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Aaron Martin

Vehicle getting frozen

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Date and time (provide timezone):  18/01/21 10:00

Character name:  Aaron Martin

Issue/bug you are reporting: Vehicles getting frozen and players needing to get an admin to unfreeze the vehicle.

Expected behavior:  Vehicle should not get frozen when you get out of the vehicle.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:  If you take a vehicle off of high end, by using the command /vehsellback then the vehicle will become frozen when you step out of the vehicle. To stop this from happening for now, every time you get a vehicle from the high end you must park it and unpark it before leaving the vehicle, if you do not do this then the vehicle will become frozen.

I am not 100% sure if the same thing happens when you /buyvehicle, I got told by someone it happened to them when they did /buyvehicle but I have not tested this myself so I am not sure how true this statement is.

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This issue isn't only limited to selling/buying vehicles, it also randomly occurs when logging in or interacting with your vehicle after some time. I've been trying to route the source of the issue as it is very common, but cannot find it. It appears to be a random circumstance to random vehicles.

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