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Possible fixes for economy

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These are some suggestions I have if there should be a server wipe alongside economy fix. I believe these suggestions will balance the economy as well as make the server more new player friendly.

  • Lower the mid- and low-end vehicle prices.
  • Add more apartments to the server - possible to rent or buy.
  • Possibility to upgrade house/apa/garage interior.
  • Lower gov’t faction salaries.
  • Supercars to be priced $1,500,000+ as this would be more realistic, plus, would take more time to purchase a supercar.
  • Supercars to be nerfed slightly, so criminals willing to farm on their gov’t to get a supercar won’t abuse them.
  • Sportscars to be slightly adjusted price wise - the more faster sportscars even more expensive.
  • Possibly lower gun import prices for criminals, as they will get more business then, meaning more income for criminals as well.
  • More possibilities for criminals - maybe bring back the idea of lore factions.
  • Make banks robberies possible for criminals if they have made an actual plan.
  • Money transport cars to be robbable - max. income from trucks would be $7,500.

Please input your feedback on these suggestions below, as this would help improving these suggestions.

Edited by Serthon
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57 minutes ago, Serthon said:



These are some suggestions I have if there should be a server wipe alongside economy fix. I believe these suggestions will balance the economy as well as make the server more new player friendly.

  • Lower the mid- and low-end vehicle prices.
  • Add more apartments to the server - possible to rent or buy.
  • Possibility to upgrade house/apa/garage interior.
  • Lower gov’t faction salaries.
  • Supercars to be priced $1,500,000+ as this would be more realistic, plus, would take more time to purchase a supercar.
  • Supercars to be nerfed slightly, so criminals willing to farm on their gov’t to get a supercar won’t abuse them.
  • Sportscars to be slightly adjusted price wise - the more faster sportscars even more expensive.
  • Possibly lower gun import prices for criminals, as they will get more business then, meaning more income for criminals as well.
  • More possibilities for criminals - maybe bring back the idea of lore factions.
  • Make banks robberies possible for criminals if they have made an actual plan.
  • Money transport cars to be robbable - max. income from trucks would be $7,500.

Please input your feedback on these suggestions below, as this would help improving these suggestions.

Agree with the first 3 points, the gov factions should just make so that people would not be allowed to transfer money from gov. characters to criminals, thats a pretty simple solution, and I feel like transfering money from one character to another is pretty failrp

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And the points about bank and money transport car robberies are not that good in my opinion, because mostly new players do the money transport job, and if they would get robbed everytime they can get money, that wouldn't be very nice, and people would abuse it, because everything people can abuse, they will.

Edited by nateX
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4 hours ago, Serthon said:



These are some suggestions I have if there should be a server wipe alongside economy fix. I believe these suggestions will balance the economy as well as make the server more new player friendly.

  • Lower the mid- and low-end vehicle prices.
  • Add more apartments to the server - possible to rent or buy.
  • Possibility to upgrade house/apa/garage interior.
  • Lower gov’t faction salaries.
  • Supercars to be priced $1,500,000+ as this would be more realistic, plus, would take more time to purchase a supercar.
  • Supercars to be nerfed slightly, so criminals willing to farm on their gov’t to get a supercar won’t abuse them.
  • Sportscars to be slightly adjusted price wise - the more faster sportscars even more expensive.
  • Possibly lower gun import prices for criminals, as they will get more business then, meaning more income for criminals as well.
  • More possibilities for criminals - maybe bring back the idea of lore factions.
  • Make banks robberies possible for criminals if they have made an actual plan.
  • Money transport cars to be robbable - max. income from trucks would be $7,500.

Please input your feedback on these suggestions below, as this would help improving these suggestions.

While I agree with the first 5-6 points, I completely disagree on lowering gun import prices. As it is right now, it is very easy for criminals to obtain guns and almost every one of them has AK's or SMG's, which is so unrealistic. I also think that there should be transferring rules set in place, like, you cannot transfer more than 10k to a single character more than once in a 48 hour period, or something like that. 

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34 minutes ago, TheFluciFial said:

While I agree with the first 5-6 points, I completely disagree on lowering gun import prices. As it is right now, it is very easy for criminals to obtain guns and almost every one of them has AK's or SMG's, which is so unrealistic. I also think that there should be transferring rules set in place, like, you cannot transfer more than 10k to a single character more than once in a 48 hour period, or something like that. 

The reason they have so many is the fact that they are transferring assets from gov’t char to crim. Transferring should be against the rules, which will help the fact that all crims have fast cars and so many guns.

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3 hours ago, nateX said:

And the points about bank and money transport car robberies are not that good in my opinion, because mostly new players do the money transport job, and if they would get robbed everytime they can get money, that wouldn't be very nice, and people would abuse it, because everything people can abuse, they will.

They would be able to rob the inside of the truck, not the player itself.

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2 hours ago, Serthon said:

They would be able to rob the inside of the truck, not the player itself.

yeah, I understand, but if they will rob the truck, they will probably take the person either hostage or just scare him away, +that would mean that the player has to stand getting robbed by a lot of people, and that will increase the number of reports, because instead of people just learning RP by roleplaying passively, they would have to learn it to properly RP in a robbery scenario, because if not, he will get reported on the forums. Hope you understood anything.

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