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The Lost MC

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I supposed I had the standard upbringing, although I was always, Different I just didn’t know why or how yet.

2 parents, and 3 brothers (of whom I am the oldest) in a suburban house in Hampshire,
I went through life well enough, ticking all of the boxes that you are supposed to tick being a young white male from England.

•    School (Private, full of privileged white pricks)
•    College 
•    Drink
•    University
•    Gurning
•    Drinking
•    Sex
•    Meeting a partner
•    Graduation
•    Drinking
•    Sex
•    Drugs
•    Starting a Job
•    Drinking
•    Renting a flat together
•    Drinking
•    Promotions
•    Drinking
•    Marriage
•    Drinking
•    Promotions
•    Drinking 
•    Drinking
•    Kids
•    Drinking
•    Drinking
•    Drinking
•    Drinking

In a blink of an eye, I was a burnt-out 36-year-old, I had 2 Kids, Was the IT Manager of Sprunk UK, and was Married to a henpecking bloodsucker of a wife I would Work eat drink sleep repeat life had become banal, lacking any meaning at all, my only joy in life was precious time at the weekends with my kids other than that I felt Lost!

It was September 2022 when my boss pulled me to one side at work, “Gali, LS rang the global CSO Role is yours if you want it, all you need to do is apply” Yeah and uproot my family 7,000 miles I said to myself.

“My Wife will never allow it, she’s happy here” I replied. “Well at least put it past her champ,” He said with a hard slap on my shoulder.

That evening I told her about the idea, She looked up from behind her iPhone with a light in her eyes I hadn’t seen since we met in college, “Why not!” she said… Why not indeed.

So that was it, we sold our home and pretty much most of our possessions, found a nice 4-bedroom home in Los Santos leafy yet perfectly middle-class Rockford Hills, and made our way out there.

Charlotte was the happiest I had seen her in years bursting with joy, the work was good yet a little mundane, the kids loved the sun and the pool (mostly the pool) and I was content that I would again be miserable but at least I would be doing it in style.

That was until I came home from work to find Charlotte in the Poole naked with her “Yoga Instructor” a rage that had sat patiently quiet within me for decades erupted, I grabbed the first thing I could lay my hands on and beat the man to within an inch of his life. (It later transpired that I nearly murdered a man with a Bop-It) 

The fallout was massive, Marriage = Over, Job = Lost, Kids = Blocked from my care. Home=less.

I woke up in Jail feeling a changed man, the one thing I had to live for had been taken away from me, my kids. Without them to look after and squeeze the little bit of joy I had absolutely nothing left to live for.

I slept in my car and got by doing odd jobs around the city, I found that I enjoyed construction I met a girl there, Emily. She lit a fire within me that I had never felt. She told me life is what you make it.

I was no longer Lost I was found.

A fire was lit in my belly, I could do what I wanted, make life what I wanted, I dreamt grand plans, and I was going to work construction until I saved enough money to start up a Tech Support Business of my own with Emily we would work when we wanted on what we wanted and would spend the rest of the time at the beach or in the mountains.

Things were on the up, my drinking slowed, I was allowed to see my kids again, and things looked positive. 
Sadly the happiness I was experiencing was a mirage, a wisp that would slip between my fingers, the very fingers that stabbed a man to death at the construction site, ill spare you the details but he pushed me to my limit, this time my rage went too far.
Jailed for murder.

 Now a Felon, Emily saw me for the horror that I am, a Monster with uncontrollable rage she quickly kicked me to the curb, unsurprisingly my kids where blocked from seeing me again. This time permanently.
I again felt Lost.

I left Pollingbrook without a dollar to my name, I was walking aimlessly into the desert when a man I barely recognized pulled up next to me on a bike.
“Hello Gali, you lost buddy? Need a ride?” Said the man with a Shiny Chrome helmet 
I couldn’t even remember this guy's name, it turned out I had worked with him 4 days earlier and he had remembered me. 

“What’s your name man?” I sheepishly asked, “Chrome Dome” He replied.

His Radio Crackled into life, “We need a hot extraction FAST” 

“On it” He snapped back, “Gali Get on” We drove to a motel in the desert, 
“you know how to use this?” Asked Chrome as he offered me a Pistol
“Not Since Army Cadets, but I could give it a go” I replied 

“That’s good enough for me, lets go” We hopped into a car of his and drove at speed into the desert again we pulled up to see a lone Sheriff trying to arrest a leather-clad biker.
“Right, the plan is we run over with our handguns drawn and tell the officer to put his hands up if he does anything else shoot him” – Said Chrome. I simply nodded as if I had understood, but filled with rage and adrenaline as we walked over to the Sheriff I trained the pistol at his head and pulled the trigger. Bam. He fell to the dirt.
I looked up in horror at the leather-clad men, expecting them to run, expecting them to shun me as all others had when my rage took over.
Yet they grinned, oh how they grinned.

Part 1 / 2

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Klark White is an only child born in a small central American town. His parents worked hard throughout his childhood to provide for their family. Klark was raised with strong values of respect, politeness, and kindness. He was a bright student, and graduated at the top of his class. He went on to study at a prestigious university, and eventually traveled around the globe, experiencing different cultures. Klark is an extremely accomplished professional and has used his talents to make a positive difference in the lives of those around him. He is an adventurous spirit who is always ready for a challenge. 

After 3 years of travelling klark decided to San Andreas, he went head first and didnt realise that he was in for a ride! He caught got interested in becoming a criminal and leaving the academic life he studied and graduated. The Lost MC was klarks first option, it was a excellent idea. Rutledge vouged for klark, he knew klark was a man of talent and he was right! After a few days in the city he was in lost mc... 

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