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Mask control

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I am fairly new to the server (around 1 month or so) and one of the things that stands out is how excessive mask usage is. It just doesn't make RP sense that a bunch of people gather around LSB/MD with masks on for no reason, other than to protect their identity most likely due to some criminal activity.

Masks should be made either illegal and punished by a fine from the PD OR be a server rule regarding masks in NCZs. Same as you shouldn't be waving your gun around in NCZs, you shouldn't be covering your face 24/7.


Edit. As people are suggesting, this should only impact full face masks.

Edited by CaesarSeizure
improve suggestion
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Pretty non-RP walking in a bank with a mask. I think just something against masks in NCZ's should be done though... Not every "mask" is illegal imo, some just have bandanas covering their mouth, which is not really a mask. Would be a huge pain for PD to stop people and ticket them for wearing facial coverage, so for me, only at bank atm I think.

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+1 on full face masks.
Bandanas and such should be warned by police officers to be removed, which they do in game anyway most of the time when they encounter you.
Fines are a bit excessive for bandanas but for full face masks it's definitely an idea.

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