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Harley Pavlovich

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Harley Pavlovich


------------ The Navy ------------

Harley joined the Navy when she was 16. She started as a mechanic/engineer apprentice and worked her way into the Navy command ranks as she grew.

Harley was a fleet member of the Navy for as long as she can remember. She joined the crew of the ship ‘Liberty’ after 5 years of service.


After joining the Liberty her career as a member of the Navy fleet took off, she started getting promotion after promotion from the Grand Admiral ‘Rabbit’, she became fascinated with power, title and status and became very competitive with my other fleet colleagues.

After years and years she worked her way up to the rank of Admiral and was close to becoming Grand Admiral. To her surprise when promotions came around, her colleague ‘Kiwi’ was promoted instead of her. Kiwi was obsessed with power and was very competitive towards Harley. When they were commissioned on a mission overseas Kiwi threw Harley overboard and left without her. He left Harley for dead. The closest place she could find was Los Santos. 

------------ Los Santos ------------

Los Santos was a scary place for Harley. She had never been anywhere outside of her hometown as a civilian. 

  After months of being lost, guns constantly pointed at her face and being robbed, she met the wonderful Ariadne Kouris, who was crying, at Central MD who she would never guess would change her life. Kouris and Harley quickly became friends after an incident with a man named Stan and a knife. and then Kouris introduced Harley to the rooks. Finally a family Harley felt connected with again, just like the Navy, Harley quickly applied, met Dmitri at a beach and joined the Rooks.


Ever since then she’s been a member of their family, they treat her well and she’s never been this happy since her Navy days.

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Harley Pavlovich


The Navy


Harley joined the Navy the second she got the chance when she was 16. She joined as an engineer apprentice and began to become more interested in working her way up the ranks to begin her career in Navy Command.

She grew her career into the Fleet for the Navy of a ship named ‘Liberty’ after 5 years of service.




After joining the Liberty, her career as a member of the Navy fleet took off, she started getting promotion after promotion from the Grand Admiral ‘Rabbit’, she became fascinated with title, status and the chain of command, she became very competitive with her colleagues.




After years of service, she worked her way up to Admiral and was working towards the rank of Grand Admiral. To her surprise when promotions came up in a debrief, her colleague ‘Kiwi’ was promoted to Grand Admiral instead of her. She was filled with jealousy, and anger while Kiwi became very aggressive with his new found power.




Whilst on route to a mission they were commissioned on by the UK Navy, Kiwi and Harley had an argument in the Barracks, an argument about who belongs in which rank which ended with no conclusion and bad blood left between the two. Kiwi with his new found power decided to invite Harley to the side of the ship to talk over their argument and come to a conclusion. Harley, naively accepted his invitation and met him on the side of the ship. Kiwi gestured for a handshake as she approached him. Harley went to accept the handshake when the next thing she knew, her arm was being pulled by Kiwi and she was being thrown overboard into the oceans of Los Santos. Kiwi ordered the ship to continue moving and to leave Harley overboard, assuming she would drown.




The closest land Harley could see was Los Santos, so she swam towards the city until she became too tired. She decided to conserve her energy and focused on staying alive. She leaned back and floated on her back, listening to the water, waiting for somebody to find her or the waves to wash her ashore.

What felt like years went by, but was probably around an hour, when finally a boat found Harley floating in the water. The boat had a russian family on board, they were the Pavlovich family. They offered Harley a hand and brought her back to land, to Los Santos. They brought her inside their home and offered her their home to stay inside while she became familiar with the city. This gesture really got to Harley. The Pavlovich family saved her life and offered her a place in their family, with nothing they are gaining from it. Because of this, Harley decided to change her surname to Pavlovich for her new life in Los Santos.


Los Santos + Rooks

Los Santos was a very scary place to Harley. She had never been outside of her small hometown as a civilian. After months of having nothing but guns pointed at her face and being robbed, she met a very interesting Ariadne Kouris. She was crying at Central MD. Harley decided to ask why Kouris was crying. They both became friends very quickly after an incident with a knife and a man named Stan. Kouris soon afterwards introduced Harley to The Rooks. This is the first organisation and family that she felt she belonged in since The Navy. Harley quickly applied, met Dmitri at a beach and became a Rook.



Family Divided

After years of being A Rook, Harley was informed about a meeting taking place at the docks of Los Santos. She was confused but went along with Ravyn, her new found closest friend. On the way to the dock, Harley and Ravyn discussed what the meeting was about. Her heart sank when she heard the words “They want Dmitri out”. Dmitri had been always there for Harley, a leadership role she looked up to and someone she depended on. The fact that her own family members would think something of the sort left her stomach turning on the way to the meeting.

The Meeting

Ravyn and Harley turned up to the Docks to see everyone she has ever called Brothers and Sisters stood in a circle shouting and arguing. Her eyes began to water as she braced for a difficult night.

The meeting went on for hours, everyone in the family had their piece to say. When Harley finally thought the arguments might be over, the name “Gauge Michaels” came up in conversation. Immediately Harley’s confusion and sadness turned into Anger and Hate. She felt like she had just been thrown overboard into the freezing cold oceans of Los Santos once again. Her body was completely covered with goosebumps, her nose began to run, her eyes started to tear up. She began to scream at the group “How could you!?” she asked the people who she thought she could trust. “Rex you know what this man has done to us before. I can’t go through this again!” she screamed as she started to show her emotions had gotten the best of her. She walked further away from the group and sat with Johnnie Everdeen, who was crying in the corner with her.


The meeting concluded hours after it began. The sun rose as everyone began to slowly get in their vehicles and drive away to cool down. Harley decided it was best for her to drive to her home and sleep it off.

