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Medical Consent

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Suggestion: Change how Medical RP is performed. Rather than saying: 

MD     /me checks for injuries.

MD     /do What would they be?

INJURED      /do broken leg (MD uses /stabilize now)

MD     /me grabs splints and applies them.

MD     /do Would I be able to?

INJURED     /do Yes

MD     /me reaches for an ice pack from his ALS bag and applies it to the leg.

MD     /do Would I be able to?

INJURED     /do Yes

to something along the lines of

MD     /me checks for injuries.

MD     /do What would they be?

INJURED     /do Open fracture left leg and road rash on the left side of the body. 

MD     /do Do I have consent to perform medical treatment on you?

INJURED     /do yes (MD will /stabilize now)

MD     /me pulls out some gauze with saline, cleaning the open fracture on the leg.

MD     /me grabs some bandages and loosely wraps them around the open fracture.

MD     /me grabs two splints and applies then securely around the leg.

MD     /me grabs a stretcher and wheels it over to the patient.

MD     /me lowers the stretcher to the ground and helps the patient onto it.

MD     /do Would I be able to?

INJURED     /do Yes

During this time, we can use text or VOIP to ask if the patient is uncomfortable when we do something or if it is starting to feel better. Rather than them typing out /do yes every time, we can get them to say if something doesn't feel right, if something else hurts because of something we did to them, or if it makes them feel a lot better. It gives them time to be involved in medical roleplay, which for the most part has been MD focused while they just respond with /do yes or /do no. At this point, MD knows how to treat broken legs and do all this stuff, but at least we give them the chance to speak, cry, or act any way that these treatments might make them feel; rather than quickly moving on to the next /me or /do. 

I also think this gives the injured people more chances to be descriptive in their injuries so it is not a long tedious process of /do's for them. If they give us a long list of things like "Open fracture left leg and road rash on the left side of the body," we will be able to treat it with them.

One thing on the MD side, once we get medical consent from them, we will be able to do /stabilize. It lets everyone know that they have confirmed and allowed them to be treated and lets us dive in to a more in depth roleplay. We will still ask for /do's for forceful commands including /drag and /heal.

EDIT: If a patient wants to roleplay unconsciousness, we will then use /me's and /do's to confirm our actions so it wouldn't be classified as powergaming.

Edited by Prezeey
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I wanted to give an example but didn't want to make the original post too long so here is a full indepth example.

MD /me checks for injuries after setting down his ALS bag.
MD /do What would I find?
IN /do Open left leg fracture.
MD /do Do I have consent to perform medical treatment on you?
IN /do yes
MD /me reaches into ALS bag and pulls out some gauze and saline, cleaning the blood from the open leg fracture.
MD "I am just going to clean the wound here, let me know if you feel any pain."
IN "That does hurt a bit, could you slow down?"
MD "Of course I will"
MD /me slows down the cleaning of the open leg fracture.
MD "There you go, now I will try and bandage it up"
MD /me reaches back into the bag and pulls out some bandages, loosely wrapping them around the leg.
MD "Okay, I am just going to loosely wrap this, let me know if you feel any pain."
IN "I do not feel any pain"
MD /me grabs out a few splints and places one on top of the leg and one behind the leg, securing them.
MD "Okay, after I apply some splints, let me know if you can move your leg"
IN /me tries to move his leg and would be able to
MD "Good, let me get you a stretcher and we can get you going"
MD /me reaches into the ambulance and pulls out a stretcher, wheeling it over to the patient
MD /me lowers the stretcher and helps the patient onto it
MD /do Would I be able to?
IN /do Yes
MD "Okay, I will assist you onto this stretcher and then we can go"
IN "Thank you"

On paper, this might look like a long conversation but it can be simplified if people do not have the text capabilities. Also, not everyone uses VOIP and I understand but for those of us who do use VOIP in MD, it would be at the same time they would realistically be reading the /me's. Then rather then them saying /do yes or /do no, we get a normal response.

