what to expect.

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    Name: Elena Blake
    Nationality: American
    Date of Birth: 12/DEC/1989
    Gender: Female
    Hair color: Naturally Brunette
    Eye color: Brown
    Language(s): English & Spanish



    Employer: A3jXw5c.png Los Santos Police Department
    Occupation: Law Enforcement Officer
    Rank: iZ7KaVE.pngiZ7KaVE.pngiZ7KaVE.png Assistant Chief of Police



    Elena Blake, daughter to Grayson Blake and Samantha Flores, was born on the 12th of December, 1989. Originally from the United Kingdom, her father had decided to make the move to the United States as the result of a career change, honorably resigning from his position as a Detective Inspector of the Major Crime Section within his local police department's Criminal Investigation Division to become a public defense attorney in the state of San Andreas, located directly in Los Santos. Whilst he had a rough start, being that he had only just moved across the ocean, his past knowledge of the law due to his already present knowledge of the law in combination with the years worth of knowledge and experience that he had gained as a Detective Inspector in the field assisted him greatly in adjusting and slowly starting up his practice. 

    Her mother, on the other hand, has lived in the city of Los Santos her entire life, and thus far has no intentions of moving anywhere else but the city of angels. Her time in Los Santos was spent as a medical examiner, which in turn, was how she ended up meeting her future husband.

    During her youth and teenage years, Elena went to the Los Santos Elementary elementary school and the Davis High School. Contrary to the expectation of the majority of her family and her family's friends due to the positions held by her parents, she didn't bat much of an eye throughout high school. This, however, was not because she didn't care - frankly, there were no classes that were either job-oriented or even remotely interested her at all. Despite this, she did put as much effort in as she could possibly bring herself to put in so that she could, after graduating from high school, enroll in a Criminology study at either a prominent college or a university.

    Fortunately enough for her, after her graduation, she applied and was accepted into the University of San Andreas, Los Santos. Here, she took enrolled in a course that took roughly three years, eventually getting her Bachelor's degree in Criminology. With the opportunity presented to her to continue studying due to financial support from her family, as well as her young age, she continued studying and went on to graduate with a Master's degree in Criminology in the class of 2013.    Whilst studying, she took on a part-time job on the side at Burger Shot, with the intention of showing that whilst her family supported her financially, she also wanted to contribute, as well as begin saving money for the future. Elena was employed with Burger Shot for about five years, working her way up to the title of Shift Leader until she eventually, following her graduation, took her leave from the corporation, and with that, a gap year of no education or employment to find and develop herself as a person. 

    After roughly a year, she briefly moved to San Fierro to take on a new position as a Security Guard with Chuff Security Co. Whilst her employment with the company was brief, it greatly assisted her in the long-term with the experience she gained working as a security guard, allowing her to experience many if not all different kinds of people and learned how to properly handle and de-escalate (problematic) situations when necessary.

    Following her move back to Los Santos after leaving her job in San Fierro, she was looking to put her degree to use and to follow in the footsteps of her father. Elena tested her luck with an application to the Los Santos Police Department, which was quickly responded to stating that she had passed her initial screening process. As a result, two days later, Elena had her entry interview with Police Officer III Katherine Taylor of the Los Santos Police Department. Less than a day after conducting her interview, she was informed that her application to the department had been accepted and that she was now an applicant pending academy. Fast forward two days, and she is now a sworn law enforcement officer at the rank of Police Cadet at the start of the Field Training Program following her academy graduation. 

    Spending a good amount of time as a regular Patrol Officer, she decided that it was time for something new and exciting as she applied to the Special Weapons and Tactics Division of the Los Santos Police Department. Following a written examination and a try-out stage, she became one of the handpicked probationary operatives within the division, beginning her training as a member of the department's SWAT division. Eventually, she requested the written operative exam and sent it in, after which she was informed that she had passed the exam, receiving an internal promotion to the position of SWAT Operative. Elena went on to actively participate in several operations as a SWAT operative and a team leader in the field. 

    Once she had reached the rank of Police Officer III, however, a big change to her career occurred as she was accepted into the Los Santos Police Department's Investigations Bureau under Detective III Zachary Vaun. Detective Vaun introduced her to the Bureau, after which she was informed that she would have to resign from her position within the Special Weapons and Tactics Division that she had worked hard for, almost reaching the internal rank of SWAT Senior Operative. Whilst a tough decision, she did not hesitate to resign from SWAT, as she intended to pursue a career as a Police Detective. The start of her career was not flawless, as she had only scored a measly 30% on the Investigator Competency Test - however, Detective Vaun was quick to inform her that this meant nothing, as it was only used to determine what training she still needed moving forward. Upon Detective Vaun's resignation from the Los Santos Police Department, his successor, Detective III Travis McGregor, was appointed as the new Commanding Officer of the Investigations Bureau. Under Detective McGregor's leadership, Elena had progressed to the rank of Police Detective I and continued to work her way up through the ranks, eventually reaching the rank of Lieutenant, holding the position of Commanding Officer over both the Minor Crimes and Major Crimes divisions within the Investigations Bureau. 