She woke up the next day, she hopped on the radio with the little energy she had and asked how everyone was. She was delighted to hear Ravyn’s voice asking her to meet her somewhere so they could talk. Ravyn and Harley met in a secluded place and discussed how they think the Rooks will perform with Gauge Michaels running the show. Not to their surprise not a week went by before the Council started hitting Rooks once again. Harley didn’t have the energy to go through another broken state of The Rooks, she stayed in town and waited for Gauge and Jerzy to come back from a meeting with the Triads with what she hoped would be good news.


Gauge and Jerzy returned 20 minutes later. Harley’s heart sank when she heard “They want The Rooks gone”

As she had guessed, Gauge returning to the city to run The Rooks had not been successful, as she stated in the meeting. And just like that, her family fell apart around her. People who she called brothers and sisters were either killed, whether that was by others or themselves, or left to the Triads with the drop of a pin.

"The Void left in their hearts"

Harley hadn’t given up on her family though.

The broken family she saw around her gave her inspiration and the wake up call she needed to bring back the commanding officer she was back in The Navy. She used all the time and energy she had whilst in the city to meet with everyone she knew was still alive. Jerzy, Ravyn, Jack and Randy all met with the intention of keeping The Rooks alive. They decided to stay together and run an organisation while they figured out where Dmitri was. The Void that was left in all of their hearts, where The Rooks used to live, inspired the name of this organisation.

They decided they would run a Security business to keep their income stable and to keep the family alive and closeby.


Where Ghosts Live

A few weeks later, Harley was awoken by her phone buzzing beside her bed at 5AM. The phone number was unknown and she didn’t recognise it at all. Normally she would ignore these types of calls, but for some reason, she had a good feeling about this one.

 “Hello.” The person on the other side of the phone was a familiar voice. Her eyes immediately began to tear up as she sat up. “Dmitri!? You’re alive!” she said while trying to calm herself down. Dmitri replied bluntly: “I need to meet you. Make sure you’re not followed. I’ll see you where ghosts live”

Harley immediately got out of bed, dressed and got on her bike. She drove as fast as she could, avoiding a police officer who attempted to pull her over nearby. She pulled into the location and walked up to a man she didn’t recognise. “Hi Harley” he said as she walked faster towards him. “We’ve missed you so much” Harley said as she went to offer D a handshake. They both quickly got back to business conversation and discussed how they can continue to run The Rooks, as they always wanted when they were founded.


What's Next?

Harley and Dmitri met once a week to begin working on The Void’s place in the great plan for The Rooks. What continues is their plan:

The Void Security is and has always been a legal front group of The Rooks, publicly being led by Jerzy Mceden, Randy Berkowitz, Ravyn Leroy and Harley Pavlovich.

The Rooks have gone into hiding and have fully transitioned into the weapon smuggling business. The public face of The Rooks is Dante Kalashnikov while Dmitri has changed his name and appearance and is pulling the strings from the background.

With the dream market operating once more it’s safe to say the city will be feeling the presence of The Rooks much more. As an illegal empire attempting to operate in the shadows, The Rooks’ impact on the city is going to be less social and much more economical as we aim to fulfill our genre to stay away from ‘Street Gangs’ and pursue a different approach to crime, like The Rooks was founded to be.



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Harley's Birthday Bash

The night before her birthday, Harley met Dimitri at [REDACTED]. They discussed business and what they plan on doing in the near future. After their conversation, Harley mentioned to D that she would be having a Birthday Party the night afterwards. "I assume you won't be there" she said to him, laughing. "I'll be around somewhere, don't worry. Happy Birthday Harley" D replied with a smile on his face. They shared a handshake and ended their meeting.

May 10th 2020: It was Harley's Birthday, everyone together decided to get together and throw Harley a birthday party on Vespucci Beach.

Everyone Harley considered to be family showed up at some point during the night, even some people she hadn't seen in years. With a trunk full of alcohol and gifts exchanged, everyone together decided to take a break from their daily duties, cool down and just chill together for a bit.

The party lasted a while, people drank a lot, danced and showed off their most impressive vehicles and merchandise and just had a good time.

When the party came to an end slowly, Harley stood near the shore and looked over at the group of her family. A single tear dropped from her eye and a smile grew on her face. Her family being together once again without a care in the world. Just enjoying each other's company took her back to simpler times, back when they could ignore politics and just sit back inside a garage and listen to Frankie play guitar and sing 'Wonderwall'.


She turned around and faced the ocean. She wanted the sun set and saw a small silhouette standing on the pier far away. She couldn't recognise the face of the man but she had a good feeling. She smiles at the sight of the man, raised her drink slightly to signify 'Cheers' and downed her drink to finish off the night. "Here's to us D" she said quietly to herself.


Harley moved from the beach and went back to business.



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The Big Heist

The Night Before

Harley met with [REDACTED] the night before, they planned to rob a bank the next day to gain money for them to buy more equipment for their money laundering business they planned to do later on during the week. Harley left that meeting excited but nervous. She hopped on her Hakuchou Drag, feeling anxious and drove to the Void HQ. She texted Randy, asked him to meet her in the HQ so she can go over the plans so he can rally the team together through the night shift. Randy explained to her he has been excited for this day for a while, his face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning! He immediately opened his phone and texted everyone from Void and other groups they were allied with to explain the plans and when and where to meet.

Harley, confident in Randy, left their meeting feeling less anxious, drove to her apartment and went to sleep.


The Calm before the Storm

Harley woke up the next morning excited for what was to come. She checked her phone and saw over 20 text messages from everyone telling her that they were in and they would be there for her. She smiled and get out of bed, ready to meet with all her loyal allies and members to go over the plan in detail.

She texted higherups in Void and Allies to meet at [REDACTED] to talk about the plans together. While she waited for them to arrive she got out the map of Los Santos she was given when she first arrived to the city, it was some weird tourist kind of map, it showed you where all the local banks, food markets, etc were. She spread the map on her coffee table, got out her sharpie collection and started drawing out the plan for each bank.


