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Posts posted by Pazz

  1. hXTuSIn.png

    An individual called the 911 central dispatch, notifying them of an on-going situation at the bank; an individual was [supposedly] being kidnapped by the well-known not-so-friendly neighborhood psychopath & known troublemaker, Karen White. Upon arrival, the police officers quickly located Ms. White and took her into custody pending the investigation. Following the questioning of the victim and the reviewing of footage provided by the taxi driver's dash- and body cam, Karen White was arrested for attempted Grand Theft Auto, Vandalism & Trespassing, all of which were crimes committed against the Downtown Cab Company.



    Spotted by a police officer with the vision of an eagle, a muscle car with two occupants was pulled over. The initiating officer requested back-up and units swiftly responded to his request, as a heavy, illegal weapon as involved - a pump shotgun. The traffic stop turned into a felony stop as the driver and passenger were taken into custody immediately. After a brief investigation, the driver was taken in and the passenger was let go.



    Responding to a call made for the medical department due to the unavailability of medical units at that point in time, Deputy Chief Elena Blake and Police Officer Elise de la Croix arrived on the scene of a traffic accident with one individual who was declared dead on arrival shortly after. The original caller was nowhere to be found, despite the call stating that his friend got hurt, badly. A coroner was quickly called and dispatched to the location to take care of the lifeless body correctly and respectfully.



    Police Detective III Alex Keller found a Stockade of which the person who had signed the truck out of the garage of Gruppe6 had unpaid citations on his record which were overdue. A felony stop was initiated and units responded hastily. The driver was ordered out of the vehicle and to step back towards the sound of Detective Keller's voice.



    The driver of the vehicle, who was later confirmed to be the individual with outstanding citations, was identified as Jamal Abungalo. He was fully compliant for the whole duration of the felony stop, arresting procedure and processing. 



    The only downside for Mr. Abungalo was the fact that he was carrying a firearm that he did not have a valid license for - the firearm in question was an SNS Pistol. The serial number of the firearm also came back to another owner, who Mr. Abungalo claimed to be his friend who had given him the firearm as he was "tired of seein' a lil' [REDACTED] getting robbed". The firearm was sealed up in an evidence bag and taken to the station to be destroyed.



    Deputy Chief Elena Blake and Police Officer Elise de la Croix pulled an individual wearing a grey flat cap over, as his name rang a bell with the both of them - his name was on the list of individuals with active warrants that needed serving. He was asked to step out of the vehicle as he was explained what was happening and the reasoning behind it. He understood, albeit with a little confusion, and complied. He was taken to Mission Row to spend a night in the holding cell for Reckless Operation.



    Spotted by Deputy Chief Elena Blake, an individual with an outstanding warrant for his arrest for three (3) counts of Reckless Operation and one (1) count of Felony Evading was seen at the high-end car market. This, however, is something she hadn't realized until she took a list at the warrant list - which was done after leaving the high-end market. She quickly returned to the market, but to no avail, he was gone. The next hour was spent driving around the city and multiple "hot zones" until he was found at the Los Santos Customs mechanic garage. Deputy Chief Elena Blake and Police Officer De la Croix parked their unmarked cruiser in a parking spot across the ledge the mechanics stand on to keep an eye on the individual until a mechanic could be heard shouting: "Can I help you with anything, Officers?", which forced the two to engage as they were spotted. The wanted individual, identified as Frenky Corneli, got away. Fortunately enough for the duo, he decided to return to the same location. They quickly called back-up, which arrived right on time. Both entrances were simultaneously blocked by Vapid Police Interceptors with multiple units entering the vicinity. He attempted to escape but was apprehended almost immediately. Narcotics were found in his vehicle as he was taken away to Bolingbroke Penitentiary. 

    • Like 7
  2. Chapter VI




    An individual called the 911 central dispatch, notifying them of an on-going situation at the bank; an individual was [supposedly] being kidnapped by the well-known not-so-friendly neighborhood psychopath & known troublemaker, Karen White. Upon arrival, the police officers quickly located Ms. White and took her into custody pending the investigation. Following the questioning of the victim and the reviewing of footage provided by the taxi driver's dash- and body cam, Karen White was arrested for attempted Grand Theft Auto, Vandalism & Trespassing, all of which were crimes committed against the Downtown Cab Company.



    Spotted by a police officer with the vision of an eagle, a muscle car with two occupants was pulled over. The initiating officer requested back-up and units swiftly responded to his request, as a heavy, illegal weapon as involved - a pump shotgun. The traffic stop turned into a felony stop as the driver and passenger were taken into custody immediately. After a brief investigation, the driver was taken in and the passenger was let go.



