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Everything posted by AdamWong

  1. Another thing to add to this is the fact that as a cop, it's perfectly fine to do wheel spins burn outs or any stupid shit and there is no conciquence for that, you can just do it over and over and if you are in a quick car then you can just speed off ... Honestly the lack of english speakers as well is frustrating when trying to do anything, want to RP? Well get lucky and you might find someone who speaks English properly. It's honestly getting annoying, for example these are real 911 calls; https://gyazo.com/e518fc149c2d22e51de29edb112e6803 https://gyazo.com/df19eae820f051e830a7cc6cb783fe89 It's just lackluster, barely English... and I dunno why an MD would respond. You pull someone over that talks like this it's just boring, they just barely manage to finish the situation and it's not even interesting because it's broken English most of the time. But anyway yeah, the server needs to be more RP for sure, the rules need to be clarified and the fact that someone can just decide to not RP seems weird for an RP server to me.
  2. It would increase desync massively also the player cap would be lowered by about 100 .... I don't see where you are going because I see people all the time
  3. Just refreshing the page works for me, dunno about anyone else
  4. I agree very much so with the fearRP, so stupid right now I pointed a gun at someone who didn't have any weapons and they just walked up to me and started acting like it was nothing in chat.... how retarded is that, oh I could die if you shoot me but I don't fear that.
  5. Yeah there is a risk of a jail sentence, though why would anyone who hasn't broken the law evade the police? it literally both IRL and in game makes no sense, oh I've not broken the law but fuck RPing for a few minutes that shits scary.... if you've broken the law or have an RP reason, evade, if you do not have an RP reason and you are just technically a normal civ at that point, just RP it? If you think it's acceptable to drive around constantly at 140Km/h in a truck in the center of a city then yeah, I don't think we will ever agree. I joined the server to RP, not to speed around constantly evading police for the smallest reasons or just for the luls of a police chase.. the only times I've ever evaded police was having offended therefore being stopped = jail time. I'm gonna restate what I've asked people before when they say we should need to stop for police, why would you join an RP server, to avoid situations of RP especially when its government workers and you have no reason to run other than you want to not your character.
  6. Stopping for police is forcing them into situations? wat? if the police have a reason to pull you over you clearly "forced" it onto yourself, cops aren't just gonna smash your rear car lights and be like oh well well well what we got here And you can hang out with friends, how hard is it to have an RP reason? weirdly enough ramming 6/7 motorbikes into the PD which happened a few days ago isn't really an RP reason to be in a big group, or a few days before that ramming trucks into the car market to blow up cars and then blocking off the roads with more than 10+ people that's not really RP that's just being a cunt. Players should have the option to speed, however I feel the penalty should be higher if you are using a job vehicle, I know it is already higher but it needs to be even moreso as it's insane seeing postal trucks just flying around corners or people driving on the wrong side of the road just to get to somewhere quicker.... none of this is forcing anyone to RP, it's just forcing people to stop treating it like GTA:O that's not what an RP server is for, there are tons of freeroam servers they can spawn a car on and fuck around in.
  7. 1. Forcing them to RP would be a start, never said a standard, but a lot of people don't RP WHATSOEVER. 2. RP is easy... like really easy, saying light medium heavy is weird and I don't get why servers do it, people have different opinions on all those different words if you can roleplay with a background and goals etc for your character then that's rp, the only difference is the detail you use in /me /do actions and that's personal preference, as long as it's RP I don't care who does what (again my opinion). 3. You came here to play GTA with extra flavour? so not to RP then... you know, like the whole point of the server? I dunno if you misspoke there but I hope so. 4. How is asking for people to RP properly complaining, smashing into cars and driving off, using paramedics to heal yourself with no RP or even talking to them, avoiding police checks just for luls with no RP reason to do so... fucking stupid, I don't want complete realism but lets face it how often do these scenarios happen ever. People honestly seem more in a rush to save up for a car/house than bothered about RP.
  8. I think pretty much most of the no votes are people who just don't want to RP or fear being found out :') There's literally no reason you wouldn't want better RP and a more structured way of allowing people onto the server, having a whitelist would also MASSIVELY decrease the amount of reports of RDM and DM which would allow the support staff and admins to actually you know, fucking RP from time to time rather than taking a huge amount of /report /admin calls on an evening.
  9. 1. The server has enough members to be whitelisted, the quality of the server/RP should be enough to make people want to play not just the sheer number of people, you can buy a load of shitty PC parts lump them together still won't make it better quality than spending time and effort getting better quality parts. 2. The problem is you can evade police with no RP reason, you can hit and run with no repurcussion as long as they don't kill you the car and fuck off with no issue and it's pinned as a civilian matter you either have to chase them or call the police... I disagree with that and a lot of others do as well in real life if you are in a road accident do you just casually drive off? No you don't. I get this is a game but it would make people stop speeding constantly in the city. also as a third point but not really, I wonder how many people quit due to issues listed above before now, every day I see people complaining about quality of RP but nothing changes, light RP is just an excuse for those who just want to race around and get cash faster imo.
