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Performance mods keep disappearing

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Account name: Tobias van Dam

Character name: Vince Williams

Issue/bug you are reporting: Disappearing mods on vehicle

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I upgraded my T20 (BATMAN license plate) about 3 weeks ago with full performance, after I checked if I could do anything more last week I discovered that they are all gone. I contacted @Xylum about this IG already and he reapplied them for me. It worked for a couple hours, when I relogged they were gone again.

Edited by Tobias van Dam
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30 minutes ago, Tobias van Dam said:

Account name: Tobias van Dam

Character name: Vince Williams

Issue/bug you are reporting: Disappearing mods on vehicle

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I upgraded my T20 (BATMAN license plate) about 3 weeks ago with full performance, after I checked if I could do anything more last week I discovered that they are all gone. I contacted @Xylum about this IG already and he reapplied them for me. It worked for a couple hours, when I relogged they were gone again.

They won't save unless applied by a mechanic. Also, there is no record of you applying any modifications to this particular vehicle for the past 3 weeks.

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On 8/19/2017 at 8:39 PM, Tobias van Dam said:

Then maybe it has been longer, im pretty sure I put down money upgrading that thing all at once

-EDIT- Except suspension

Vehicle with a "BATMAN" license plate is not a T20. However, I see you spent $92.000 on July 8th to customize your Gargoyle

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