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John Nut

Health / Welness bug

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Date and time (provide timezone): 03/01/2024

Character name: John Reggal

Issue/bug you are reporting: For the past 3 days me and my gang has been 1-2 tapped in fights with pistol 50.s and other weapons. 

Expected behavior:  Not to die from 1-2 bullets

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: When being shot we have noticed that 2 bullets kill us instantly / much fewer bullets than normal. I have gathered some footage throughout the past couple of days where me and my gang have been dealing with this issue.  We made sure to double check our panel to make sure we have been 100% in health and etc. Going to the hospital paying 3k for the heal and also using painkillers in other times to test this out. This bug has mostly happened in vehicles, but also while on foot. Here is a few clips of the damage we have received. 

This is the only clip I have where 2 bullets kill, confirmed with /mywounds. In this clip you can clearly see that something is wrong, also kinda looks like the police is using hacks, but we all know thats very unlikely -> https://streamable.com/sd0fox  ( Confirmed with /mywounds )  2 GSW

In this clip you can see me getting hit with 5 9mm bullets from a distance doing insane damage, the 5th bullet somehow takes almost half the HP and injures ->https://streamable.com/7ll455

In this clip you can see only a few bullets once again do insane damage killing someone way to quick for what that gun is suppoused to do and has ever done in recent times, I showed this to a few people to get some opinions on the damage, and most people agreed something was wierd -> https://streamable.com/x23w13

Here is also a screenshot of another gang member of GST being killed with 2 bullets, he only took screenshot of the /mywounds for some reason, so you cant see him injured but he took this picture while injured in my kamacho during one of our fights. 


Thank you for looking into this and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Edited by John Nut
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On 1/3/2024 at 5:59 PM, John Nut said:

Date and time (provide timezone): 03/01/2024

Character name: John Reggal

Issue/bug you are reporting: For the past 3 days me and my gang has been 1-2 tapped in fights with pistol 50.s and other weapons. 

Expected behavior:  Not to die from 1-2 bullets

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: When being shot we have noticed that 2 bullets kill us instantly / much fewer bullets than normal. I have gathered some footage throughout the past couple of days where me and my gang have been dealing with this issue.  We made sure to double check our panel to make sure we have been 100% in health and etc. Going to the hospital paying 3k for the heal and also using painkillers in other times to test this out. This bug has mostly happened in vehicles, but also while on foot. Here is a few clips of the damage we have received. 

This is the only clip I have where 2 bullets kill, confirmed with /mywounds. In this clip you can clearly see that something is wrong, also kinda looks like the police is using hacks, but we all know thats very unlikely -> https://streamable.com/sd0fox  ( Confirmed with /mywounds )  2 GSW

In this clip you can see me getting hit with 5 9mm bullets from a distance doing insane damage, the 5th bullet somehow takes almost half the HP and injures ->https://streamable.com/7ll455

In this clip you can see only a few bullets once again do insane damage killing someone way to quick for what that gun is suppoused to do and has ever done in recent times, I showed this to a few people to get some opinions on the damage, and most people agreed something was wierd -> https://streamable.com/x23w13

Here is also a screenshot of another gang member of GST being killed with 2 bullets, he only took screenshot of the /mywounds for some reason, so you cant see him injured but he took this picture while injured in my kamacho during one of our fights. 


Thank you for looking into this and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Seems like a different update might have broken the custom weapon damage. A fix is coming soon,

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On 1/3/2024 at 10:09 PM, John Nut said:

The Painkiller dont heal more than maybe 30HP or so,  I was barely hit by a bike and it took me to 2HP.  There is something very wrong with the Health system right now. 

Make sure that you have enough wellness to heal as your health can't exceed it. If you happen to get some video evidence of it, you may submit a new bug report regarding painkillers.

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