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Everything posted by ChronoFunk

  1. Do you still require assistance with this problem?
  2. Do you still require assistance or as the issue been fixed?
  3. Thank you for the request! These are usually done in batches so please be patient while an admin gets around to it.
  4. Thank you for the request! These are usually done in batches so please be patient while an admin gets around to it.
  5. As HobGoblin said, please use the link provided for all decision appeals. Pending Archive.
  6. Thank you for the request! These are usually done in batches so please be patient while an admin gets around to it.
  7. Thank you for the request! These are usually done in batches so please be patient while an admin gets around to it.
  8. Good Morning, Please head over to the #donators channel in the ECRP Discord and follow the pinned message. Ensure your ECRP account and Discord account are also linked. Thank you. Pending Archive.
  9. ChronoFunk

    Mic not working

    Good Morning, RageMP uses your windows default input device as your microphone. Right click on the sound symbol in the system tray at the bottom right of your screen. Click Open Sound Settings. Scroll down to Input and ensure the input device is correctly selected. Test your microphone in other applications to ensure it's not the microphone that is broken. You can do this on the same page if you scroll a little further down. Please respond if you require additional assistance or if this fixes the issue. Thank you.
  10. Good Morning, If you have contacted a mechanic and they are unable to get to your motorcycle then please do a /report 1 in game and explain your situation. It is important that you try to fix all issues in an IC way but admins will assist if there is no other option. Pending Archive.
  11. Good Morning, The Donator role is automatically given in Discord once you have linked your Discord and ECRP account. Head over to the #verification channel on the ECRP Discord. Thanks.
  12. Good Morning, Please refer to this forum post for a fix of the same issue. RageMP doesn't support mods that are installed via the client resource folder anymore. They need to be installed into the GTA directory using OpenIV.
  13. Good Morning, Please amend the post to match the required format found here Thank you.
  14. Good Morning, Please amend the post to match the required format found here Thank you.
  15. Good morning @Kyle Franta, Please post a new topic in the technical support forum if you are experiencing an issue. Be sure to read through this before posting: Thank you. MrFelix
  16. Good morning, Does anybody else have access to your apartment and the vehicle that was chopped? It sounds like 1 of your friends pulled a fast 1 on you instead of it being a bug. If you are confident that you are the only person with access to both your vehicles and apartment feel free to post a refund request here https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/70-refund-and-transfer-requests/ but be advised, with no evidence there isn't an awful lot that can be done in terms of getting your money back. Thanks. MrFelix
  17. 損失與收益 "Losses and Gains" The rumbling orchestra of thunder echoes across the sky as they lower the casket into his final resting place, the priest utters the final prayer as matter of fact “God, we thank you for the life that you give us. It is full of work and of responsibility, of sorrow and joy. Today we thank you for Reginald, for what he has given and received. Teach us daily to die from sin and to live according to your holy will.” Felix closes his eyes and curses the God the priest speaks of as to why he would take his last living family member from him when they only began to make amends. His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the casket touching the bottom of the grave, Felix leans down and grabs a handful of soil, tossing it into the hole “Sleep well little cousin” he exclaims. Felix takes a step back while clenching his jaw to fight back the tears, he scans those around him for a familiar face, he barely recognises any - 1 woman he remembers from a traffic stop a few months back, she almost had her bike stolen by 2 men but he managed to stop them before they fled. He gives off a faint smile while reminiscing of his times as a Detective before his gaze turns to another of the individual, he recognises him but he can’t place where from. Once again his thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a slight whimper, he looks back at the woman he recognised and sees a single tear fall from the corner of her eye as she releases the handful of soil into Regi’s grave. Felix tilts his head and thinks for a minute, are these the ones he would refer to as “his family”. He always assumed Regi’s mentioning of his “family” was a mere attack on Felix for washing his hands of him and abandoning him when he arrived in Los Santos but no, he meant a literal family. Each person at the funeral says their last goodbyes to Regi with a handful of dirt before taking a step back once more and remaining still. After a few minutes of silence Ling sniffs and wipes her face on her shoulder before snapping her gaze onto Felix, “I remember you” she snarls, “Mr. Detective”. A second woman takes a step behind Ling and places her hand onto her shoulder, “Let him grieve, like the rest of us” she says soothingly. The second woman