When the guests arrived they discussed the plan for each bank and all came to the agreement that the Route 68 bank would be the best one to hit, it had the most exit points and the incompetent Serriffs Department would be the first responders rather than the Police Department in the city.
The plan was set, hit the Route 68 bank, have 5 inside, 2 on the tellers, one on the side door, two working on vault. They all were confident in this plan, they all agreed this would be the heist they would carry out. They packed up the map and took it to 
[REDACTED] to explain the plan to the others.


Everyone gathered around Harley as she placed the map down on the ground and tossed a bag full of leather gloves, ammo and weapons. The bag made an audible thud when it landed on the ground, everyone then decided to shut up and pay attention.

"Everyone Listen Up", Harley said shortly after the bag hitting the ground.
"Tonight we are all going to be committing a serious felony. We're not here to mess around, we're not here to make a mess. We're all here to rob a bank and we're gonna do it clean. Anybody who has a problem with that, see yourself out"
. You could cut the tension with a knife as everyone remained silent and shuffled around as they got more anxious.
"Good, that was all of your last chances to turn back. You're in with us now."
"Tonight, we're hitting the Route 68 bank. We're going to do this clean and we're gonna do it smart. Each and every one of you needs to trust eachother that you have eachothers backs. We're putting everyone here at incredible risk so I need you all to trust eachother so you don't make any mistakes."

Everyone seemed to remain silent but you could see in their faces they understood the situation.


They discussed who would be inside the bank, who would be on crowd control, who would be on the vault.
Everyone else was on damage control. Outside, on roofs, in bushes, in vehicles. Whatever you need to do to be ready for if it got messy. It ended up to be about 15 people outside, and 5 inside.

"Everyone gloves on, I don't want you leaving prints around like we're amateurs. Load your weapons, use the ammo you need from here. We're in and out in 5 minutes everyone. Let's go!" - Harley

The Final Countdown

When showing up to the bank, you could tell everyone was getting nervous as they pulled their heavy weapons out of their bags inside the bank. Everyone inside could be seen adjusting their stance or their grasps on their guns, their knees falling weak, their arms feeling heavy, their palms becoming sweaty.
Harley made one last speech to her allies inside.
"I trust each and every one of you, and I know you trust me. We're gonna do this right and we're gonna do this clean. We're not going to fail, we have got this in the bag. Everyone good?"
Each of them responding with an excited acknowledgement.

Harley explained that she will count down from 5. On 1, they will all begin their tasks. On the outside she seemed strong, she needed to be for everyone working with her to be confident in her. On the inside she was anxious, her heart was pumping like crazy and her chest felt tight. As she counted down her breaths became shorter and faster. This was it, no turning back now.


"5... 4... 3... 2... ONE!"

Animated GIF


Her worst nightmare had come true. She had an awful feeling that Council were onto her plans from the very beginning and right after her final countdown, they were told by the tellers that the bank was robbed shortly before they turned up. Harley had no time to question who robbed the bank, she rallyed her team together and ensured, before they got unwanted attention that every single one of them was safely away from the bank, away from Route 68 and safely in their vehicles before doing so herself only AFTER seeing the last of her allies leave the bank safely.


Although the robbery was a fail, it felt like a win to Harley. She had gotten her whole team together, planned the entire heist and got everyone away from the situation safely when things turned sour. Although the heist never went through, she had found people that trust her, she knew that the 20 people who were around her when she arranged the whole thing believed in her and felt confident in her leading them.

She knew she had a strong team and she can be confident that when they plan on doing this again, she can rely on them.

She then drove back home, sat down on her sofa and began to draw to calm her nerves. She drew the only thing that could come to her mind after tonights events. Family.


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Before reading this story, I recommend reading 'The Big Heist' first. Enjoy!

Project 'Purloin'

After her first failed attempt at leading her team to a successful bank robbery, Harley felt defeated but inspired to do better. Ever since that day, she's been planning for their next heist. What went wrong? What should I change? Questions like that flooded her mind for months, up until the night before.

The night before, Harley stayed up all night in her house drawing up the plans and checking her equipment. She bought a map from a local store and placed it on her old stained coffee table


After being finished drawing up the plans, she writes 'Project Purloin' at the top and folds up the map. She carries it with her and walks over to her bag which is laying on the sofa nearby. She picks up the bag and drops it down onto her old, dusty carpet and begins to fill it with supplies along with the map.


Once the bag was full of gloves, masks and the map. She tossed it near her door and walked into her bedroom.
Exchausted, she collapsed onto her bed, taking her pistol from her holster, holding onto it tightly. She presses the button on the side of her gun to release the magazine and starts to count each round, calming herself down, before cleaning her gun. "Good as new".


She felt ready. She left all of her things in her room and walked into the bathroom. She ripped off the mask on her face and looks at herself in the mirror mounted on the wall. Harley took a few deep breaths while the tap began to pour water in the background, splashing in the sink. She bends down and splashes her face with cold water. She looks at herself once again in the mirror. "You can do this. They trust you. They believe in you. You've got this!"


The Storm Approaches

Harley called for everyone to meet her a few hours before the job. They all got together at [REDACTED] and discussed the plans. Everyone seemed to understand and had faith that Harley knew what she was doing. Harley tossed her bag onto the ground. It made a loud thud sound as it landed on the ground, it was clear that it was full and heavy. "Gloves on everyone." Harley said as she nodded towards the bag. Everyone approached the bag, one by one collecting a pair of gloves and a mask.


With frequencies shared and teams assigned, the team began their haul towards the bank. Upon arrival, everyone got into their places and signalled the inside team to go in. Harley was on the inside team, leading them to success and giving the countdown. After everyone was ready, Harley gave the final countdown.

Time felt like it froze right before she gave the countdown. Her mind started to remind her of everything that can go wrong. Her heart began racing, her palms getting sweaty, she began to remember the last time she was in this position; behind a shotgun, looking like a failure after realising the bank was empty. This cannot happen again, we have to be successful this time.

