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I'm sorry but, fear RP is garbage and needs to be improved. I understand this is gta and getting robbed by criminals is expected, but if this is roleplay, I'm also thinking about what I'd do IRL. If I'm fearing for my life, I would do absolutely whatever is necessary to make sure I survive. I understand that the point is to make sure players cannot powergame. More so, it's to help draw a line on how far is too far. If I have a gun on me and someone is aiming another at me, I should have every right to shoot them. If I'm running away and get into my car by the time someone tells me to put my hands up, I should be able to drive off. I want to be able to fight for what I have because it should be my choice as to if I want to die or not. It doesn't effect anyone else except for the person doing the robbing and myself. I'm just getting really annoyed that I have to resupply absolutely everything I own and it's causing a reallllllll slow IG.  I know that the rules are the rules, but it doesn't mean they can't be improved. Maybe its just me, sorry for wasting your time. 

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Exactly what Dylan said, the point of FRP is to create a rule for how to portray fear, in real life you would be very careful and if you are at gun point it is recommended to just give them what they want.

The only reason i would think it would make sense to remove FRP, if dying actually carried a penalty to your character, so then you might not actually try to risk your life, as you would lose something. Could be a big medical bill.

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I don't agree with the rule all the time but I get why it's there.

I mean we all know as long as we comply we will live too, so it goes from more of inconvenience to me actually fearing my life.

But without it would turn into a gunfight every single time, which for the most part aren't that exciting, mainly because the GTA gunplay sucks.

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True! I'm not saying the rule doesn't have an important purpose. I just think it could be improved. I don't get robbed every hour IRL either yet here we are. I just want a way to prevent that from happening so often. I just think they're is a lot of grey area that hasn't been looked into. 

Situation #1: Because of fear RP I actually almost died when I was going to comply. I ran away at a drug lab and pressed F to get into my vehicle. By the time I pressed F these two degenerates told me to put my hands up. I can't cancel getting into my vehicle. I used voice to say I'm getting out over and over and before I could even press F again these people were shooting at me and almost killed me. If it was my choice, IRL, I would have ran them over. I would not get out of vehicle just for two people to take everything I have. 

Situation #2: I was driving after making pocket money and realized someone was following me. I drove faster and started heading to the police station (I should have just dialed 911 instead). On the way, I wrecked my car causing it to stall. Rule states that when that happens you must Fear RP. I literally pressed the Up button twice to restart my car and it turned on. If that was a glitch, then so be it. But IRL miracles happen everyday and if my car miraculously restarted, I would have every chance to drive off. I guess because of fear RP you must comply with the rule when an engine is stalled NO MATTER WHAT. But by the time my car started this man is telling me to stop and get out of the vehicle. ???? No???? Next thing I know, I'm getting reported for both NON RP AND FEAR RP.  (Very grey area by the way)


Overall, the rule needs to stay always. I understand that. It does separate GTA Online from RP. I just don't think every person is the same and I may only have 1 life IRL but I still wouldn't just LET someone take everything I have and leave me with nothing.  I guess I just need to look into the rule as well to help me with situations. I just think of things in a literal sense and what I'd do when adrenaline is pumping (And let me tell you, my heart pounds when I'm fearing for my life RP).

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It's one of those things where you have to decide exactly how real you want the server to be. 

For me, the cut-off depends on two factors. One, whether you have a chance of defending yourself and Two, whether you have a chance of retreating or escape.
If you are unarmed and someone has a gun on you in close proximity, you've gotta give it up. Same goes if they have heavies and you don't. Same goes if they are more than 2v1.

Otherwise though, it's just practical to let people duke it out.


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