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Medical RP Adjustments

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Hello everyone!


As a member of both the criminal and legal scene on Eclipse, there has been a lot of things that are spoken about within both sides that need to be tweaked in Eclipse. One thing I see and hear a lot of, as well as just was a part of, is how medics/PD use their commands. For those who don't know, BLS is an IC thing that PD and MD will go towards which will give you a set amount of health (I think its 50HP? Don't quote me on it..) but do it using the /cpr command. MD can use /stabilize which is a 30 second timer that will stop your health from ticking down once that timer is up, and PD can use it if there are no medics on duty at that time. Some individuals are very minimalistic with their RP, whether they are new, or just don't feel like getting immersive, which is understandable and it's the job of those experienced players to help improve those players to meet positive standards. 

That being said, in a situation that occurred 48 hours ago, after checking my wounds using /mywounds - I accumulated 11 gun shot wounds (GSWs) and when asked by the medic, I have immersive roleplay about holding my intestines in from 2 12-guage shots as well as 4 other small caliber wounds on my arm, one in the neck, etc, being very descriptive. Immediately, I was /stabilized and my health was no longer ticking before a single line of RP was done, and once it was done, it was something along the line of holding a gauze pad on it and that stopping bleeding - and when i tried progressing the RP, I was met with "We do not allow deathRP" - as I understand that it is not supported anymore, I feel like those who actually roleplay their wounds correctly are basically getting no reward for giving substance to the RP. 

My suggestion:

RP should be done, then /cpr should be done, then /stabilize should be done to patch up the RP and wrap it up. The current MD protocol from what I have been told, and someone can correct me on it, is one successful RP will allow for a /cpr. With PD scenes, obviously the officers want the suspect to live to arrest them, and the criminals would rather die because of the current state of how charges are put on ((topic for another day..)) I feel the current way its done, and I have a few others who have said similar things, is /stabilize is used RIGHT away in a situation and health is stable before any roleplay is set up.

I'm trying to reach out and give the community their opportunity to put in their two cents on how it should be done, but I just believe that in immersive situations with multiple wounds, the RP should be more substantial and /cpr should be done first ONLY after 50% of the wounds have been treated, as I get deathRP is not a thing, if you get 12 GSWs in real life, you're f***ed. A sniper shot through the brain, you're dead on arrival. This is a game at the end of the day, but we need to try to make it fun for everyone involved. After the 50% is done, and /cpr is done, continue the RP and then /stabilize at a point 75-80% of the RP is done so you can end the RP almost right as the timer ends.

Thank you for your time reading this and I hope this gets looked in to. 

-Gordon Hyde / Chase Allen / Support DoubleA 

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Yo, I am pretty sure this is already a rule? They aren't allowed to use the script commands until they have successfully rped treating you. If you die in the time it takes them to give you the treatment then it is what it is? I am pretty sure that on the BLS course this is made very clear that you need to successfully treat the injuries before using any scripted commands.

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I actually like this suggestion. 


I love doing medical rp. When I'm the one giving treatment or someone properly RPs treatment. I understand that when you get to a scene, the patient might already be very low health so after the first successful rp you /cpr. I'm fine with that IF if extends the time for quality medical RP.


I've had instances where I got shot 10 times and they /stabilize me after pressing gauze into all the wounds. That being AFTER I rped that several of them still had the bullet inside. That's not very realistic. AT MOST it should allow them to /cpr because the bleeding has been slowed and they can then rp more in depth treatment like removing the bullets. 


I've also had a situation where I fell off a mountain and broke my arm. When the medics got there, they stopped active bleeding and used /cpr. Then they rped treating the broken arm and cleaning and properly treating the cuts and bruises. Then they used /stabilize. How they did it was a lot closer to how it should be done. There was good rp and they didn't just jump onto using the commands quickly so they can wrap up the situation and leave.


Needless to say I'd rank the broken arm rp a lot higher than the rp for multiple GSWs.


I'm not sure about waiting until half the rp is done before using /cpr. People can be slow typers and that could very negatively impact their rp experience. I think after one or two rp actions are successful they can /cpr as long as it makes sense. Then if the to stretches out a lot longer they can /cpr again. And when the rp is almost completely done to both parties satisfaction, they can /stabilize.

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