    Responding to a call made for the medical department due to the unavailability of medical units at that point in time, Deputy Chief Elena Blake and Police Officer Elise de la Croix arrived on the scene of a traffic accident with one individual who was declared dead on arrival shortly after. The original caller was nowhere to be found, despite the call stating that his friend got hurt, badly. A coroner was quickly called and dispatched to the location to take care of the lifeless body correctly and respectfully.



    Police Detective III Alex Keller found a Stockade of which the person who had signed the truck out of the garage of Gruppe6 had unpaid citations on his record which were overdue. A felony stop was initiated and units responded hastily. The driver was ordered out of the vehicle and to step back towards the sound of Detective Keller's voice.



    The driver of the vehicle, who was later confirmed to be the individual with outstanding citations, was identified as Jamal Abungalo. He was fully compliant for the whole duration of the felony stop, arresting procedure and processing. 



    The only downside for Mr. Abungalo was the fact that he was carrying a firearm that he did not have a valid license for - the firearm in question was an SNS Pistol. The serial number of the firearm also came back to another owner, who Mr. Abungalo claimed to be his friend who had given him the firearm as he was "tired of seein' a lil' [REDACTED] getting robbed". The firearm was sealed up in an evidence bag and taken to the station to be destroyed.



    Deputy Chief Elena Blake and Police Officer Elise de la Croix pulled an individual wearing a grey flat cap over, as his name rang a bell with the both of them - his name was on the list of individuals with active warrants that needed serving. He was asked to step out of the vehicle as he was explained what was happening and the reasoning behind it. He understood, albeit with a little confusion, and complied. He was taken to Mission Row to spend a night in the holding cell for Reckless Operation.



    Spotted by Deputy Chief Elena Blake, an individual with an outstanding warrant for his arrest for three (3) counts of Reckless Operation and one (1) count of Felony Evading was seen at the high-end car market. This, however, is something she hadn't realized until she took a list at the warrant list - which was done after leaving the high-end market. She quickly returned to the market, but to no avail, he was gone. The next hour was spent driving around the city and multiple "hot zones" until he was found at the Los Santos Customs mechanic garage. Deputy Chief Elena Blake and Police Officer De la Croix parked their unmarked cruiser in a parking spot across the ledge the mechanics stand on to keep an eye on the individual until a mechanic could be heard shouting: "Can I help you with anything, Officers?", which forced the two to engage as they were spotted. The wanted individual, identified as Frenky Corneli, got away. Fortunately enough for the duo, he decided to return to the same location. They quickly called back-up, which arrived right on time. Both entrances were simultaneously blocked by Vapid Police Interceptors with multiple units entering the vicinity. He attempted to escape but was apprehended almost immediately. Narcotics were found in his vehicle as he was taken away to Bolingbroke Penitentiary.MquRxXy.png



    • Like 9
  3. Even the tops that do have undershirts right now lack in options severely because there's only a set amount of them available, even though there are many, many more undershirts that can be added and I really don't see why that wouldn't be able to be done (the selection's basically been the same since 2017, give or take one or two undershirts maybe).

  4. I like the suggestion, I believe it could make the legend when in the map more clean and less cluttered. The only proposed idea I disagree with is the renaming of all script jobs, because whilst I do agree that new players should discover these on their own, I believe they need to be separated to make it more (new) player friendly so that they can start the process of exploring and discovering these jobs on their own.

    • Like 2
  5. Yeah, if you dodge a taser shot you're going to have the officer or second officer take another attempt.

    Having a non-lethal weapon such as the taser offers more RP opportunities than taking it away from the police does, but that is only if you take the chance to, you know, roleplay it. I don't see how a post like this could arise when the "taser spam" is actually necessary, because the majority of people (with the exception of an individual here and there looking to roleplay the effects) simply stands up and continues to run without a single emote. How is that not an issue with realism and non-RP you deemed worth bringing up, but this is?

  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 06/DEC/2019, 2:28 PM UTC

    Character name: Elena_Blake

    Issue/bug you are reporting: One of the newly introduced sport cars (or I guess compacts, based on vehicle dealership categories), the 8F Drafter, shows up on the panel as "Not found", whereas other cars like the Neon have their name displayed just fine.

    I've also asked someone I sold an 8F Drafter too last night - it also shows like this on his game panel.

    Expected behavior: It'd show the name of the vehicle accordingly.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 


    Vehicle license plate number*: UC3L51XR

  7. +1, we honestly need more vehicles. The last year if not longer the only changes made to the selection of vehicles available to players have been removing vehicles from the selection with no vehicles to replace the empty spaces left behind. I remember the hype when as much as a single new vehicle was added, and the change it made to the variety of vehicles you would see in-game (at least for a little while, since cars that were added before didn't add much at the time or weren't really viable with people's play styles).

  8. +1, though gun stores can obviously already appoint assistants, whereas all the other businesses cannot (suggestion #1).