has an aura of authority about her but there is pain in her eyes, no not a pain, a burden - as if so many rely on her actions. She gracefully slides past Ling and extends her hand towards Felix as a towering man donning a top hat behind her takes a defensive stance. “Chi” she expresses “Regi was 1 of us and for tonight only, you will have the same privilege as a show of respect to his memory.” Felix takes Chi’s hand and gives it a firm shake and nods towards her. The man in the top hat breaks the moment while stating “Fros… Regi was a good man, he never had much good to say about you until the end at which point he clearly had some sort of respect for you.” he pauses for a second to catch his thoughts “That’s enough for me.” The individuals that attended the funeral begin to make their way to the vehicles parked nearby Ling shouts “You coming or what, Mr. Detective”, “Stop calling me that” Felix demands “I’m not a part of that … shit anymore.” They turned on the spot and looked at Felix with a curious stare before turning once more and continuing to their vehicles. Ling shouts once more “Come to the Noodle house, you used to be a detective - I’m sure you can figure out where that is!” Upon arriving at the Noodle house there is a gathering of purple vehicles parked around the back, “Are these all here for Regi?” Felix ponders to himself before the sound of Ling’s booming voice can be heard again from his left “Took you long enough, are you coming in or not?” While taking a slow walk to the main entrance of the establishment Felix can’t help but wonder to himself why they are going through all this trouble just for Regi, did he really mean that much to them? “I have been around death for years” he ponders once again “Not even the department cared this much for their deceased. Throwing them in a bag and taking them to the Coroner was the procedure, but here… They care… Deeply. Entering the restaurant Felix took in a deep breath of authentic aromas, his gaze scanned the interior, laid out like a normal restaurant except there was a square arch of tables lined in the centre of the room, in the centre of the arch there was a lone table decorated with candles and other Asian themed trinkets along with a single jacket neatly laid out with white sleeves and a cyan chest. He recognised the piece of clothing to that of which would be adorned by members of The Four Seas Order, Felix had his suspicions but this solidifies it - Regi had always been evasive on what he had been doing in recent months; regardless, they respected Regi and cared for him - with the thoughts Felix had been having recently he would not judge Regi nor his “family”. The evening proceeded as normal to which you would expect a wake to go, the alcohol flowed and the defences that both Felix and the Order held prior began to quickly fade as intoxication grabbed hold of them, they laughed a reminisced about Regi, at times there was a sombre atmosphere as mourning took hold before Ling would shoot out of her seat and shout “Another round then?!” as she eagerly headed towards the bar. As the evening progressed individuals would make their excuses and leave and a thought that took seed into Felix’s brain slowly began to sprout “family…” he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and sighed before excusing himself to get some air. The storm was still raging, it was pitch black outside with the street being faintly luminated by the glow of the restaurant’s neon lighting. A strong sense of drunken enthusiasm began to make waves over Felix, his thoughts racing as he walked into the night unsure of where it would take him. Before long he found himself across the street from his old employer “Mission Row…” he growled “Protect and Serve” he mocked. Felix looks up at the precinct in a glare, the storm howling around him - the rain mixing with his tears from the ceremony of his late cousin, Regi. Felix grits his teeth and snarls "Poor attitude? You've seen nothing." He turns his body, bottle in hand spinning on his right foot and disappears into the night, heading back towards the Noodle house.
  18. Date and time (provide timezone): 05 October 2020 14:35 UTC. Character name: Felix Noonham. Issue/bug you are reporting: /pbelt and /ib commands aren't working correctly. Expected behavior: Should equip and remove your police belt and Investigations Bureau lanyard respectively . Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Go on duty, type /pbelt and /ib - This is the outcome instead of the expected outcome:
  19. I think it's pretty realistic, if I saw my friend being shot at and I was driving a car then I'd be sending the attackers ass into orbit if I was given the chance. I think a lot of the time, getting run over during a shootout is user error, think about your position and be aware of your surroundings, get some elevated position or get behind a wall where a vehicle can't ram you before you start blasting. -1
  20. It would be good if people could pay their fines over the phone but there needs to be a script that automatically applies failure to pay once a ticket expires before this would work.
  21. +1 I assumed it was common practise to RP it (at least I RP getting a card reader if somebody wants to pay their fines). Apparently not, it's very heavy PGing to just /payticket without any interaction.
  22. You're breaking my heart.
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