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Posts posted by Harley

  1. 55 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    I'm going to speak long-term, because this is not something that happened over night.

    Some of us will remember late 2018 and early 2019 as a good time, but also kind of a over-the-top TDM-like server. You could give demands out of a moving vehicle and shoot people over them. It was probably too much.


    Then around 2020 came the public robbery rules and more involvement from Faction Management into factions, both for factions that were official and those aspiring to be official.

    I think this is around the time when the line crossed from a good balance and started going into too much. There were complaints from a lot of faction leaders that faction management is smothering them. The public robbery rules were great for civilian roleplayers that could no longer be robbed getting gas, but they also allowed bad gangs to hide behind them. No solution was ever put in place for that.

    I will not speak for anyone else, or claim that this is the reason some factions chose to close, but this is around the time when we lost a lot of good factions from the server. We also lost some very good players, some were banned, some chose to leave. 


    As time went on, things got even more strict and I feel that we are now a time where we no longer say "Shooting someone without a valid reason is bad", but we say "Shooting someone is bad".

    I don't know exactly who and why this was decided, but it seems relatively clear that the vast majority of the community does enjoy the shooting aspect of roleplaying. I do not mean the "clapcrews" which revolve solely around shooting, but, naturally, through roleplay shooting will happen in gang roleplay. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    However, I would not feel comfortable roleplaying a criminal character in the current year, because it feels, both from the server rules and the player report archive, that you're just not supposed to shoot anymore, ever, for any reason. It's always bad and heavily discouraged.

    Add onto that that people are more likely to get banned for deathmatching than they are for combat logging, and it creates a very bad cycle where people are discouraged from doing what they want to do, and even worse, some people are hiding behind these rules to win conflicts that they would otherwise have lost. It's very disheartening to see, even as someone that has no horse in the race. 


    Couldn't have said it better myself. I love the Criminal RP side of ECRP, however I am also very uncomfortable playing how I want to play because of the reasons above. Good choice of words 🙂 

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  2. I 100% agree with this post. Rules do not currently support conflict, and it seems any conflict that happens right now ends in someone in /b, or it going to the forums.

    As a player who plays a lot of Crim, and has for years, I can confidently say playing a Crim in conflict nowadays always involves being worried about being punished for a conflict.

    I've played ECRP for about 3 years now, and have been a contributing member for the entirety, yet conflicts on my Criminal Character have lead my Panel to be as long as a CVS Receipt.
    Is this because I'm a cancer to the ECRP Community? I hope to think not; but more a conflict turning into OOC hate towards someone and it leading to "We win the War when they're banned" mentality.

    • Like 14
    • Confused 3
  3. On 10/26/2021 at 6:49 AM, Iriael said:

    The Rook Problem

    Naomi was doing alright, The Underground was working security for the Salvation Wedding on the 25th, and Naomi was making sure everything was going to plan.  Unfortunately, someone stole a paragon and according to the radio, someone was shot and killed at the scrapyard chasing it down.  Melody started to panic about seeing a lot of rooks there, after she had stormed off. and screamed about war to anyone who would listen.  Unfortunately for Naomi, she wasn't entirely in the loop about the whole problem then all of a sudden Harley came out and shouted at Naomi "We need to talk."

    Naomi jumped into the car of the Rooks, and into her doom.  She was taken to an underground parking garage, and quickly stripped & shaved with multiple shotguns to her face, body and everywhere.  Harley took the radio out of her ear and made demands over the radio, asking Melody if she "Liked how War tasted like".  A lot of arguments over the radio later, and the knife was put on her right index finger and was told to beg.  She did, but it didn't matter and her right index finger was sliced off without a care in the world, and Naomi left to bleed on the ground.  Eventually there was radio chatter on the rook's end that PD was near, so Naomi was easily knocked out, scooped up into Harley's trunk, and then dumped at nearby construction.  Unconscious, Harley told her to "rise above," before leaving and driving off into the night. Naomi was not alright.


    Naomi eventually woke up and crawled her way to a store, but Melody and Evelyn picked her up, threw whatever clothes they could find on her and then got her to pillbox.  The doctors were able to cauterize the stump of her finger, but they weren't able to save it without the other end.  Naomi explained what happened to the detective what happened, and then shortly there after had to explain to Weazel Management, who were all staring at shock at her hand.  She was placed on medical leave with Weazel and all the time in the world to think.  She talked to Melody and Charlie Bankshot on the roof of her house, still not okay but thinking about her future and how The Underground takes care of their Rook problem.


    Loved this RP with you guys, was very fun!

    • YAY 2
  4. The Casino has had a few different people try to hold events there occasionally, personally I have been part of both of those attempts.

    The problem with player-run events, is that it can get exhausting on those players to have to put aside a whole evening of their lives every single week to host an event on a video game. Personally I wrote off about 12 weekends of my life during the summer to try to host the Casino nights. Although it was fun, and I enjoyed the RP, it eventually became exhausting for me on an OOC level.

    I personally agree that the casino has a lot of potential, but I think it needs script support to keep it running.

    My opinion, is for the Casino to recieve an overhaul. Get the interior from GTA Online, and make script support for multiple different casino games such as BlackJack, Poker, Etc. This would take away the requirement for players to host Casino nights, and would allow for the Casino to stay open 24/7 for all players, including those who have lives during peak hours of ECRP when most events are hosted.

    • Like 5
  5. It's been an absolute journey RPing with Russians, from when you first created your faction, to when you got official, to now, I've always enjoyed RPing with The Russian Mob. Sad to see you go, and I wish everyone in The Russian's faction the best for their new future without a gang.

    I can speak on behalf of every Rock that we'll miss you dearly

    Love you guys ❤️ 

    • Like 5
  6. +/- 1

    Although I do agree having people driving like a maniac in Money Trucks/buses is absolutely terrifying, and think this could be something possibly addressed, as the rules already have.

    What I disagree on is adding even more restrictions to the way people are allowed to play the game. At the end of the day, this is a video game, not real life simulator. I don't think anybody is gonna have any fun driving 80 Km/H and stopping at red lights while playing Grand Theft Auto V.

    We're all here to have fun, not be restricted by 1000 rules and restrictions added to make things as realistic as possible. If I wanted that, I would go for a drive in real life.

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