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Everything posted by Kai

  1. So you're saying it's fine for Europe to connect to US servers, but... you don't want the US to have to connect to EU? Oh.. okay yeah I see what... you're saying now... wait no?
  2. Saying people should just leave the server or start over completely is not constructive and does not solve the problem.
  3. Just stop commenting if you're going to make such silly suggestions. This is a suggestion board, not for you to keep arguing here.
  4. I would agree with anything that is reasonable, but an extra hour per 5k is maybe a bit too much - for example, my friend with 600k tickets would have to sit in prison for 120 hours, that may be a bit much - however they are in the extreme and I hope there are not many people with that amount. I would agree with your suggestion if there were to be a limit such as 48 hours max
  5. The fact that they do want to get rid of the tickets and drive normally, proves that they do care about the RP. They want to go back to following the speed limits but they have no way to do so without constantly being wanted by police and sent to prison all the time. This is our point here.
  6. It's mostly because new players aren't aware how damaging it is to just not pay them, and therefore they rapidly increase because if they aren't going to pay them, they just don't care about speeding anymore. As mentioned in my last post (the one after yours, I'm not saying you should have seen it) - my friend has 600k in tickets and he is still pretty new. He has now learned how damaging it is, and wants to return to driving legally, but with no system to return to that point - there's no point working so hard to pay them back.
  7. No because in real life, that isn't how community service works dude... if you did any research you'd know. They are often given a set amount of time required for community service - they do not just do a job and get money from it which then goes to their fines... that's not how it works. What happens is that they are given a set specific amount of time, and it is not related directly to how many tickets they may have. A person would not be expected to work community service for the rest of their life because it is not fair. I literally met someone today with 600k in tickets, you think it's for them to sit around doing money transporter jobs for SO many hours? No. This is why we are suggesting a more suitable solution. If you are going to continue to use real life comparisons, please make sure they apply correctly.
  8. Yes but the current jobs aren't enough to get that amount of money... and so people quit. Are you completely oblivious to the problem we are discussing?
  9. E.x.a.c.t.l.y.... if you can't pay them, there's a system such as community hours. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE ASKING FOR. xD
  10. Just like there should be an IC and RP way to pay tickets rather than only a ticket system which was implemented primarily to stop people breaking OOC rules and overly speeding near NCZ.
  11. Whilst you're trying to make a point, you're incorrect in that there are corrupt officers and unfortunate coincidences. I went to prison only yesterday because I happened to be near a gunfight as I ran towards an officer to tell them someone was shooting. This is irrelevant however, so please stay on topic.
  12. Yes but what if it is not your fault? What if you're being chased by criminals so you had to speed a little - and now you're planted with severe jail time? Maybe they add on extra charges because of what the other criminals did? You need to think of this logically, and not as a 'get out of jail free' card but a solution to a genuine problem. This mostly affects newer players that don't understand the system until it is too late, because there is no real context given, not to mention that many players are simply telling people not to pay them - then they don't realise the truth till it is too late.
  13. This is pretty much what I said yeah. There would need to be some kind of a limit to avoid near permanent jail time.
  14. Very shortsighted. That's like saying if you don't want to go to prison don't commit crime. There are other factors in play.
  15. In game time - it's just an example but a number I could support. It allows them to still RP, plus personally I love prison RP so although they're still being severely punished, they are less likely to quit the server.
  16. Yeah that's what we're saying - the alternative punishment should still be severe. That way they are still being punished, and will have to sit in prison and RP there for a considerable amount of time - but it wipes their tickets. So they could be in prison for up to 24 hours playtime depending on how many tickets they have. I certainly would not want to be in prison for that long, so it would stop me and others from speeding, but still gives a way out for those with no other choice.
  17. If you had really been reading this thread, you'll know the answer to that. I'm not repeating it.
  18. Players are often not made aware about how the system works until it is too late. It should be made more clear to new players. I have met countless with hundreds of thousands in tickets. I am not saying this should be an easy solution, but there should be one where it is possible to wipe it. Not necessarily something you would want to do often at all - and therefore not simply a way to speed and not be paying tickets - but a way for a player to start over in terms of tickets where they can then go forward following the speed limits. I had a large amount of tickets and I had to name change in order for it to be worth going back to following the speed limit, because why bother if you can't afford the tickets you already have? So now I changed my name, reset my tickets and I do not speed at all. Again, this is not a way to speed all the time and reset constantly, but I am suggestion a possible way for people to reset just like I did, and then follow the speed limits, just like I am. People should not have to spend real life money for a name change just for this. You can only change your name once before having to spend credits and many people have used them up already.
  19. Kai

    Add tazer

    -1 but with notes. It will be abused and I feel that it can only go down a negative road with very few positives. If you're in danger and therefore in need of a taser, chances are there's a gun aimed at you and you cannot use the taser anyway... If for whatever reason this was implemented, even if I think it shouldn't, it should be a far lower stun period. Police often use stronger tasers and it does not make sense for every Tom, Dick and Harry to be running around with them. Furthermore, if there is a lower stun time - it may make them less effective and therefore not worth the time it would take it implement a secondary version of the taser available to civilians and so not worth it.
  20. No matter where you place the servers, some places are worse off than others. That does not justify affecting so many people across Europe. Those players who live in AU/NZ do not benefit that much from a US server over EU, and therefore it is not worth the massive effort it takes to transfer everything to new hosts and new locations. The primary player base on here is EU - you want a US server? Go find one. Again, massive -1.
  21. Massive -1. You can't just colour the UK as if the rest of Europe doesn't speak English. Whilst there are plenty of NA players, there are also many across the whole of Europe. US players do not find it that hard to just play in a server hosted in Western Europe.
  22. A player should not overtly be punished for not doing this, and a player should not be expected to. If cruise control is on, it should be on. This is exactly my point, and anyone who bring the whole 'speeding in an NCZ is breaking an OOC rule so tough shit' should read this.
  23. Yeah that's what I said originally too. There are many people wanting to go back to driving slowly - but there is just no way to go back to no tickets, so they're stuck in a spiral.
  24. As I said.... people assume that there'd be a realistic way that every new player is not completely fucked for the rest of their time on the server because they didn't realise the issue fast enough. Once again, people expect there to be a better way to wipe tickets. My friend had the same issue. Worked up a shit load of tickets, had to name change to wipe them because once he realised how damaging they are - he had no choice.
  25. If you read my responses I have explained this already. New players understand they are a deterrent but most people assume they will wipe after prison or they'll be able to avoid them.
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