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[Bug] Price on vehicles[HE&LE]

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Date and time (provide timezone): GMT 

Character name: Marcus Brighi

Issue/bug you are reporting: Sometimes price tag huds on the selling vehicles(High end & Low end) are missing, or showing something else, like, how much time left for the seeds for harvesting...

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate

Stranger 9821_1234-1526393197137.png

Stranger 9821_1234-1526338308066.png

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Date and time (provide timezone): 27.05.2018 GTM +3

Character name: Jeff_Astley

Issue/bug you are reporting: House bug no floating text

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Some houses around the city have no floating text and you can buy it just walk up to a house and press E, this shows how much the house costs but this doesnt show you how much garage slots there are. People dont even know there are houses that they can buy. I made a video i hope this explains more 


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