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Everything posted by GiorgosK

  1. try updating your drivers with clean instalation if you have nvidia
  2. Hello . RX 580 has temp problems i use the same card for eclipse . This is the temp with full graphics and fan duty on 100% http://prntscr.com/p5b80u imagine now playing 10-15 mins with fan on 25-40% (fan default settings sucks) download an overclock program and make the fan spin faster when it reached 60C 65C and 70C max speed . Screen goes black and sometimes windows cant recover the card and the pc needs to be restarted , Keep you graphics card cool with more fans there is nothing else you can do! http://prntscr.com/p5bb43
  3. i would like to agree with @Hazel agreeing with @Serthon , +1
  4. @Flucifial managed to resolve this problem with the provided admin commands they have. You can tp some feet under of the actual place the furniture was first placed and then unload it (with I ) and then remove it /removefurniture .
  5. If you want to pay next time ask the driver to drive you to an atm and tip him the money
  6. Keep the maps and the gps devices BUT add /phonegps it will give you access to a gps app and drain your battery faster . (example full discharge of the battery should be 2-3 hours while using the gps service ) This will affect also /phone if you have to use /phonegps your phone must be open .
  7. Keep in mind that the rage mp and eclipse server running so many scripts behind them to make your gameplay possible. I had the same cpu and the gameplay was horrible . Finally upgraded to ryzen 2600 and fixed everything
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 25/3/2019 Character name: Giorgos_Kintis Issue/bug you are reporting: map glitch you can fall in Expected behavior: Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Vehicle license plate number*:
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