"5, 4, 3, 2... ONE!" the coundown was 5 seconds but felt like hours, on "ONE" Harley and her allies began to aim their guns at the tellers, and the team started to work on the door and vault. The door was easy work, Harley got behind the desk and knocked out the tellers. The alarm started to ring as they continued to work on the vault. Harley ordered her team to get ready on the door. She started to breathe heavily as she saw more police cruisers show up. First it was one sherrif, then two, then the whole police force was there!

The vault opened almost simultaneously with the police breaching the door. Harley shot down the officer without any hesitation, two shots from her shotgun made the officer collapse to the floor, his body mutilated from the shots.

After the shots were fired, more officers stormed the bank. The outside team sprayed down their backup and only 2 officers made it inside the bank alive.


The two officers who breached the bank had the advantage on Harley and her team however. They breached the bank and rushed them, shooting down Harley and her allies, killing everyone inside apart from her. Harley held onto her wounds, holding heavy pressure clinging onto life.


She blacked out and woke up in the back of an ambulance, police following it. She had failed and she was going to pay for it. After being treated at the hospital she was taken down to DOC, where she spent 8 years in custody and paid $70,000 in damages. After being processed in DOC, her face lit up as she saw two of her allies alive, waiting for her in the cellblock. They caught up from what they remember about the job, sat down at the abandoned poker table and immediately began to discuss what went wrong and what they can do next time.

Watch the video here:


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Formerly known as Harley Hartwell, older sister to 'Audrey Hartwell', first daughter to two "Loving" parents,

'Annabel Hartwell' & 'Scott Hartwell'. 

Since Audrey's birth in 1997, Harley's Parents had carelessly pushed her aside, showing their blatantly obvious preference to her younger, more talented sister. Their mother, Annabel Hartwell, explicitly showed her disdain and neglect to her first born. As Harley  grew up suffering the painful indifference her parents justified day in and day out she continued to come home from school. She would arrive home beaten, bruised and covered in dirt, scars began to riddle her body and her mother would completely overlook anything Harley needed. Their mother would only focus on Audrey, who at this point in her life Harley has come to believe her parents thought must've shit gold with perfection, had no capacity to do anything wrong. As the days passed Harley became more and more withdrawn from those around her, knowing that those who brought you into the world could throw you away like trash left a void in her she needed to fill.


As the years passed and the neglect persisted, growing more and more noticeable, Harley became more reserved; a quiet teenager. She kept to herself, not socializing at school and would never speak to her parents. It was easy going around unnoticed in the cold home she had grown accustomed to. Preferring the long quiet walks to school over the anxiety riddled car ride with her family, Harley would often take her time as she walked past the local Military Defense Academy. There was something that drew her to this place she couldn't overlook.  There was an inspiration growing inside her, something she could work for, live for and even die for.
After school Harley would stand at the fence; fingers entwined in the metal, face pressed as close as she could get as she would watch them training; always the exact same formation patterns never changing. She would be there like clock work, tirelessly taking in all she could like a sponge, it was as if someone was playing it on a loop. With her sister always coming home with stories to tell or grades to show her parents, always in the spotlight it didn't take long for Harley to lose focus on school, and all inspiration for life. She soon fell into a dark state of depression, with only the thought of the Armed Forces, and her excitement that came from that being the only thing to help her go about her day.

A few months passed before Harley spent the remainder of her time researching and learning about the British Navy.  She began to become obsessed and focused on everything Navy; needless to say she believed why not neglect her family, they didn't even act as if she existed. The moment she turned 16, she enlisted in the Navy, never looking back at the life she now condemned and hoped would rot.  She worked hard day in and day out, tirelessly to be able to move up in the rankings and become everything she knew she was capable of. Everything her family made her believe she wasn't and would never be.

((Read the Story about Harley's time in the Navy HERE))

Many years down the road; after Harley joined the Rooks, she longed to reach out to her Sister, who conveniently also resided in Los Santos. The reason given that drove Audrey to move here was to try to repair the connection she lost with her sister. Harley tried to explain to Audrey why she did what she felt she had to do and eventually had hoped for forgiveness from her family. 
Audrey's response to it all was thankful and she was relieved to find Harley was alive and well after all this time. Audrey explained she could not speak for their parents, but she missed her sister dearly and had been looking for her for years. She eventually asked if Harley would have any interest in coming back to the UK to visit their parents.  This gave Harley pause, she would be able to ask for their forgiveness herself, something she was unsure she wanted, but she longed to just hear they were proud of her, that they loved her and were sorry they mistreated her. It took Harley a few days to think it all over, the pros and cons to this trip. After all she hadn't seen her parents in 9 years, and after closing those horrible memories  from her childhood away, their neglect and lack of regard for her wellbeing. Nonetheless, she agreed to visit them, not to ask for forgiveness, but to explain how she felt and why she left.

Harley, although nervous, was happy to be on the plane with her sister, but anxious to see her parents again. Audrey already had their flights booked before Harley agreed, she was optimistic about the family reunion as well as the flight back to the UK together to visit their family.

Whilst on the plane, Harley struggled to sleep. Her mind was hyper focused on seeing her parents, running every  possible scenario imaginable in her head a thousand times. Unable to sleep she decided that a distraction was in order and turned on the in flight entertainment system, hoping it would distract her. As she watched the BBC News channel they were broadcasting breaking news. It was stated that there was a terrorist attack currently in progress in their home town of Oxford, in the busy High Street. They described the woman responsible as being dressed in black clothing walking down the High Street; automatic rifle in hand, the ones you wouldn't see much in the United Kingdom. The news stated the woman was just randomly shooting every civilian she could find, leaving a wake of death in her path carelessly and heartlessly, before running off untouched. The News Report showed CCTV footage live as the woman walked through the High Street gunning people down, with a panicked news reporter advising locals to stay inside, and stay safe. Harley could relate to that cold, unwavering feeling of emptiness. She knew all too well what it took to be able to handle oneself in that manner and not blink an eye as you step over bodies crying out for help.  Un phased by what she had just watched she turned off the news and tried again to get at least some sort of sleep before she was to face the evil she called her parents.