  10. So, I've been taking a backseat and kinda watching the discord/forums for about a week now and noticed that like I said would happen people are slowly getting frustrated by the low quality RP and how much there is, and some people are also getting frustrated with the lack of english in the server for example fresh off the press of the PD is this little gem https://i.gyazo.com/8bb4f6f62ad5e1107c36c7361096ab12.jpg This is one of many situations and one of the few someone actually reported I bet, most just get angry in discord. Many people have debated a whitelist on discord for a long time, and me and a few people currently on discord are curious to see how many would want such a server, a whitelisted server means heavier vetting on newcomers and will force many issues to be resolved before they start such as a language barrier, if you force them to come onto discord voip for a basic conversation something as easy as that that would take maybe a minute tops. The RP rules should also be revised in my opinion rules such as; 1. There should be a perma ban for anyone unable to speak english on request by admin in game if someone reports them for being unable to RP properly (negated by a white list I understand but a decent addition for pre-whitelist). 2. You HAVE to stop for police unless you have a valid RP reason to like a warrant or a weapon without a license or you mugging someone for example. 3. You should be unable to roam in groups bigger than 6/7 without a valid RP reason as well (remember the massive server shitshow where all those people were going around continually mugging). Overall I think the intentions of some players are very negative on the server, people failing to RP or just ignoring a situation such as mugging or having a gun pointed at them (you should have to fear a gun if you don't have a weapon IMO) and there's too much chaos going on for supposed "civilians" if you are driving a truck at 100/110 Km/h through a city? How's that doing any sort of RP, smashing into cars then driving off like nothing happened even after flying through your windshield? how's that RP? We need a white list and more RP rules, we need more ways to weed out bad players before they cause problems and we need to do it before it drives off people who enjoyed the server, as like I say, over the last week I've seen a lot of people stop playing and a lot more people getting pissed off in discord.
  11. If they can't speak english, maybe don't go on an ENG server... just a thought.
  12. Server is based in France, why do you constantly assume everyones American? Either way no other country has needed it's own community in the entire time the server has existed, the main reason why people are getting annoyed with the idea is because it doesn't make sense, why would you choose to segregate yourself into a country/language when there are literally hundreds of people to talk to in game or on discord. I don't get what the point is, what's wrong with speaking to people not from your country instead? I've never at any point thought we should have a UK community because I really want to speak to someone from my country, if I wanted to do that I'd go outside and speak to people I already know.
  13. I dunno what you mean but the server will most likely be back either tomorrow or the next few days.
  14. It's off because the server host is offline, the server will be back up once the server provider fixes it.
  15. Server isn't even American it's in France, but you miss the point, I don't get why there needs to be a BR community ever, you don't see a post for a US community or a FR community... Why can't we have a server community that doesn't segregate itself with sub communities, it makes no sense to do that.
  16. You came onto an ENG server... respect that you are supposed to intergrate with the community not the other way around and not by staying within a BR community, otherwise why don't you make your own server for BR only if there are so many of you?
  17. Parking cars is the only reason I got a house, you can't really do anything in it, you should be able to heal yourself from minor injuries and do other things that would give them worth.... paying over 100k for two parking spaces right now is insane haha
  18. The fact people can constantly ram people and drive off, walk away from player interactions (or conversations) and/or just outright run away from being mugged without penalty is stupid. Oh I'm being mugged? huehuehue let me just run off over here and your gun is desynced so fuck you. I tried talking to someone the other day, they just walked off... why play an RP server if you consider talking to someone a waste of time and try to avoid it? A lot of non-RP driving such as : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRcNEKA_HOw[/media] As well as a lot of reckless driving is making me lose patience with a small number of players, if I'm speeding I'm doing like 90/100 tops, not 150 drifting through intersections.
  19. Why does there need to be a community for a country? You don't find Americans/British/French all making individual communities.... it's an ENG server and they all speak English, there's no need for grouping nationalities.
  20. Not a clue, though my guess is this weekend personally, though they are reluctant to say a date in case they find more things to fix.
  21. It's GTA:N the mod causing it not the server so it's not you, EVERYONE gets this, it's random as well... just think how busy the server will be when the update comes out
  22. Shaw some of dose dirty mexicran immogrents down at pier, me tell them go back to bean country but they not speaka de engrish luckiry someone call cops and they run, it pretty funny actualrary didn't knrow Mexicran running bean was thing. ((http://prnt.sc/f5molq))
  23. 25k is pretty steep just to avoid the cops for a few crimes, like I'm not saying it should be possible but whoever is doing that is mr. moneybags right now, due to the crashes anyone in a normal job like trucking takes ages to get 25k unless you are grinding all day.
  24. It's not just light RP though, both Nobody and Ob both said there is no tag on the server, you can light, medium, or heavy roleplay it's up to the players they don't want to fence people in with a tag. Though I agree maybe not seeing names but seeing the ID number would be useful, unless you are same faction or have used a UI to enable your name to someone after RPing so if they see you again they can "recognise" you.
  25. Someone did mass invite earlier, I got invited as well, and a lot of people in /cb were saying that too
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