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Gus Ketse

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Chief Gus Ketse is really just your average man who grew up in the rough

streets of Liberty City. His troubled past paved the way for him to become the Chief he is

today. His parents split when he was barely old enough to speak a work and his father did

the best he could in raising him. But, with his father working long hours and having a habit

of frequenting the bars, Chief Ketse found himself running in with the law a little too often.

Lucky for him he was given special attention from Officer Williams of the Liberty City

Police Department.

Officer Williams saw the potential in the young criminal and took him under his

wing. With his assistance, Cheif Ketse managed to make it out of high school and into the

local college where he would obtain his Criminal Justice degree. During his college years,

he made use of the programs and found himself studying abroad for a couple semesters.

He would also find the time to travel to a couple different places, even having a love affair

or two, but something about Liberty City kept bringing him back home.

After obtaining his degree he was quick to join his mentor at the Liberty City

Police Department. It was during his time at the police academy that he met his soon to

be partner and best friend Officer Stef. The two were paired together after performing well

in the academy team exercises. Their partnership transited very well into the streets and

even back home. The two were nearly inseparable and always had each other’s backs.

Then one day they pulled a car over for a routine traffic stop Chief Ketse noticed

packages in the back of the vehicle that were obviously drug related. He signaled his

partner and on an impulse, they attempted to apprehend the two males in the vehicle.

The men were both armed and instantly opened fire as they drove away. Chief Ketse was

shot in the arm, but Officer Stef was not so lucky. Chief Ketse called for backup but it was

too late for his partner and best friend.


It was a month after the incident that Chief Ketse finally returned to the force. He

had a brand-new drive and vigor about him. What he couldn’t drown in alcohol or sex, he

made up in apprehensions. Soon, he was at the top percent of arrests in the district. It

was almost a year after the incident that he was promoted to Chief of Liberty City, and it

didn’t take him long to set out his vengeance. Chief Ketse himself began to bust down

doors and take in the known drug dealers. But, all too soon, he found himself striking

deals to get to the next level. Whispers on the streets told him who was responsible for

the death of his partner and friend.

It was a cold December night when he broke down the door of an apartment.

Inside were two men whom he held at gunpoint. He repeatedly asked them why they did

what they did, but the boys refused to know any details of the day. They swore he had the

wrong guys. One of the men reached toward his pocket and Chief Ketse fired, killing both

men. When the officers arrived to assess the scene, they pulled something out of the

young man’s pocket. It was a picture of the young man and a little girl. On the back it read

“Talia. Age 4.”

Chief Ketse went home that night and contemplated ending his career as a law

enforcer. He had arrived at the level of corruption and could no longer make a clear

judgement on the city. Every person that touched a bag of drugs became the person that

shot Officer Stef in his eyes. He was no longer a protector of Liberty City but, someone

whom the city needed protected from. He was getting ready to call in his resignation when

his phone rang. It was the city of Los Santos and they were looking for a new Chief of

police. It would be a fresh start with a new city and he took it.

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