The Visit

The sisters arrived in their home city at 22:37. The moment they stepped off the plane, the cold, sharp British wind blew across Harley’s face, welcoming her back. Her nose red from the cold, face instantly remembering the sharp pain of the cold winds. As they stepped outside of the airport, a Black Cab was waiting for them, warm and familiar.. The Black Cab gave Harley a sense of nostalgia, a little glimmer of hope that this visit would go well. Once they arrived at the house, Harley took a deep breath in, anxiety racing as she prepared herself for the next step; walking through the front door.  They stood shoulder to shoulder at the front door, Audrey wrapping her arms around her sister, smiling, brimming with happiness. The 10 seconds after her shaky fist danced across the front door, felt like forever.

 What if they hate her for leaving? 
What if they don't recognise her? 

All of these questions raced through Harley’s mind until finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, her mother answered the door, her eyes brighter the minute they laid eyes on Audrey.  The greeting Audrey received, loving with a warm embrace. As their mother released her sister her eyes slowly scanned to the right then resting on Harley. Her mother stepped backwards to allow Audrey through and before turning her back, adorned a small smile and gestured to Harley to come inside with a wave.

Harley’s mother hastily ushered the two towards the living room, sitting them down on the couch. It was the same couch they had when Harley was younger, the brown fabric had faded a bit but still had the rough feel to it and the thought made her skin itch. She ran her hand along the arm of the couch to her left remembering the days she cried to herself alone here made her throat dry making her feel as if she was choking. Harley glanced around the room while her mother gossiped with Audrey, instantly noticing the trophies her sister had collected while growing up.  There were an abundance of photos of Audrey and her parents all over the walls, scented candles that had never been used for 20 years still sitting on the shelves and the single small photograph tucked away nearly covered by her sister's photo of Harley so many years ago. The room felt stale, like it had not been decorated or changed, forever suspended in the years Harley suffered in silence since she decided to leave home back in 2011.

Audrey and Harley decided it best to stay at their parents house for a week, sleeping in their childhood beds brought them both memories; ones Harley would rather forget, and ones Audrey wanted to feel once again.

Harley laid in her childhood bed, tossing and turning unable to shake an uneasy feeling a few days into her visit. The air in the room was stagnant and she could smell the remnants of the dinner her family had cooked earlier in the evening. She could hear the crickets outside the window and the random cars in the distance. Yet as everything seemed well in the world she couldn't shake the feeling of something bad was to come. In the same breath she exhaled with came the loud pounding on the door, the police sirens that were deafening, and the man on the megaphone yelling her name, demanding she surrender immediately. Confused, and worried about her parents finding out what she had become, Harley complied. She stepped out of the front door, where she was met with blinding lights, deafening sirens, and 25 Armed Police Officers demanding she got on her knees, pointing their weapons directly at her. Harley immediately dropped to her knees, took one look behind her and watched as her parents' faces dropped in utter disappointment.

Harley was arrested and taken to back to the United States, to Bolingbroke Penitentiary, kept in solitary confinement under the charges of a suspect of Domestic Terrorism. Completely confused, Harley contested these charges, to no success, or even a court case.

During her 3 month stay in Bolingbroke, Harley didn't waste her time. She used her inside contacts to find out exactly what happened and how she was framed. She gathered all the information she could, and pieced it all together when she was released, using the assistance of The Rooks. She would sit in her Hotel Room in Del Perro for hours, with her corkboard of evidence, trying to figure out who framed her for the terrorist attack.


At first, Harley assumed it would be a corrupt cop from the LSPD, her first assumption was Jason Steel, which was soon debunked when she heard from her insider on the LSPD, [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg], that Jason Steel was on a Leave of Absence for the duration of her stay in the United Kingdom.

Harley spent months stalking every detective or police officer who looked like they gave a shit about their job, trying to piece together whoever framed her for the attack, but with every new theory falling apart.

Harley was on the verge of giving up and throwing in the towel and never knowing. Each and every person she believed she had a theory for, had an alibi shattering everything she had pieced together, everything was falling apart. She threw herself back on the couch, crushed at the thought of what had happened to her would go unpunished and that's when something caught her attention. Harley looked to her left where an old family photograph of her and her family together sat. The dust on it was beyond noticeable, the glass on the frame had been cracked from her throwing it in anger. Harley looked past the broken glass and months of dust that gathered, her gaze focused on her mother, and so many things she overlooked on her visit began to pop up like cockroaches. The little things she overlooked and didn't think mattered. The lack of photos of Harley on the walls of the living room, the ignorance she showed her at the front door, the dust and stale smell of her childhood bedroom, the locked doors she was rushed past when they first arrived at the house, the general neglect she showed Harley during her weeks visit, and the severe lack of emotion and shock on her mothers face when the police showed up at the house that night. None of it added up, and none of it felt right.

Her next suspect: Annabel Hartwell

Harley’s panicked thoughts and worries started to align themselves. She instantly stood up and rushed across the room grabbing the frame on the table. Without a thought she shattered the glass on the edge of the table and ripped the family photo, only to post her mother’s face onto the corkboard across the room.  As she glared at the image in front of her she began to piece together all she knew about this that would prove her own mother would snitch.
After thorough deliberation, her first step was to review past communications with anyone in the LSPD. Since Harley was unable to go back to the UK;  due to the travel ban,  Harley spoke to Ravyn, the closest person she had to a real sister, desperate for answers . Harley begged Ravyn to go to the UK to do a favor, that being stealing her mother’s phone and using her skills she hasn't used since bank jobs years back, to read through any Emails, Texts or communications with anyone from the LSPD.

Ravyn smiled and agreed to do the task for Harley. “Anything for Family” she answered as she went online and booked the next available flight from LSIA to the United Kingdom.

