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Crew Tag Options

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I don't know if this is even possible but figured I would suggest it with everything going on within the server between the gangs.

Currently as anyone knows, almost every single car color is being used by gangs. Some gangs enforce people not using the color, others do not. However, I do know that in normal GTA V Online, you can create a crew via Rockstar Social Club and create an emblem for your crew. That emblem can then be imported onto your cars in various places along with onto clothes.

I know the next thing someone says is that, whats stopping someone from importing that emblem onto their car when they aren't in that gang. Again don't know if its possible but what if its tied to your F4 faction. Obviously this would limit the emblem use to those who are official but I think overall it would help a lot of people who feel they are being forced to join a gang. I have met a few people since making my gang that have felt they are having no choice to join a gang due to they cant even paint their car without being bombarded with questions like, "Hey are you a Zeta?" "You a Triad?". Or other things such as, "May wanna change your car color before Zetas or whoever see, they wont like it". I see it daily.

Again don't know if this is possible but me and another guy spoke about this. Leader of Vory Mafia because currently our two gangs have a car color VERY similar by look but via the catalogue they are completely different. I have had people looking for Vory Mafia approach me and he has had people looking for Latin Kings approach him.

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