    Following a revamp to the structure of the Investigations Bureau, Elena was promoted to the rank of Police Captain and appointed as the Commanding Officer of the Detective Support and Vice Division, as well as the Assistant Bureau Coordinator of the Investigations Bureau, assuming the callsign 3-WILLIAM-2. Further down the line, now Captain Travis McGregor made the heartfelt decision to resign from the Los Santos Police Department, resulting in Elena's promotion to the Bureau Coordinator of the Investigations Bureau, and subsequently her appointment as a Police Commander within the department's High Command team. 

    After a long period of time as an established High Command member, Chief of Police Samuel Osborn promoted Elena to the position of Deputy Chief of Police as the Director of the Office of Investigations, a prestigious position that she most certainly did not take for granted, as she had never expected to reach a position of this caliber. Her first term as a Deputy Chief, however, did not go entirely as planned, resulting in her unfortunate demotion to the position of Police Captain due to budget cuts within the Los Santos Police Department that affected the Office of Investigations due to its expenditure when compared to the results. Following the demotion, she set her eyes on once again obtaining her former position, and set out to achieve this goal, eventually doing so after working through the rank of Police Captain and Commander once more until promoted to Deputy Chief of Police by Chief of Police Mick Reefer for her second term as the Deputy Chief over the Office of Investigations.

    She had continued to serve the department as a police veteran and a loyal staff officer of the department's High Command team, dedicating her time and efforts to the Investigations Bureau and the department's Internal Affairs Division. Having served under several Chiefs of Police and Assistant Chiefs, she had built a good understanding of how the department worked and how to serve the department and its staff in a supporting capacity. Following Chief of Police Samuel Osborn's promotion to the Board of Commissioners, assuming the position of Government Commissioner, Assistant Chief Alex Donnelly was appointed as the new Chief of Police. Chief of Police Alex Donnelly subsequently worked together with Elena through the transition period on several areas in the department, after which he had announced to her that she was his candidate for the Assistant Chief position. A week and a half later, it was announced to the department and the general public that she was chosen by Chief Donnely and would be assuming the position of Assistant Chief of Police, overseeing the entire department and its staff next to Chief of Police Alex Donnelly.



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  6. For both I think you should have the option to have it reset, not be forced, I wouldn't want everyone's alias for me to reset if I adjust something minor in plastic surgery, or if my last name were to change due to something like a marriage. Unless, you mean aliases you've set reset?

  7. Sure, we can use the Rage direct connect button, if it functioned properly and wasn't limited to a one-time usage before having to restart the game client completely.

    I'm definitely all for a command that sends you back to the character selection screen.

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  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 31/DEC/2018, 2:13 AM UTC+1

    Character name: Elena_Blake

    Issue/bug you are reporting: 

    When pressing the inventory hotkey near a crate, presumably a crate from importing, the word which I assume has to be "temporary" is misspelled and is spelled as "temproary". Definitely not a priority, but I thought I'd report it anyway.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 


    To replicate, simply press "I" near any crate and it should say "temproary".

  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 30/DEC/2018 1:15 AM UTC+1

    Character name: Elena_Blake

    Issue/bug you are reporting: My Trophy Truck has been missing for a month or two, maybe three now. I've spoken to several administrators about it who informed me that they would speak to one of the founders to help me get it resolved, which it never got - which I fully understand, as it wasn't formally reported and therefore I didn't expect it to be resolved.

    It's not to be found in any of the houses that I have access to (neither owned or keys), it is not impounded, it is not in Mors and it is not on the map.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:  


    Vehicle license plate number*: SWN95QO2

  10. 16 minutes ago, Osvaldon said:

    I'll ask NBDY to work on the taxation system (he made the initial changes), as @Levi208 has correctly pointed out, a player shouldn't make significantly less money after reaching the next bracket and government employees shouldn't be discouraged to work legal jobs, because of the tax. There's also a problem with the base income, it's also cut and the remainder is taxed, but the base income was supposed to be part of the job salary, so it should have never been cut.

    In addition, Dwayne Smith has proposed a change to the tax system, so the tax is calculated based on your income, not total wealth. In other words, if you try to make significantly more money in a short period, you'll get taxed more, but if you're rich and your income is little, you will get taxed little.

    Thank you Osvaldon. Are there any ideas going around on what tax money will be used for (in the future), rather than just acting as a monkey sink and nothing more?

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