Ravyn stepped out of the airport after arriving in the UK, and took a cab to Oxford. As she glanced down at her phone and reviewed every aspect of  the images Harley sent her of her parent’s home and of her mother. Ravyn wandered around the neighborhood taking in every little detail down to the ant ridden sucker the neighbors son dropped when she first arrived, three hours ago. After the sun finally set, she regained sight of Annabel, and noticed she never locks the front door when entering her home. Ravyn grinned at this stupid mistake taking the opportunity to enter the home going unnoticed. Ravyn, dressed as a true rook, pure black leather outfit, and her signature black bandana mask made her way through the yard entering the Hartwell home.


Ravyn crept through the dimly lit house, watching Annabel and her routine being sure to not leave any trace she was there behind. Her hands covered in the trade mark leather gloves, fingers trailing across the counter top she stalked her prey through the house and up the stairs. As Annabel closed the bathroom door behind her, leaving her phone to charge in the bedroom. You could hear the bathwater begin to run as she began to sing a little song that echoed from the bathroom. Ravyn quickly snatched up the phone, connecting the phone to her tablet and used the precious minutes she had to intercept the Emails and texts, downloading everything onto her drive. She carefully returns the phone back onto the night stand and makes her way back downstairs closing the back door quietly behind her and mutters to herself "why does no one lock their stuff?"

After arriving back at the airport, Ravyn finds a secluded area to wait for her flight and begins to review the emails, immediately noticing one that stood out; from Annabel to one registered to someone in the LSPD. Ravyn begins to look further and uncovers a chain of multiple emails to and from the same detective in the LSPD. She quickly gathered her things as she heard the announcement to board her flight back to Los Santos and made her way to the plane. 
As the plane was in the air and she was allowed to resume her reading she pulled out her tablet and began to dig further. Her heart sank as she continued to read the Emails. Ravyn quickly learned that after hearing about Harley's decision to the UK with the intentions of making amends with her parents, her mothers true color didn't fail to shine through.  Her mother sent an email out to a known detective in the LSPD within minutes of ending the call with Audrey. It only took a few moments, after hearing Harley wanted to reconnect for her to betray her yet again. Annabel's communications with [
g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg], suggested Annabel was willing to pay this detective to set Harley up to be vulnerable, and to be arrested for something that would keep Harley out of the country forever; out of her life as if she never existed.

Ravyn thought about all of the information she had read and believed the detective’s replies suggested he was willing to work with Harley’s mother. Within the conversations he suggests they frame Harley for an act of domestic terrorism. [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] continued to explain the investigations Bureau has access to people who would be able to make it look like it was her daughter, without question. [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] was confident he had a lookalike of Harley to pull this off as  Harley’s arrival, and make sure there was nothing that would prove it wasn't her. The conversations went on to explain that this, combined with the suspicious travel of a wanted criminal, would be enough for the charges to stick,  have no chance of trial,  and Harley would be deported from the UK, placed in Bolingbroke Penitentiary and left to rot.

avyn was disgusted after reading these emails, knowing there was no real easy way to break this to Harley,  Ravyn dialed her number and explained all she read, confirming her suspicions of her mother were true. All Ravyn could think was "What kind of parent would do this, and on top of it all, she paid for her to be deported from the UK."
After hearing this news Harley hung up her phone, letting it fall to the floor next to her. She stood there for what felt like hours, staring off, thoughts running through her head in all directions. She was completely drowned in anger and emotions, anger, hate, sadness, confusion but most of all the rage that was growing in her was one no one could put out. What was to come next was not going to be easy, yet after a lifetime of the feelings she fought through she knew; her mother would pay.

Over the next few days Harley dives in getting things prepped, gathering more information from contacts she's gained over the years. Over the years she has met a lot of questionable people with whom she has questionable relationships with.  Cartel members, dodgy businessmen, murderers and other suspicious people while in the Rooks. She was able to get her hands on a false Alias, an ID and Passport in order to be able to enter the UK undetected.  She carefully opened the envelope and looked over the documents smiling as se read the name to herself. “Lilith Alvah”, loosely translating to “Ghost of the Night”, conveniently foreshadowing her intentions for this trip. Harley managed to get through customs and fly to the UK without anyone batting an eye in her direction, it helped that she changed her appearance drastically as to not raise suspicion. 

Upon arrival in the UK she was greeted with weather that matched the pace of her soul; cunning, severe, damaging. The winds tore past her with a force she hadn't seen and the rain falling in large drops echoed through the streets as she made her way to her parents home. As the cab slowed a block away she told the cab driver to pull over, sliding him a large tip. As she climbed out of the cab making her way up the road she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped, startled reaching for her gun. Ravyn smiled as she removed her hand backing up slowly, "Whoa, chill. I figured you would come here first, didn't wanna see you make a mistake."
Harley tucked her gun away as she exhaled scoffing at Ravyn, "
You bitch, why do you do that to me?" They laughed as they made their way back down the road to the discreet hotel Ravyn had booked for them. As they entered the room they removed the wet coats and sat at the end of the bed. Ravyn laughed as she stood up and grabbed something from her bag. She held out her hand and there rested a blunt. "I think you need to smoke more , decompress a bit."

The two sat in silence  as they smoked, the thick smoke filled the room. Ravyn laughed as Harley began to cough like an old decrepit man as she always does. "Harley, you REALLY need to smoke more, that shit is disgusting!" Ravyn laughed as she threw a pillow at Harley. They went on for what felt like hours discussing her plans on how to proceed before they finally settled on one. Harley went to shower changing into a black leather jacket, black pants, and a classic Rooks Bandana. As she went to the door she looked over at Ravyn and smiled, "Wish me luck!" and left to wait for her mother to walk home from work.

