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I'm a little bit lost. so you are Criminals, Drug dealers, Escorts,assasins, All in one, you drive all king of cars from low tier to high tier, you clean streets from criminals while being criminals, im so confused, theres some faction rules you should read guys before making such type of gangs.

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4 minutes ago, Ynli said:

I'm a little bit lost. so you are Criminals, Drug dealers, Escorts,assasins, All in one, you drive all king of cars from low tier to high tier, you clean streets from criminals while being criminals, im so confused, theres some faction rules you should read guys before making such type of gangs.

Ok so I'll break this down section by section. We operate many styles but this is mainly due to the history section. We were first introduced as a social cleansing faction, we slowly turned to different sources of income due to hardships (including the contract killing, drugs etc.). Due to our military prowess, we were able to operate security and escorts which we were previously dealing in. Our cars vary from mostly mid tier and then one high tier car, which the boss drives around along with it being used as an escort car. Most of the reasoning behind our many differentiation is based in our history which is quite extensive.

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1 minute ago, Ynli said:

I Mean the gang history itself it is amazing, but we are talking about this server rules, with new faction system theres some things you should read

Sorry my response sounded kinda pretentious I did not in any circumstance try to like brag or anything just trying to clarify to you ;). Yeah we chose a mid-tier class gang which allows you to carry out the kinda stuff we do. I'll chuck it here for you so you don't have to search for it: "Activities (dealing drugs/weapons, kidnapping, protection racket, personal security, mercenary work etc.)"

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4 minutes ago, Ynli said:

Same man im not trying to be rude or something, i was just a little bit lost on that many tasks you will try to do. but if you will manage to do it in good quality RP it will be awesome, best of luck!

Thanks bro! We will try our best, just trying to make this fun for everyone.

Edited by cammusnsgs
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