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Bear Baldwin

Faction slots with forum application process.

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So this suggestion might be hard for some people to read, but before you do, understand I'm not trying to bash anyone or attack any of our current factions!

This suggestion is all about increasing the level of roleplay on the server;

First, we need to get rid of ALL criminal factions as they stand right now and implement a system where we have a set number of slots for gangs, lets say maybe 6-8.
In order to claim ownership of one of those slots, An application should have to be posted on the forums by someone who's respected in the community and have a pretty much clean disciplinary record. They should also have to submit a list of atleast 10 founding members who are also ALL known for their good RP and clean admin record.

It's then up to these 10 + the owner of the "Faction slot" to make sure they only recruit members who are here for the RP experience, and to TEACH any new players they decide to recruit the ways.

To make sure the owners of a faction slot do their job and enforce a high level of RP within their gang, we should implement a three strike system where if members of the faction commit serious breaches against the server rules - THE WHOLE FACTION gets a strike, and after three strikes they would risk losing the slot.

A system like this, where a gang and all the benefits that comes with it are actually hard to obtain and requires a good level of RP to keep. Would in my opinion greatly improve this server as it stands now. Now people jump from gang to gang - creating new ones at will, and there's no real requirement for the leaders to make sure their members follow the rules since they don't stand to lose anything if their members gets punished for breaking rules.

This will change the recruitment from "Anyone who can aim and shoot a gun, and listens to our orders" to "We need to find the best roleplayers Eclipse has to offer, and get them to join our gang"


Tell me what you think!

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I think this is a great idea.

In the Cartel, I try to keep a high standard of RP across the board. We have pulled brand new players in from starting the city and tried to develop them as a roleplayer as well as a respectable gang member. (I'd like to hope a lot of people in the city could also vouch for this reputation.)

The forum application idea is an excellent way of filtering through quality gangs who benefit from adhering to the server rules. This would decrease workload on staff in terms of replying to reports and allow them to enjoy the game too! 

I think that there would have to be a lot of discussion between staff of the 'startup' requirements because this topic is difficult. I think general city reputation should be taken into account as opposed to reports filed against people, sometimes circumstances dictate 'wrong place wrong time' sort of scenarios for otherwise brilliant roleplayers. I have a couple of people in my group with 1 report strike for a mistake, which they rectify and learn from.

But overall, excellent point which in turn should encourage diverse, immersive and enjoyable experiences for the whole of the city.  I hope something like this is pushed forward and developed by staff.


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This is going to be a highly a contentious discussion (with a lot of people disliking the suggestion put forward) but an official faction system is definitely the direction I'd like to see Eclipse go. (+1 and all that jazz)


They should also have to submit a list of atleast 10 founding members who are also ALL known for their good RP and clean admin record.

The faction definitely needs and active membership to keep it sustainable, an average active membership of maybe between 5 to 10 would work best I think.


To make sure the owners of a faction slot do their job and enforce a high level of RP within their gang, we should implement a three strike system where if members of the faction commit serious breaches against the server rules - THE WHOLE FACTION gets a strike, and after three strikes they would risk losing the slot.


A three strike system was pretty much the standard on most SA-MP servers, no reason to drastically alter a system that has been proven to work in the past. A "Head of Factions" should be something that should also be considered.


This will change the recruitment from "Anyone who can aim and shoot a gun, and listens to our orders" to "We need to find the best roleplayers Eclipse has to offer, and get them to join our gang"


The sooner we can beat this mentality out of startup factions the better.

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