As she walked up towards her parents home so many vivid memories flooded her mind from her childhood. The hurt, neglect and pain rushed through her like a tsunami stirring a fury that even her concerned. The light at the back door still flickered as it did as she was younger, reminding her of the nights she would sneak out to watch the late night training at the base. She crossed the yard and waited in a nearby bush  near the path her mother frequented on her way home from work. As she sat waiting her heart began to race, her hands trembled as she looked down at her knife in her hand, she knew what she needed to do.  She took a few deep breaths, calmed herself down and focused on the road and the thought that this was the only way to end the battle she fought her entire life, she can do this, she has been trained for worse. Only minutes later she heard the shoes scraping on the wet sidewalk just before they hit the footpath. Harley glanced up, through her sunglasses and over her mask she saw her, Annabel Hartwell, the enemy. She smiled slightly under her mask as she thought her mother had no idea what she was in for. She let her mother pass the bush, oblivious, unaware and none the wiser.

Rage began to fill Harley’s mind as she watched her mother walk by the bush, with every sound her mother made, each and every step infuriating her more. Harley slowly stood and stepped out from the bush walking quickly towards her mother in a dark unlit spot of the footpath. Unaware of her footing, Harley stepped on a branch and with the silence around them, the crack caught her mothers attention. She turned to face her, fear on her face as Harley stepped closer.

Animated GIF

Annabel took a sharp breath in as her hand clutched her chest when she saw Harley, eyes focused, fierce and determined. Before Annabel could get a single breath out, Harley swung the blade forward, violently, repetitively, the cut was smooth and deep. No emotions ran through her mind and she didn't speak a word, it was as if she was watching herself free herself from the pain, no conscious could argue with the raw emotion happening in that very moment. After the screams stopped, and Annabel's breath was weakened as she lay there fighting to breathe, hands coated in blood as she attempted to contain any of the aftermath. After Harley finished her attack, knife still lodged inside of her mother, she stood over her mother, lowering herself to get a good look at her mother. She looked directly into her mothers eyes, she could only see the fear in the way her mother looked at Harley as life was leaving her body. Harley looked back through her tinted glasses with no emotion, with a sense of relief and a weight lifted from her shoulders.
Annabel's motionless, lifeless, stiffening body in her hands was cathartic.  Without saying a word, Harley nodded as she watched her fall from her grip as she dropped her. Harley went to retrieve a shovel she had hidden a nearby bush and began digging the hole. 

Animated GIF

Annabel’s body hit the dirt hard, but didn’t make much noise. Harley's hand steadier than ever removed the bloody knife from her mother’s body and tucked it away to dispose of later.Harley looked towards the corpse in the grave, this time with peace, and no anger in her mind. 

She arrived back at the hotel room and removed her clothing at the door and placed them in the bag Ravyn left labeled "Put them here" which was next to the barrel which she labeled 'Lye'. Harley laughed softly as she imagined Ravyn dragging all the lye and the barrel into the room inconspicuously. "This bitch" Harley thought, "THEY are family." She moved to the bathroom to clean up and noticed one more note next to the bathroom sink. This one was labeled "Smoke me. You deserve to be happy." Harley ran herself a bath and lit the blunt as she leaned back to relax. "Everyone gets what they deserve" she chuckled softly as she took a big hit, this time not coughing, finally at peace.

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"See you on the other side" were the last words Harley spoke on the phone to [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] as she hung up and prepared for her next task ahead of her. Harley dropped her phone on the desk in the office and changed into her disguise, complete with mask, helmet and voice changing module.


After multiple tests in the field, Harley and other High Command members of The Rooks agreed it was time to put one of their prospects to their final test before recruitment. Nicknamed "Project Sunset" the three planned out what was about to happen. Harley, Jimmy and Frankie stood in the office circling a bag on the floor. The plan was simple. The bag was to be filled with a plain metal box to weigh it down, and was sealed with tamper proof tape. Frankie was to then give the bag to the newest prospect [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to deliver to unnamed clients. She was given simple instructions "Do not open the bag. Do not touch the bag. We don't know eachother. The only thing you need to say to them when you meet them is this: "The sun will set in the west this evening, but don't forget your wings."


Harley and Jimmy drove to the agreed meeting location, dressed in their new disguises and voice modules on. They both anxiously waited at the warehouse for [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to arrive with the package. The prospect arrived 4 cigars later, anxiously placing the bag down on the ground infront of them, stuttering out the words "The sun will set in the west this evening, but don't forget your wings."

Now the facade began. Harley carried the bag around the corner, inspected the bag but didn't open it, being careful not to touch the tamper proof tape, and screamed behind her voice changing module "WHAT THE FUCK" followed shortly by "Get her on her knees". Confused but defenceless, [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] got on her knees, confused about what she did wrong. She began to cower, her voice began to shake. The prospect was all of a sudden tied up, blindfolded and shoved into the corner of the warehouse where Harley began to interogate, belittle and emotionally torture [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]. Harley was interested in what made [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] crack, what did she value enough that the mere threat of it were to be taken away, that she would let loose all information she knew about The Rooks and the people she had met.

Although, as much as Harley tried to get [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to crack, she refused to let any information slip from her lips. Harley smiled behind her mask, catching herself and putting on a fake frown right after. She demanded [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to get in the trunk of the vehicle after all hope of her snitching had fallen.

[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] was shoved into the trunk of the nearby Rebla, and driven to the Vinyards north of Los Santos, where Frankie and David were waiting. Still blindfolded, [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] was pushed into the building, and shoved onto her knees infront of Frankie and David. Frankie, panicked, put on the first voice he could think of. A voice that could only be described as a constipated goblin. The weirdest shit you could ever hear. Harley struggled not to laugh, her eyes watering behind her mask. Getting herself back together, she staightened up and listened to Frankie as he ordered [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]'s execution. Jimmy clicked the safety off of his gun, and pointed it directly against [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]'s temples. She began to cry, begging for one last message to be sent to her boyfriend. Harley allowed it, and they recorded her dying wishes to be sent to Suken. Once it was over, Jimmy held the gun against her temples again. Through her voice changing module, Harley told [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to close her eyes. Flinching, [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] did as she said, her heart rate began to raise as she started sweating and panicking about the end of her life and then BANG! Harley had shot the ceiling. Jimmy then ripped the blindfold off of [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and she was greeted with a familiar, comforting "Hello!" from Frankie.


