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Repetitive RP lines and their allowance

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Example of approved use of macros:

  • Text Macros for Roleplay that do not affect others
  • Note Drawing script


When searching or cuffing a suspect they show compliance by putting their hands up ( Scriptly we can't do these actions unless their hands are up as per script) so could it be allowed to have a macro to do /me takes a set of cuffs from her belt and attempts to cuff the suspect?" or "/me attempts to pat the suspect down"?

Is the only issue the delay? If we set a delay chosen by stuff are we allowed to use those macros?

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in agreement. not least of all cus i am physically mute and cant actually talk. therefore typing everything (particularly the repetitive RP parts/repetitive radio calls) out slows everything down. certain jobs such as MD and law enforcement have alot of these kind of lines framing the actual creative roleplay posts and typing them out constantly is both tiring and screwy because one typo can derail everything. i think we should be allowed to use macros for the non creative, repetitive sections of roleplay and then freetype the fun creative parts.

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44 minutes ago, Quietthecutie said:

in agreement. not least of all cus i am physically mute and cant actually talk. therefore typing everything (particularly the repetitive RP parts/repetitive radio calls) out slows everything down. certain jobs such as MD and law enforcement have alot of these kind of lines framing the actual creative roleplay posts and typing them out constantly is both tiring and screwy because one typo can derail everything. i think we should be allowed to use macros for the non creative, repetitive sections of roleplay and then freetype the fun creative parts.

Just to clarify this, you can use it for some repetitive things. The rules just don’t allow for use of macros when you’re directly interacting with another player such as trying to attack them or take hostage or restrain them. Things such as bodycam, putting on uniform etc can be used with macro as the current rules stand. 
I believe OPs point is that whilst cuffing someone is interacting with them it’s leaning more towards the repetitive boilerplate style rp so should be allowed. 

Overall with this suggestion I think the intention behind the rule is to foster fairness between interactions. But it’s a slippery slope if exceptions get made, cuffing first, then searching isn’t much after, then checking license. I feel it’s adequate as we currently handle it personally, but that’s coming from someone who dislikes macro for writing rp so I’m a little biased one way with it.

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2 hours ago, Ash said:

Just to clarify this, you can use it for some repetitive things. The rules just don’t allow for use of macros when you’re directly interacting with another player such as trying to attack them or take hostage or restrain them. Things such as bodycam, putting on uniform etc can be used with macro as the current rules stand. 
I believe OPs point is that whilst cuffing someone is interacting with them it’s leaning more towards the repetitive boilerplate style rp so should be allowed. 

Overall with this suggestion I think the intention behind the rule is to foster fairness between interactions. But it’s a slippery slope if exceptions get made, cuffing first, then searching isn’t much after, then checking license. I feel it’s adequate as we currently handle it personally, but that’s coming from someone who dislikes macro for writing rp so I’m a little biased one way with it.

As an avid streamer with a reputation for rather in-depth roleplay, I am absolutely in agreement with this suggestion.

One assumes another pertinent example of this would be obtaining a specific size prisoner uniform and then de-cuffing an individual within their cell when correctional employees are processing prison inmates.

The key words here are repetitive and uncontroversial. High volume and mundane tasks that are performed in exactly the same manner in the vast majority of cases.

Edited by Viropath
Amended Grammar
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This was discussed before and the current stance is that you are allowed to use macro RP as long as you're not interacting with players; so only passive RP such as taking a bodycam, putting on your uniform etc. This is to ensure fair RP for both parties, as there will be a small chance that using macros will shorten the RP scenario which might affect the final outcome. 

For example, if a suspect gets arrested - you attempt to cuff him. Writing the /me line will take roughly 5-10 seconds. In those 5-10 seconds, his backup/allies might be responding. If you used a macro, you'll manage to cuff him, potentially, before his backup arrives, but if you were writing the RP, there will be a chance that you won't be able to complete this action before backup arrives. This is one of the reasons why macros aren't allowed.

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I'm not looking to fasten the RP, it's more of a can we put a certain delay in so it's fair. Which to your way is 5-10 seconds, we can easily have a long delay within sentences until we are allowed to use them as in if your line is xyz long you need to wait 10 seconds before you post it, does that make sense? 

53 minutes ago, Harveyyy said:

This was discussed before and the current stance is that you are allowed to use macro RP as long as you're not interacting with players; so only passive RP such as taking a bodycam, putting on your uniform etc. This is to ensure fair RP for both parties, as there will be a small chance that using macros will shorten the RP scenario which might affect the final outcome. 

