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House robberies.

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13 hours ago, BrainDed said:

On a server I used to play, there was a system if the player was offline, you couldn't break into their house. I believe that made the whole breaking into houses more risky and prevented much of the offline raiding.

That's also a good idea. Also if there are no cops on-duty, it should be applied as well.

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-1  My reason is very simple, there is very little RP from a system like this. You get to a house, rob it, if the other person is offline or not able to get to you in time, you just stole his shit without a single PvP interaction at all. All this does is create a way for thiefs to get free loot for no effort...and no RP. 

So HUGE no. Maybe...MAYBE...if it required a ton of effort/time, and the owner had to be online...then MAYBE...but again only if it forces the thief to face the owner and the PD to get away with it.

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On 4/30/2019 at 11:00 PM, BrainDed said:

On a server I used to play, there was a system if the player was offline, you couldn't break into their house. I believe that made the whole breaking into houses more risky and prevented much of the offline raiding.

Something like that would have to be added to make it work, people NEED to be online to make the house robbery work, makes it fair.

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8 hours ago, ixTooT said:

Something like that would have to be added to make it work, people NEED to be online to make the house robbery work, makes it fair.

You understand than there should be some kind a place where people stay safe ! 

You know what will happen if they will allow Criminals rob every single house ? 

Your house will be raided every single time when you login and that's not happening IRL .


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On 4/30/2019 at 5:17 AM, Victor Einhart said:

+1 if you can invest in security systems like an alarm that can be customized to notify police and/or your phone (a criminal might want a text on the phone instead of cops showing up to his house) when the house is broken into and a safe that must be unlocked to help protect the stash

This is a good suggestion. Imagine a very expensive security home alarm system that alerts PD upon being triggered. The system itself would cost between 200k-300k. Would help server economy and also put a more realistic touch to the risky action of actually breaking into someone's property.

On a sidenote I agree with @TheCanadian that the first post should be updated with details as this thread evolves with more ideas and suggestions to the initial idea.

+1: For more realistic In Character Roleplay with script support, such as an expensive alarm system for houses that will alert PD and a more expensive variant of bobby pins to break into houses.

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6 hours ago, Chris Bluestone said:

You understand than there should be some kind a place where people stay safe ! 

You know what will happen if they will allow Criminals rob every single house ? 

Your house will be raided every single time when you login and that's not happening IRL .


That's why it will need to be monitored somehow, wouldn't be fair robbing someones house every time

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22 hours ago, Jasmine said:

-1  My reason is very simple, there is very little RP from a system like this. You get to a house, rob it, if the other person is offline or not able to get to you in time, you just stole his shit without a single PvP interaction at all. All this does is create a way for thiefs to get free loot for no effort...and no RP. 

So HUGE no. Maybe...MAYBE...if it required a ton of effort/time, and the owner had to be online...then MAYBE...but again only if it forces the thief to face the owner and the PD to get away with it.

Oh it will have to take a hell of time and planning to do it, it can't be a 2 minute job and then move on to the next house, that would be pointless.

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