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Lester Acosta

Optimization Suggestion

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So, I was troubleshooting to see what was causing the most lag on the server for me as my FPS has been suffering after the new changes.

While testing, I found out that when I hid by HUD by pressing F7, my FPS had gone from 25-30 to 55-60 in almost an instant. I think that something should be done to optimize the HUD because it is very clear to me that it is causing significant performance issues. It is not ideal for something as simple as the HUD to kill half of my FPS. If the HUD were to be optimized I think that a lot of people would have a higher quality of role-play and a lot of people whom were not able to play before because of their own performance issues would now be able to play at an acceptable level.

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+1 I read this suggestion and just tried to repeat the steps above and my FPS is definitely dropping on average of 34 fps, while my fps is still high and this doesnt cause an issue this is a huge drop that shouldnt happen due to just HUD. This likely has to do with the new animated icons for hunger and thirst.

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