After a few "I hate you"'s and the insults were done, Harley's tone of voice went back to the serious tone she had the whole night. She turned to face [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and extended her hand out, offering a handshake.

"You've passed"

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A Day At The Races

Monday 5:00AM

Harley woke up to her phone ringing on her nightstand. Immediately she bound up from her bed, picking up her phone, placing her head in her hand and lifting her phone to her ear.

"Mhmm, yeah. Yes Sir. I'll see you in 5."

Harley had been expecting this call. The night before, she prepared her belongings in her home to be ready to leave in 30 seconds. Her firearm on the nightstand, clothes hung up, and her bags next to the door. Harley prepared herself for the long day ahead of her, dressed in her best suit, she masked up and left her home.

Harley's heart rate began to rise, as the risk ahead of her started to become real. Everything they've worked towards in the past few months, the efforts her family have gone through, all comes down to her actions tonight.

She stepped out from her mansion in Rockford Hills, and walked into the garage, taking out her Paragon. She opened the door, and let herself fall into the driver's seat. She tuned her radio onto 'Home' Frequency, and gave a message to her family.

"High Command are going to be busy for most of today with the most important task in the past 6 months. Our phones will be off and we will all be Radio Silent. Look after eachother. I love you all."

With that message given, she turned her radio back onto the agreed frequency for the nights task, and she stayed quiet. Harley started to drive towards the agreed meeting location and waited for the others to arrive.

Harley sat in her car in silence, anxiously bouncing her leg on the floor of her car, ignoring the outside world and focussing on her nerves. Her hands began to shake, and sweat profusely. She bagan to focus on her breathing. Slowly lowering her heart rate and relaxing herself.

Not two minutes pass before Harley hears radio chatter that brings her back to reality.
"We're around the corner now. Get Ready. Don't be followed".
Harley immediately looked up, coming out of her trance, this time focussed and ready for the day ahead of her. She watched as [
g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] pulls around the corner in his Jester, and follows him closely. They pull into a small Ranch just north of Vinewood, commonly known as 'La Fuente Blanca' and park around the stunning fountain.

[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] Enter the ranch, while the rest wait patiently outside for the deal to be finalised. Harley's heart finally began to slow as she watched them walk inside of the ranch with the briefcase of cash in hand, knowing their money was finally secure.


The deal was made, and after a few minutes they both came back outside, confirming the time and location of the shipment. They both shared a handshake, confirming The Rooks and La Fuente Blanca were finally officially Business Partners.

The Shipment

Hours passed as they prepared their boats and trucks. [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] recieved a text stating the shipment was ready. He then announced this on the radio, and they made their way to the boats, moving directly towards the location.
The oceans were treacherous and the winds were strong as they travelled away from the state, causing troubles with their boats. Throughout their journey, a dinghy was thrown into a rock, damaging the engines, causing their arrival to be delayed.


Upon arrival onto the private Island, The Rooks were escorted to the docks where the shipment was located. Each of The Rooks stepped off their boats, looking around the Island, amazed at the sights. Harley & 
[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] walked up to the mysterious man infront of them, shaking his hand as their glance drifts over to the weapons laying in the dozens of crates.

[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] gestures his hand towards the crates, allowing Harley and [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to take a look for themselves. Harley walked over to the crates and examined the contents. Her eyes widened as she rummaged through the weapons, feeling like a kid in a candy shop.


Closing the lid of the crates, Harley turned her head over her shoulder, locking eyes with [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and giving him a slight nod, confirming the contents are all there and good.
[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] nods back to Harley, acknowledging her gesture. Harley looks towards her fellow Rooks waiting on the docks, gesturing them to start collecting the shipment into bags.


After an hour of packing the contents of the shipment into their bags, The Rooks make their way to Harley,      [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and the rest of LFB, confirming to her that the shipment was completely loaded up and ready to leave. Harley nods to them, and glances towards [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]. He nods to Harley, and gestured her and The Rooks to follow him to their vehicles.


As The Rooks walk away from the dock, a deflating sound could be heard from behind them, as Harley turned her head she saw LFB cutting the rubber in the two Dinghy's they arrived in, sinking them to the bottom of the ocean.

"Those boats are way too easy to catch. We have a better idea"

Confident in La Fuente Blanca, Harley nods and continues to follow [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] up the hill until they reach the peak, when he moves to the side to reveal an evac vehicle. A matte black Cargo Helicopter stood before them, with the rear door open and more cargo loaded inside. 

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[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] explained that this helicopter is one of their options to leave the island, but will be a lot louder and could cause Police attention. Concerned about this, Harley decided to let him show them any other option to leave. [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] nods and gestured them to the other side of the docks, where two Longfins were waiting for them. Harley grinned and agreed with him. She told The Rooks to load themselves into the Longfin boats, and prepare for evacuation of the Island with their precious cargo.

Minutes passed as The Rooks loaded their cargo into the boats as Harley and [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] had their final words with [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]. They stated their upmost gratitude and both shared their excitement to work together in the future. One more handshake was exhanged as Harley and [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] hopped onto the Longfin.

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As they were driven away from the Island, harley took a deep breath as the fresh air from the ocean blew in her face, and looked towards [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and her brothers and sisters. They had done it, they were on the final mile to successfully shipping in their largest shipment of their careers. As she looked over to her brothers and sisters, she was reminded of the journey that brought them there. The pain, suffering and loss they had to go through to get where they were today. She remembered all the family she had lost, and all that she had gained throughout the years she had been a Rook, and at that moment
she felt content, she felt proud, and she felt complete.


"The final mile"

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