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forgonesoul last won the day on December 17 2018

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About forgonesoul

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  1. I honestly do not care anymore. To go and silence me on discord for "indirect advertising" which what I said does not even fall under the definition of it, says a lot about the integrity of the server and some of the staff. I just find it awfully funny that I am being punished for literally pointing out something concerning. Ban appeals do not work as is shown with the 2 pages of appeals and some of which are now entering two months old. like, that's pretty bad. I'd understand at least 2-3 weeks, but damn near almost 2 months old? pfft. I'm leaving this community. After this morning, I've lost all hope for this server and also some of the community members.
  2. Indirectly advertising... *rolls eyes* I was making a point at how one guy was able to do EVERYTHING that eclipse took 3 years to do in 2 days which with 3 guys as DEVS is HIGHLY CONCERNING. And indirect advertising? How can you advertise with out giving any INFORMATION on what it is? How is that advertising? All I am saying is, to advertise, you'd have to give INFORMATION about what ever it is you are advertising. All I did was say one guy did what 3 devs took 3 years to do in two days.
  3. I didn't advert nor did I give out any names. Nor did I rampage. The ones who rampaged were Jay and Juliet. I calmly mentioned a few things that I have observed. I've been with eclipse for almost 3 years now. Trying to silence me for literally saying how 1 guy was able to make an entire server, scripted, and have things for both criminals and civs to do constantly in under 2 days while we have 3 devs here and barely anything gets done is something that bothers me dearly. If I had advertised, I'd of said the name of and or platform of which said server was on. So please tell me again, why I was banned from the discord?
  4. So.. Apparently I was banned from the discord.. but for what? voicing an opinion which is true? Am I being silenced for observing and pointing out problems? Going back to a previous thread, players are being silenced. Which is pretty true. Suggestions and solutions are made but ignored. so like.. Why am I not able to voice my thoughts and concerns?
  5. People do this and still get robbed. I can't even go 10 minutes with out being robbed just driving around. What rp is there when all it is, is people robbing one another all the time? This whole robbing thing has been going on for well over a year now. For the people I try to rp with.. wait.. I am not able to as I am being robbed all the time and our actual role-play is stopped due to an over large number is people robbing everyone. Over the last two years, criminal activities have been developed while anything for non criminals/non-faction workers have not been developed or touched. I no longer view Eclipse as a Role-Play server. It's just cops and robbers glorified. I agree with the OP in the area of, all these people robbing everyone can drive away new players. Hell, it's even starting to drive away some of the older players too. I can't even progress cause of the consistent robbing. I actually rely on welfare now to even make cash, and all that gets slammed into constantly repairing my vehicles, parking them, and buying fuel to try and make money without being lazy. I rather not join the bandwagon as I hate taking things from others that they sank time into. My favorite robbery of today was being told I was the bad guy while at gun point being robbed. Like what kind of mentality is that? There used to be a time where people actually helped each other. Now it's just a mass of mindless robberies being viewed as "Role Play". Its not enjoyable nor is it very much of an experience when all that there is to it is, "Get out of the car or we'll shoot" or, "Hands up, this is rob" with forced /do's. ~Edited to fix a spelling error
  6. No no, not saying I as a new player am getting robbed. I am saying, new players who are robbing others are also not able to get robbed due to the rule not allowing you to rob them.
  7. So I recently ran into an issue with "New player(s)" robbing others. I myself almost was robbed by one of them. Upon asking an admin about new players robbing or if they had to wait, I was told they could but not vice versa. Which leads me to this. Whats stopping me from creating a new character specifically to rob other players with out having the worry of getting robbed while the "New Player" tag is still active? I suggest that a rule change should be made that does not allow for "New Players" to rob others until the tag is gone, or just completely removing that rule entirely as its rather contradicting that it is allowed. What are your (The community) thoughts on this?

  9. Kade A. Winter, born on 10/15/1987, is a 32 year old mechanic who enjoys tennis, adventures, action movies, and camping. He is determined and kind, but can also be distant and a bit sadistic. He is American who defines himself as straight. Currently, he is single and has a soft spot for bad girls. He has a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice, Corrections and a Masters Degree in Biology. From the age of 18, Kade enlisted into the military, becoming a Navy Seal at the age of 20. His Seal team executed special op's missions, bringing down terrorist, drug lords, and infiltrating a regime planning on nuclear warfare. After serving for 6 years, Kade completed his Seal contract. Physically, Kade is in pretty good shape. In his spare time, Kade enjoys running, climbing, and a relaxing walk now and then. He grew up with his brothers, Jason and Jade. After the death of both his parents, he teamed up with Jason, running a small repair shop in Liberty City. After a run in with a gang, both Jason and Kade decided to go separate ways, one moving to Los Santos, the other, Vice City. Recently moving from Vice City to Los Santos, Kade is looking for work in either the Medical or Law Enforcement field.
  10. That would be something to take up with the dev team.
  11. There is a parking lot at the park near MD. 500$ to park it. It's either that or park your car in a garage if you have a home. Otherwise, no matter where you leave your vehicle, if someone has easy access to it, regardless of NCZ, it can and will get stolen. There is one. Press k to lock and unlock your cars. However people can lock pick them with lock picks found in general stores. Be smart where you leave your vehicles and the odd's of them being stolen are decreased.
  12. I just use my speakers. I have no mic/headset. My speakers are plugged in via 3.5mm. I've been thinking it could be the lack of mic detection that would cause me to not have any luck with hearing voice, but I am not so sure. Harvey brought up to me that it could be my ping, but I have seen others with ping twice as high as mine be able to hear voice. So I am really at a loss here lol
  13. I say that instead of taking away a valuable command, that us old timers in the community take the time to help teach the new members which would require patience. I my self have stopped using the /admin 3 and 4 command when I see rule breaking and rather I try to teach them about the wrong doings and how to properly go about do certain RP. Not everyone comes from a decent history of RP and some are quite new to it. Take me for example, back in 2017 of April, I joined the server. This was my first ever RP server and really my first ever RP experience. I too was a little sh** and broke a few rules because I still had the GTA V online mindset of doing f**k all and being an idiot. instead of fighting or arguing with said party members, try to teach them as the rp goes along with /b.
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