    I've previously made a suggestion similar to suggestion #6 previously:

    Whilst it's not about being able to look into the bag, it's a simple concept that allows you to just.. stash a bag that you're holding, since you shouldn't all of the sudden become unable to stash a bag just because it's in your hands as opposed to on your back.

    • Like 1
  9. +1, shouldn't be too hard to implement either, gloves are based on the torso that someone uses, meaning that if they added a torso selection to the clothing store it'd pretty much be solved, though I'm not sure if it's a smart idea to do exactly that given the "creations" I've seen with the current options in the clothing store.

  10. A year after my resignation as the owner of the workshop, I was offered to return as a supervisor and took up this opportunity - with that, I got to work with you, and was introduced to your cheerful, friendly and yet fair methods of working. You've most definitely got my full support. I have the utmost faith that when you do get appointed as the new owner of the workshop, you'll carry the workshop and its employees towards a bright future.

    ~ Ana West

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, OBESE said:

    Never used the command and am not aware of what exactly it does and stands for. Could anyone explain the exact meaning of this command and purpose, to see why this suggestion request exists?

    The only purpose it serves at this point in time is to push out an /ame stating "starts thinking about erp".

  12. I couldn't agree more, I thought it was an actual meme when it was brought up (that goes for both commands that were added really, I don't think /cuthair being something you can do to others willingly once their hands are up is all that good for the roleplay quality either, but I'll leave that aside for the sake of the thread's focus), up until the point that it was actually added to the server.

  13. I'm not sure if an individual representing a vehicle dealership has shed light on how and what, but I don't believe one has. 

    I can guarantee that I'm not only speaking for myself as the owner of the AutoRepairs dealership, but also for other dealership owners when I say that we try to pay a good and fair fee for the effort the truckers put into the deliveries of our vehicles, however, the amount we can offer is rather limited unless the vehicles are in the higher price ranges. Often, when ordering a vehicle such as a Warrener, I have no choice but to restrict my pay to truckers to a mere $1000, as the import price set by the state and the fee paid to the truck driver delivering the vehicle total up to my current asking price of $10400, give or take a few hundred dollars.

    Now, whilst admittedly dealerships in the city could most likely spare a few hundred dollars more, the dealerships which are in the outskirts of the city, or even in Sandy Shores or Paleto Bay spend that amount of money on the fuel getting to their dealership to place the order and back, meaning that there is no profit at all if the fee paid to the truckers is raised.

    The only time when we can offer a bigger fee to the truckers without cutting into the couple hundred dollars we make is when a high-priced vehicle is ordered, such as a vehicle in the sports class.


    • Like 1
  14. So, with the most recent update, it's become extremely hard to move around items in a stash when you rely on the usage of bags, which we all have to in the end because the way the house inventory works, you are restricted to 24 inventory squares with a total of 500 volume - it'd be great that if not all volume is utilized, we could get an additional row of slots, but that's beside the point of this suggestion.

    Bags have become bigger due to items like pistols changing from 1 volume to 10 volume (without ammo), meaning that instead of one bag now you might need two. Then, to stash all of these bags you need to drop everything else you were holding to pick it up with "O" to move it into the inventory - whilst carrying it with "P" is also an option, though this option wouldn't allow you to place it in the house stash.

    What I would suggest is that when you are carrying an item like a bag, it would give you an additional inventory slot to the left (or the right, or wherever, developer discretion) with the bag you are carrying so you can place it into the stash. It doesn't make much sense to me that you can't stash a bag you hold with your hands but can stash one on your back. It'd look something like this:


    Now obviously my paint skills aren't the best, but I'm sure it gets the point across. It'd make it a lot easier to move bags around with the current volume of items. It'll still mean that you can't carry as much as you used to so it won't ruin the purpose of the most recent update, but it will help to bring back the smoothness the inventory initially had.

    • Like 3
  15. 42 minutes ago, MildsHawk said:

    @Gabriel_Fallen Or we might suggest dev stuff for this, i've seen fivem servers been coding the gun bullets going random up and down and left right. it might be good idea to have a risk of shooting instead of having a GTA-V based straight bullets.

    I don't believe the direction of fired bullets will change, but with the next update, as far as I know, there will be recoil added for all weapons, which is one step closer to achieving what you've mentioned.

    • Like 1
  16. 10 hours ago, Xoza said:

    What about like below?

    • /phone > *animation phone out and phone pops up*
    • /call <number> > *animation phone to ear* (only operational when the /phone is out)
    • /sms <number> > sends message (only operational when /phone is out)
    • /note <text> > Creates new note. (only operational when /phone is out)
    • /pwr or /power > turns phone on/off

    Yes, this way it could even be a requirement to toggle /phone prior to being able to use any of the other text commands (except for turning the phone on/off), no longer relying on the UI phone.

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