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Make working a civillian job with a mask on illegal

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I cannot imagine that a foreman on a roadworks site, or even a fast food joint manager would allow their employees to work with masks on. Could this either be a law or a rule? It's not like we have a manager to address this, and unless the cops can do anything about it it stays as is.

People use the anonymity to be unruly at civ jobs and it really seems unrealistic.

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Honestly it's how people act on freelance jobs that's the actual issue not really the mask aspect. People's standard should be upped when playing these roles. E.g construction workers starting fights over cones and people riding bikes into burger shot. It's something we've been clamping down on when it's seen or reported.

As mentioned above the masks being illegal thing is an in-character law but the jobs do prevent you putting on a mask when on duty but I believe if you clock on with a mask it stays on which is how this happens so it might be worth putting in a bug report to see if that's intended behaviour.

There's some cases where it's justifiable however e.g. the burger shot mask when working burger shot.

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-1, I personally have no idea why the script removes your mask if you go on-duty on any job because it should rather be something Law Enforcement ought to deal with if they catch an individual concealing their face. I'm glad that there's finally one job that doesn't forcefully remove your mask for no reason, like what if you have to take it off at the job point then put it back on once you leave?

The script doesn't remove your mask when you join the roadworks job like other freelance jobs, that's really what's the suggestion is about I believe.

Edited by Vixxey
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Thanks everyone. I agree Ash, the standard of behavior does not make sense IC. I don't know how players are expected to deal with situations like work being stolen at a construction site - in general it is an unspoken rule that if someone is standing in front of a job waiting for it to start, that someone else doesn't come and contest it. I've seen it come to blows but proper escalation at least occurred. 


I filed a bug report on the masks.

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In contrast, I feel some scripted jobs, farming for instance in which one should be allowed to wear a mask as realistically a person would have possible health reasons etc. to wear one as protection from dust etc. However, are unable to wear them for that job. 

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Ironically, the roadworks job is probably the one job that wearing a mask might make sure.

But, then you have to consider this is Eclipse. There is a mask culture that bleeds into every activity. Whether it's robbing a store or getting your salary or working at Burger Shot etc.. 

I take your point but I wouldn't think too deeply about them doing it. There is perhaps something to be said for having an RP server that relies on interaction and people continuously hide their face so you cannot tell who is who, which would make it more likely that you would interact I guess.

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