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The Great Hunt: Finding Bigfoot

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The aim for this event is to be a week long event, including roleplaying opportunities for members of LEO Entities (Law Enforcement), Players, and Weazel News and will allow staff members to interact with the community on an IC and OOC level in a fun, refreshing, and immersive event environment. The aim for this event is to cut down on the usual racing or social event that happens in one area and lasts two (2) hours, and provide a larger area for the event to occur at varying locations throughout. (The event will not be meant to happen during the snowy season, as the wilderness aesthetic will be better in the 'normal' season.)

  • The Story:
    • An anonymous source approached Weazel News with a story of a recent rise in bigfoot spottings in the Forest/Mountainous areas of the northern areas of San Andreas. Over time, the news and infamous stories of bigfoot spottings will rise, as will the city's want to find bigfoot to tell stories of their own. The San Andreas State Park Rangers will notice the news and notoriety that these bigfoot spotters are achieving and will make a public statement about it, creating zones of popular areas that bigfoot was spotted in attempts to capture bigfoot alive. After consideration between the heads of the SASPR, they decided that they would be offering a cash reward of $50,000 to the person* that can capture bigfoot, or give them enough information to go and capture bigfoot themselves so that they can perform research on it in attempts to motivate the city to join together to find bigfoot. The SASPR will spend a majority of their time drinking coffee and grilling burgers on the grill in their impromptu 'Ranger Station'which was provided by extra funding given to the Lost Santos Sheriff's Department in attempts to better the wildlife preservation in the San Andreas State Wilderness Areas. If a hunter needs to contact them at any time, they can be found at their Ranger Station doing intense amounts of 'research' or patrolling the state wilderness in attempts to find bigfoot themselves to save funding costs.
    • ((*If a group turns in bigfoot or information on bigfoot to result in the hunts ending, the reward would be spread out amongst group members rather than divvying out large amounts of money per member for the event. The event is meant to be centered  on the experience and the RP, not the reward.))
    • San Andreas Park Ranger Station (Bigfoot 'Research' Center):

  • How it will be organized ICly, and how 'hunts' will occur:
    • (('Spottings' will be considered as event times, where there would be hour long durations that players can search designated zones that bigfoot will be 'spotted'. The designated zones will be set in place so that times can be spread out more efficiently, and players will not scramble around the entire map. If nobody can find bigfoot within the hour duration, bigfoot will be considered "Gone into hiding" which is when the hunt will end. Multiple hunts can occur in one day and the overall event will last a maximum of 7 days (1 week). If bigfoot is captured by a community member or if a member turns in the information to the SASPR, the event will end. The reason that hunts will be limited to an hour per hunt is to allow the overall event to last longer. The amount of hunts that can occur per day is at the discretion of the organizing staff.))
    • San Andreas State Park Rangers (or another organizing staff member roleplaying a bigfoot spotter) will approach Weazel News, looking to place ads informing citizens of spottings. Throughout the 5 zones, spottings will occur in the 7 day span, or until someone captures bigfoot. Bigfoot will be considered 'captured' when a player handcuffs bigfoot and transports them to the Ranger Station, or when a player informs the Park Rangers of the last known location and the Rangers can capture Bigfoot.
  • What Would Be Required ICly or OOCly?
    • Weazel News: Would need to create or run advertisements, as it is needed for the start and end of hunts. (Advertisements may be created by organizing staff if applicable.)
    • Weazel News: Will need to place blips down for locating and pin-pointing the Ranger Station in the Chiliad mountain range.
    • Weazel News (Optional): Can Create news reports on the event, and assist in building notoriety for the event.
    • Law Enforcement: Allow members of staff to freely Roleplay as a branch of a Law Enforcement (San Andreas State Park Rangers) without the following Impersonation Charges. (Members roleplaying SASPR will not be acting as an entity of law enforcement, it will mainly be for immersion purposes of an existent Park Ranger group. If the SASPR witness any crimes, they will forward any crime reports to 911 as anyone else would. Again, they deal with beaver conservation, not criminals.)
    • Head Server Staff/Development (Optional): Allow an F4 faction to be made temporarily for the event, allowing staff members to join to have the benefits of custom uniforms for immersion purposes. The alternative is attempting to create an outfit using the current clothing system that would match a park ranger outfit. (This should be possible using the pre-existing LSPDFR uniform packs.)
  • Zone Map:


  • How it will work OOCly:
    • Staff members roleplaying bigfoot will not be located in 'illegal areas' so that legal players like LEO, MD, DOC, Civs will not have to worry about IC consequences from entering said areas during the event. (i.e Drug Labs, Chop Shops, Gang HQs, etc.)
    • During the hunt(s), a staff member (Either a mod+ in a ped, or Support-Sr. Support wearing the clothing) will be dressed as a member of the SASPR and will be stationed at the 'Bigfoot Research Center' in the duration of the hunt(s), or patrolling the state wilderness in the Park Ranger Granger. These hunt(s) will be done throughout the week on separate occasions, lasting about an hour or so per 'hunt'. (Multiple, limited hunt times will allow staff members to rotate out 'shifts' of roleplaying the event, and will not hinder roleplay for other members to allow 'breaks' from the standard roleplay that they perform.)
    • Any Senior Administrator(s) will be needed to spawn in Park Ranger vehicles for any staff member(s) that will take 'shifts' during hunts, to fully immerse community members and staff members that will be participating on an organizational end.
    • Peds (Skins) to be used by Staff Members (SASPR outfits for Support Staff still to be made):
  • What RP involvement will other factions and players have?
    • Weazel News: The aim for Weazel News is to be the life source of this event. Weazel News will be able to advertise hunts, and if members of the faction are willing, they will be able to interview hunters and spotters and make exclusive news reports regarding the event.
    • LEO (Law Enforcement): LEO will be able to moderate the event in an IC capacity, whether it's stopping people from speeding around, or stopping hunters from performing improper actions such as attempting to use weapons to find bigfoot. (The aim for the SASPR is to capture bigfoot alive to conduct rigorous research such as makeup product testing and vaccination tests.)
    • The Average Player: The average player will be the powerhouse of this event (some could say the mitochondria)! The average player, old or new; Civilian, Legal, or Criminal will have the opportunity to find bigfoot, and get a cash reward.
    • On top of the reward of finding bigfoot, the goal is to create an amazing and fun event that people will talk about and share stories about for months.


Thank you for reading this suggestion! If you have any ideas that may add to this or improve it, please comment them down below and things can be modified! Different aspects of this suggestion may be changed in time. - Ranger

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This would be so fun and give civilian RP a huge chance to shine, plus it wouldn’t require more scripts to be added or anything major. I’d love this event, and I think the community would too. I would like to see the price for turning in Bigfoot be a bit higher though.

This could lead to so many fun and unique events that are aimed more towards fun than realism which is the direction I think would benefit us as a community the most.❤️

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I’m sorry if I missed this in the text if it’s already mentioned, but I’d also personally recommend that scientists ask for Bigfoot to be captured alive and not in an injured state for research purposes.

This would be to avoid people killing Bigfoot on sight and encourage them to interact with Bigfoot a little more and find other creative ways to capture him (e.g. buying non-script equipment such as rope, nets, traps, snares, stealthy approaches). Maybe these items can be sold by the ranger camps set up? Maybe medics have access to items such as local anaesthesia, maybe criminal players will use illicit drugs?

Not sure what everyone else would think about this, though! +1 for the overall event, think it sounds like fun and a good break from any type of serious RP people have going on.

Edited by skeletee
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