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Posts posted by Pazz

  1. The police already does prison escorts. They don't use a prison bus, but they use the police transporter escorted by several police cruisers over the freeway to the prison. Same effect really, as there's been people that have attempted to break them out.

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  2. +1

    Not even all UIs as I absolutely love the new house and ATM UI, but the new UI for things such as the clothing shops are horrible to navigate through. 
    Can be improved by doing simple things such as at least highlighting the clothing piece you're previewing.

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  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 8/9/2017 1:59 PM UTC+2

    Character name:  Ana_House

    Issue/bug you are reporting: When trying to get a custom license plate on this vehicle I got a clientside javascript error and it would put me back on the first page of the modview menu. This car doesn't belong to me but was in my ownership at the time as it was transfered to me so I could place the license plate, so in case you need the license plate you'll have to ask @Triple Seven

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 

    Simply try to place a custom license plate on your vehicle with credits.


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  4. The issue that I have with the implementation of automatically paid fines is that we already had police officers being murdered in cold blood because they pulled someone over and were maybe going to write out a ticket. Now with people knowing that they will have to pay fines automatically as soon as they get arrested.. how bad will it end up if we try to perform a regular traffic stop for something as innocent as a regular license check? 

    That would be the only reason why I would +1 this suggestion, however I also feel like automatically paid fines should be in place to crack down on the people that just say "**** the police because I ain't paying my tickets, I'll just get arrested after 3 days to get them removed from my record!"which makes no sense with the amount of things they would do to you in real life to make you pay them, which were previously mentioned so I will not mention them again.

    Maybe something could be set in place where instead of removing unpaid citations after 3 days when jailed, they can be automatically paid after 3 days and being jailed.


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  5. Date and time (provide timezone):  9/8/2017 12:52 AM UTC+2

    Character name: Ana_House

    Issue/bug you are reporting: If you receive a call from someone it'll say "Call from (your first name)" rather than the contact's name. Same thing with texts you receive.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 


    You can call someone or get a call / text from a person and it'll say your first name rather than the name you've given to the contact. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Daniel Grao said:

    The real deal is... Wich one is better ;:3


    The outline that InvalidSun has is more symmetrical than the one in your signature, making it better in my opinion. 
    Plus his font is clean and easy on the eye, so I personally prefer his but yours is still pretty good!

    • Upvote 1
  7. For the "unemployed/not working" requirement you need to do /quitjob, as you're currently still technically employed as a Trucker, meaning that you are not eligible for a welfare check.

    You cannot receive a welfare check whilst employed by Go Postal, the truckers HQ, or any other job that needs you to go "on duty". 

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  8. Just thought I'd chip in here for a minute, certain clothing stores do not offer shirts currently, and some tops also have no shirts available to wear underneath.
    One of the clothing stores that I know for sure has shirts is the one next to the barber shop near the Los Santos bank. 



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  9. 1 hour ago, Triple Seven said:

    But a reporter would also not walk onto an active police scene or if they would they wouldn't care about revealing their identity by showing their ID to police claiming they have no right to ask for it, because of course they do.

    I'm not completely sure where you're getting this from as I've never seen this happen nor has anyone ever told me our employees tell the police they "have no right to ask for it"? If it did happen, please enlighten me.

    • Upvote 1
  10. There was a lot of chases going on at the point of time of your call, and the officers you decided to have a go at inside of the police department happened to be cadets, who can not take out a car and patrol on their own, and therefore have to be around the police department or patrolling on foot. While I was reading through certain things on the government website I couldn't help but notice an angry individual yelling at cadets that were only there to attempt to help you. 

    They referred you to officer Bowman, who told you to calm down several times, which you did not do, to the point where I told you to stay calm if you wanted us to work with you on the situation, which you seemingly did as you went to talk with her in private.

    Now, about the gun license. I personally told you in-character to file a formal complaint on the government website which I gave you a link to, which this is in fact not. 
    Like I said in-game, if you feel like the officer has done you wrong you should file the complaint here: https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewforum.php?f=24


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  11. Just now, OsamaBigLag said:

    Okay, by reading this convo again, I have realised I have come off the wrong foot, I apologise about that. I didn't see at first that you are quoting SoloSmith. I would like to say that I have VIP but even if we had free adverts through script with WeaselNews I would never use it because I don't like how the adverts are done through WeaselNEws at the bottom left, its quite hard to spot and it doesn't stay as long as normal chat advert.

    This is only one of our two options, we have an option to broadcast through chat (which is the cheapest option), and the option to broadcast through the message on the bottom left.

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  12. 2 hours ago, OsamaBigLag said:

    I don't suggest the usage of the longer vnn ads, gt-mp chat has a fixed amount of char and there are sometimes cases when you run out of characters that you can type. With "Sponsored tweet" I am sure we would hit gt-mp limit.

    The names can be changed and don't have to be tweet related, the main idea here is to change the name to something more ICly in general.

    • Upvote 1
  13. $1,125,000 - James_Margolis


    This bid is retracted and so are the others basically, as I bid on a gas station when I was outbid but got screwed over when Bandar retracted his bid as I couldn't afford them anymore due to the gas station.

    • Upvote 1
  14. We all know that the announcements we get to use as VIPs or Donators are strictly IC, meaning that you can use them as advertisements as businesses, personal plugs to sell your vehicle etc. Now, what I’ve been thinking about is this; we are supposed to stick with IC and IC alone, yet the announcements are called.. “VIP Announcement” and “Donator”?

    What I’ve come up with is a rather simple rename/recolor of those two announcements to a simple thing such as “tweets” to make it feel more ICly. I thought of this because Twitter has a system in place where there is regular tweets and promoted tweets which are paid for so that there is still a slight difference between the VIP and Donator announcements. It would be a bit like the following:

    [VIP Announcement] John_Doe: (Message here)[Tweet] John_Doe: (Message here)

    [Donator] John_Doe: (Message here)[Sponsored Tweet] John_Doe: (Message here)

    Now I’m not sure how much work this would be, but I’m sure that even the smallest things such as this could make everything just a bit more roleplay-like, making it seem more like an IC thing.

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