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Angel Ceez

Periodically change the credit cars list and add new cash cars

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Im just saying to occasionally add supers, sports any unique cars to the credit cars list. Like every month or every three months the list of credit cars change which might increase players to keep logging in and keep things fresh. Maybe they can rotate the entire list and add like a deal of the month or something. Due to current list standing so long, I am seeing a lot of sentinel classics around town and other cars as well it’s becoming monotone to see. There is not much variety in vehicles in the server it feels like but the game does offer a lot of cars to choose from. I’m aware of balance issues and I know the mods will make great choices in selections to maintain balance. This would give a fresh look to the server if more cash n credit cars were added.  Comment below with any other ways to improve this theory. 

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Couple things on this one:

1. Super cars should not go on the credit car list. They should remain solely purchasable with in game currency through auction with very limited quantities.

2. Special limited time additions to the credit store would be nice (ie: when the Sultan RS was added)

3. There is actually a fairly long list of cars available in the server but it's hard to see it due to "meta" that comes up and therefore you end up seeing a lot of the same vehicles. However, I'm all for "discontinuing" some vehicles and adding in replacements that may add some variety to the server.

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They used to have supers as credit cars too. I know the etr1 was in there. They don’t have to banish cars just switch them up once n a while so people with credits got something to buy and let credit cars be tradeable with ONLY other credit cars to not destroy economy but give people the chance to get something they missed. +1

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