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This can be abused by "some criminals" so they can die and not get charged by PD/SD. DeathRP is not allowed but "some people" try to kill their character by stalling, and now if they have to give consent, this would be hilarious and abusive at the same time.

Edited by Harvs
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3 minutes ago, Harvs said:

This can be abused by "some criminals" so they can die and not get charged by PD/SD. DeathRP is not allowed but "some people" try to kill their character by stalling, and now if they have to give consent, this would be hilarious and abusive at the same time.

The current way the roleplay is performed already does require consent after every action. Some criminals already do stall their roleplay so that they can die and avoid charges. I think that this suggestion is just suggesting that you only need one /do asking for consent before performing the roleplay, instead of after each roleplay action. To which I say, +1.

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5 minutes ago, Harvs said:

This can be abused by "some criminals" so they can die and not get charged by PD/SD. DeathRP is not allowed but "some people" try to kill their character by stalling, and now if they have to give consent, this would be hilarious and abusive at the same time.

I do appreciate you looking into this. The way medical RP currently stands, as soon as we know the basics of how to treat their injuries, we are allowed to stabilize. If they did not give us their injuries right now, they would be considered stalling and we can report. I think the only thing adding in consent changes is that we can get more of a 2 sided roleplay rather than MD using a bunch of text and then the injured patient only has to say /do yes.

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1 minute ago, PlasmaFX said:

The current way the roleplay is performed already does require consent after every action. Some criminals already do stall their roleplay so that they can die and avoid charges. I think that this suggestion is just suggesting that you only need one /do asking for consent before performing the roleplay, instead of after each roleplay action. To which I say, +1.

Yes, this is exactly my point! Instead of me asking if I can clean your road rash, if I can apply an ice pack to it, if I can apply dry cloth to your road rash, and if I can bandage your road rash, I think its allowable to say that I should be allowed in almost every circumstance to do these actions without consent. If a forceful command has to be used, we will get another /do. If it makes the character hurt or doesn't feel right, we can add to the roleplay in many different ways.

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The only time you need a /do is when you are performing a powerful or forceful command ( /cpr, /stabilize, /heal, /drag ). 

Currently how MD RP works is that as you said, /me looks over, /do what would I find, then they say /my leg broken. After they say injuries we can /stabilize as we know what treatment we are going to be performing.

After that we can do our /me would take a gauze pad out and put pressure over it to slow the bleeding

We do not have to do a /do success but the other party should do something in response like /do the bleeding would soak, if they do not respond within 20-30 seconds its automatically a success.

Personally I use sound effects with my RP and engage with the injured people I come across, most of the time people tend to respond in VOIP with certain sounds like crying or acting in pain. I think it is heavily dependent on how the medic RP's as well to get other to engage. I think that changing the consent just makes it easier for us to just do our rp without any more input from them about the actual injury because I have been talking to more people and telling them that RP doesn't have to stop once the /stabilize command is finished.


To implement this is definitely harder said than done because one people don't like medic RP because they just want a free revive so it is also on the injured to put effort towards RP and not just do lazy RP. We joke about broken legs being the only thing we treat but it really is the only thing that we get.

Also this, 


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That is a mistake on our part as EMS I believe. If someone is scriptly injured, they CANNOT refuse treatment. The way I do it is, I would do the treatment BUT I would also allow the patient to control the flow of it. For example:
MD: /me checks their injuries
MD: /do what would he notice?
PATIENT: /do broken leg
MD: /me places the first splint above the break, the second under the break pulling on the straps to tighten them
MD: /do would the treatment work?
Then here patient can decide if he wants more than a splint, and how in depth he wants to go with it, for example:
PATIENT: /do it wouldn't completely, he would be squirming around from the pain turning pale

Overall I agree that having doctor write /do able 15 times while the other guy just spams /do yes is not healthy, that's why I think doing extra VOIP or text RP is more fun. So in short, I think it's us who should change our roleplay and see if it works better. 

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