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Reworking gun damages to different body parts (Possible headshot system)

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Gun damages will enhance depending on which body part it will hit.


I am just tired whenever I am shooting a guy's head for 10x and still lives is basically NON-RP or unrealistic.
So what I am suggesting is that if ever a bullet hit a particular body part (especially vital parts) it will increase the gun's damage.

eg. I am using a Heavy Pistol (which has normally around 15-20 damage per hit). Whenever I hit the head, the gun's damage could increase by 50% Which could lead to 30-40%. 
Or if I hit the abdomen part or somewhere around his vital organs, maybe increase the damage for around 25-40%.
If I hit the arms, or legs basically there wouldn't be an increase in damage just for the FAIRNESS sake.


Well, basically this could improve RP, and won't lead to a 25 minutes shoot outs face to face. It will apply more realism to the server.
Also from here on now, we can implement protective helmets' proper usage, and kevlars. 


I want to see what do you think of this. If you have violent reactions, please tell me why it shouldn't be approved.

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Huge -1

people will abuse this a lot by for example shooting officers in the head and instantly 1 tap them because ''He gave me a ticket, I have an IC reason''. Don't try to make this to a ''certain SAMP RP server'' where you probably took this from. To implement this, we got to increase the level of RP on the server, and that is really difficult without implementing a UCP system.

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46 minutes ago, nateX said:

Huge -1

people will abuse this a lot by for example shooting officers in the head and instantly 1 tap them because ''He gave me a ticket, I have an IC reason''. Don't try to make this to a ''certain SAMP RP server'' where you probably took this from. To implement this, we got to increase the level of RP on the server, and that is really difficult without implementing a UCP system.

What i'm suggesting is that if you get hit in the head, it's not INSTANT DEATH. I just said, there would be an increase on the damage of the weapon.
As I exampled on top. Considering the health is 100, right? The heavy pistol's default or script damage is 20. There would be an increase 40-50% on the damage if the person gets hit in the head. That would mean the damage of the Heavy Pistol will just be multiplied by 2. If it's 20, shoots in the head, multiply it by 2 = 40 would be the outcome damage.

I suggested this for REALISM. If you don't think that several bullets pierced into your body will not get you killed/injured, then realism is way off.  I am just after realism. Few bullets CAN get you killed in reality. But since we have a health bar system here, that will not matter how many bullets you get. 

Also, along with this we can implement a REALISTIC shootout. There will be no non-RP shootouts such as; RUNNING AROUND shooting or a.k.a CHICKEN FIGHT.
A proper RP shoot out would be getting covers, and shooting each other. We can suggest a rule that; "CHICKEN FIGHT, or also known as non-RP running around in a shootout just to get advantage would be considered NON-RP - and PUNISHABLE."

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6 hours ago, KalleKid said:

the problem at this moment is the hitbox in general. it's not properly optimized. the fact that you are shooting a guy 20 times in the face and him not dying is not how little damage you are doing. it's just the hits not registering.


Yeah, probably when they fix it they can implement this one if this one gets accepted.

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