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Cyrus Raven

Medical License PG issue

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Pretty simple suggestion, when a medical license is revoked it shouldn't remove the ability for people to /cpr, it should only serve as an IC indication to Law Enforcement that someone is not licensed to provide CPR (you can then couple this with a new law stating people shouldn't perform medical procedures without a proper license)

It seems holy unrealistic for someone to magically forget all of their BLS training, as if this knowledge is tied to a piece of paper, anyone who already took the BLS course should be able to /cpr forever, if they do something do warrant a license revokal then the repercussion to doing /cpr will be an IC law break.

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I think there should be 2 types of removals.

An IC removal for example you are charged with a serious felony such as rape and your medical licenses are revoked. However, you still have the ability to provide BLS and /cpr, its just that you are unlicensed. This should say "Medical Licenses [REVOKED]"

An OOC removal for example if you abused the command /cpr or other OOC reasons should ban you from using the command /cpr. This should say "Medical Licenses [REVOKED] [OOC]" or something like that. 

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2 hours ago, Devonte said:

+1 to this ^, but -1 to the original idea. Wouldn't make since as to why someone can not give medical attention because their license is not there. Just means they can't do it legally. 

That was my suggestion:

''when a medical license is revoked it shouldn't remove the ability for people to /cpr, it should only serve as an IC indication to Law Enforcement that someone is not licensed to provide CPR''



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