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Constant Desync/Ping Lag Affecting Players

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Date and time (provide timezone): Happening over the past couple days, OCE timezone

Character name: Andrew Quinn/Joey Malice

Issue/bug you are reporting: Over the past couple days it feels like the server's way of dealing with ping has changed, unintentional or not, it's caused huge issues for many people on the server, mostly OCE players. Before the bug/change, the server used to handle ping flawlessly for OCE players like myself which was one of the biggest attractions to the server, yes the ping does affect what we see on our screen or "in our eyes" depending on our ping, but it was seamless as best it could. 

Now it feels like the server has had to adjust to the ping in an attempt to make it more synced, but all that has done is create mass amounts of lag and desync for players with higher ping. As a player in a street racing faction made up of OCE/SEA members it's made it literally impossible, as everyone is everywhere, smashing into walls, running over and hitting people/cars unintentionally, causing issues. I will say that the "sync" is better, like when someone from OCE hits someone from OCE it shows up that they hit each other, but it feels like the attempt of fixing that has screwed everything else exponentially especially with those people with higher pings. It has made me very demotivated as the immersion has been absolutely wrecked and as someone who has pursued vehicles as part of an LEO faction, I simply can't even contest. This issue also extends beyond vehicles, but on foot, bicycles and helicopters.

I hope this is a bug and an unintentional side effect of an update, but if it IS intentional, I beg you to revert the change. It has also persisted through server restarts.

EDIT: Apparently more than OCE/SEA are experiencing this, extending to EU as well.

Expected behaviour: For the server to be back to how it was.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Small video I was able to do today but it’s been happening for days now. https://streamable.com/8pk9td

Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

Edited by Hanro
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I want to add that this is not exclusive to OCE. I am from Europe and have ~50 ping to the server, and yesterday there were massive instances of desync. People saw me ramming into walls and stuff, when on my screen I was driving in a straight line.

I do not know how to reproduce exactly, but there does seem to be a issue somewhere.

Edited by alexalex303
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1 hour ago, alexalex303 said:

I want to add that this is not exclusive to OCE. I am from Europe and have ~50 ping to the server, and yesterday there were massive instances of desync. People saw me ramming into walls and stuff, when on my screen I was driving in a straight line.

I do not know how to reproduce exactly, but there does seem to be a issue somewhere.

Same issue but 2 days ago. The server would go completely unresponsive as if I wasnt connected for about 5 seconds before reacting.

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39 minutes ago, Osvaldon said:

It's difficult to determine the cause, but I am working on my end to see if there is something in the script that could cause the lag and crashes. Just recently I've disabled some gun update related features.

It reminds me of playing laggy FiveM servers. There could be some toggle or something that changes the way the host/script determines the client to server sync, but honestly I don't know enough to tell.

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