For example, if a suspect gets arrested - you attempt to cuff him. Writing the /me line will take roughly 5-10 seconds. In those 5-10 seconds, his backup/allies might be responding. If you used a macro, you'll manage to cuff him, potentially, before his backup arrives, but if you were writing the RP, there will be a chance that you won't be able to complete this action before backup arrives. This is one of the reasons why macros aren't allowed.


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28 minutes ago, Harveyyy said:

This was discussed before and the current stance is that you are allowed to use macro RP as long as you're not interacting with players; so only passive RP such as taking a bodycam, putting on your uniform etc. This is to ensure fair RP for both parties, as there will be a small chance that using macros will shorten the RP scenario which might affect the final outcome. 

For example, if a suspect gets arrested - you attempt to cuff him. Writing the /me line will take roughly 5-10 seconds. In those 5-10 seconds, his backup/allies might be responding. If you used a macro, you'll manage to cuff him, potentially, before his backup arrives, but if you were writing the RP, there will be a chance that you won't be able to complete this action before backup arrives. This is one of the reasons why macros aren't allowed.-

but at that point they either have their hands up, complying or they could just stall and resist arrest. A rule could be set in place for a set delay required on macos that involve other players?

Isn't that also abusing the fact people are typing (Powergaming)?

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As someone who has used macros to avoid large amounts of repetition, I personally think amendments could be made to benefit the consistent repetition of RP. For example, in a day, I could easily pat down individuals 20-25 times, depends on the sort of day it is. 


The use of macros does not interject on someone's roleplay and stop them from being able to resist/answer back. It only allows the repetitive RP to be done for us, allowing us to then focus on if someone wants to resist, or wants to bring immersive RP with us, however majority of the time it's a /do able with nothing else added, to which from PD's side, we do not complain about.


We do repetitive RP, we get repetitive RP back to us. It has been seen time and time again, to where if a group of individuals provide immersive RP, and begin to roleplay situations correctly, that it then influences the community around them to also roleplay as they're being led by example. If we're going to cut the use of macros for tasks such as cuffing, then I believe individuals roleplay should be monitored closely from both LEO and crim side, to ensure that it is immersive and contributing to the community better, as without the macro, the repetitive RP will get boring, causing a lack of immersion and eventually a /me tries to cuff the individual, instead of what the macro could possibly read of /me reaches for her duty belt, unhooking her cuffs before attempting to place them on the individuals wrist - with then more back and forth available.  


I mean if we can't use a macro that literally only "attempts" and action, then has MD had their macros stopped? I've seen multiple macros from MD which fix broken legs, GSW's and more, to where the roleplay isn't even in depth, it's minimalistic, and yes they may have to wait out the /stabilize script, but in this time, I've also witnessed them fixing a whole load of GSW's, and grabbing a stretcher, returning back to a patient, before the stabilize is even finished. 


A solution? 10,000 - 15,000ms must be added to each macro, allowing the 10-15 seconds of "typing" that would normally happen to allow a fair basis. 

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32 minutes ago, Akio said:

then has MD had their macros stopped? I've seen multiple macros from MD which fix broken legs, GSW's and more, to where the roleplay isn't even in depth, it's minimalistic, and yes they may have to wait out the /stabilize script, but in this time, I've also witnessed them fixing a whole load of GSW's, and grabbing a stretcher, returning back to a patient, before the stabilize is even finished. 

Feel free to bring this up with MD command, ooc ia or LFM, this shouldn’t be happening. It’s the same thing as mentioned above about macros when interacting with people.

Getting a stretcher would be allowed with the current rules but not treatment. If you have any examples feel free to send them to me privately.

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3 hours ago, Shurples said:

but at that point they either have their hands up, complying or they could just stall and resist arrest. A rule could be set in place for a set delay required on macos that involve other players?

Having their hands up doesn't mean they want to comply, they're doing it because they're most likely under FearRP. Stalling could get them reported - for example, you use the first macro of cuffing them, they will be forced to respond, whether it was instantly or within 30 seconds, otherwise, they'd be stalling and could catch a punishment. Resisting will get them tazed which will affect their character, or, they might get reported for breach of FearRP.

Adding a delay could fix the issue.

3 hours ago, Shurples said:

Isn't that also abusing the fact people are typing (Powergaming)?

Correct, the second you start ((Typing)) that means RP is in effect. If they run away for example, that would be powergaming.

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