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Zac Oxx

IC Racing Update

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Hey, This might be a doozy one, but might also improve racing and chases

So, for racing if anyone has seen some ***** clips , I want to suggest having a command to set up races like over there.

The problem right now is that racing is pretty stale the same tracks over and over, It's also in places that PD never go to so it does not have that risky factor in it which should be there in Street Racing,My fix for this would be making a command like this "/startrace 4(4 PEOPLE CAN JOIN) 1000(The Buy-in)" everyone would lineup and a race would be started in a couple of minutes , the tracks would be random it would put down a marker anywhere on the map, the issue could be speed cameras for this , but like having races through the city would be fun, because pd could see the race and start a chase on the 4 suspect vehicles it would bring in some need for speed vibes into the server , and u would not be able to scam people and not give payouts in racing, every race would be with a random destination , there would be a normal gps marker on the map to show the road and the more talented people would still know all of the shortcuts towards that destination , when the race starts , it would also show up in the chat that the destination is for example High End and some people would know faster ways over there so they dont have to strictly follow the gps, Thoughts ?

Edited by Awazki
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-1 Sounds pretty non-rp. How do you justify a street race happening rply through the dead centre of a busy city multiple times a day? I'd be in support of scripted racing if it made RP sense, like round a race track or possibly cutting off a small section of unused roads for a race.

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As an ex-member of Wanted (racing gang) i am against this idea for the following reasons:

  • Is racing boring? same tracks over and over again? = Start making new ones, create them in MS Paint and share them around.
  • Is there no risk? = Start doing racetracks through the middle of the town.


Honestly this script would limit RP opportunities, if you feel bored, do something instead of asking Devs to create RP scenarios for you.

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As the leader of the only major street racing Faction on the server, mixing things up and keeping it from getting stale is something we have meetings on and discuss upon. Things such as leaderboards, tag races, sprint races, etc. are all things we come up with in order to keep races interesting.

For what you said on making bets, buy ins, etc. are all things that my Faction already does. We regularly host races with a buy in and a prize. An example is when we hosted a $10,000 buy in and a Mule prize. Something like this does not require script support to be done. Scamming is something IC, if you don't trust the host than don't join. If you don't trust the other participants then ask for the money before the race begins.

Lastly, for the matter of police intervention. I think this is something that is completely IC. If you really wanted this to be more of a thing start a rally or something similar and ask PD to shut them down. TED already regularly patrols these locations as far as I'm aware and I think the amount of police intervention is currently enough. Just enough to make it interesting yet not overkill that we can't RP races anymore.

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