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Posts posted by Harley

  1. After careful consideration, the ECRP Community have decided to deny this appeal. Your lack of acceptance of being tagged to be wished a Good Morning has me honestly Gobsmacked.

    As a result of this appeal, we will also be adding you to the "Good Night" tag too. Please consider your actions, and appeals, carefully in the future.

    Good Luck in your future endeavors.

    Sincerely, The ECRP Community

    • hand 1
  2. 16 hours ago, arcangel said:


    From an LEO perspective it would be great if detectives could 'examine' packed cash. Then a notification at the top could say 'Money appears genuine' or 'money appears counterfeit'

    This way there is risk and reward both ways. If you're caught with counterfeit money you can get 'possession of counterfeit currency' 

    If you get caught manufacturing 'manufacturing counterfeit currency


    Also contributing to criminal RP and progression. 


    I like this. Was waiting for an LEO to reply to this to suggest how it could be incorporated into the Penal Code. Would love this

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lola said:

    +1 Like every other criminal activity, there should definitely be risk. Perhaps when you launder the money to the dealer, unlike with bank/stores money where it’s instant, there is a timer on how long it takes for the dealer to launder the money.. In this time, perhaps there is a percentage chance that the dealer will crack to PD interrogators and therefore the money is lost and the relationship with the dealer decreases. Wondering if there’s some way for a property to be alerted for counterfeiting activities the same way they get alerted when a drug table explodes? Or what types of materials should be ordered or what “ingredients” are needed to start counterfeiting, like lysergic to LSD? Just some thoughts, like the idea overall!

    I like this suggestion, definetely think it should be balanced.

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