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Everything posted by Kris

  1. The auction is over. Find the winning bid below - congratulations!
  2. Clarified the original topic - rule 12 added. This auction is on behalf of the server and the winning bid will be taken out from the economy.
  3. Clarified the original topic - rule 10 added. This auction is on behalf of the server and the winning bid will be taken out from the economy.
  4. [HOUSE AUCTION] Steele Way 3 [4G] Auction Rules Before you place a bid, be sure to research the auctioned item, so you do not regret buying it. /setgps 3 Steele Way Interior has a red utility box (500 vol) Garage spots: 4 Do not post here, unless you intend to place a bid. Starting bid is $500,000 and minimum growth is $100,000. Post your first and last name, or your bid will be deleted. The auction is planned to close on 24th of October, 7:00 PM (UTC - /time). The auction rules can be updated at any time (ex.: minimum bid, deadline changes) Any attempts to circumvent the rules during or after the auction, will result in your bid being deleted or house seized without a refund. Each bid posted close to the deadline will extend the auction by another 30 minutes. This is to prevent bids being placed at the deadline to automatically win. Must have the money at the time of placing the bid. This auction is on behalf of the server and the winning bid will be taken out of the economy. -
  5. [BUSINESS AUCTION] Mirror Park General Store Auction Rules Before you place a bid, be sure to research the auctioned item, so you do not regret buying it. Do not post here, unless you intend to place a bid. Do not participate in the auction, if you already own a business. (let others get a chance). Starting bid is $5,000,000 and minimum growth is $250,000. Post your first and last name, or your bid will be deleted. The auction is planned to close on 25th of October, 7:00 PM (UTC - /time). The auction rules can be updated at any time (ex.: minimum bid, deadline changes) Any attempts to circumvent the rules during or after the auction, by e.g. having a friend purchase the business with your money but you take the profit / manage the business, will result in your bid being deleted or business seized without a refund. Each bid posted close to the deadline will extend the auction by another 30 minutes. This is to prevent bids being placed at the deadline to automatically win. Must have the money at the time of placing the bid. The gas station is not included. This auction is on behalf of the server and the winning bid will be taken out of the economy.
  6. Hidden as it has the potential to be abused
  7. Kris

    Login bug

    This is not a bug. Do not use VPNs/"Game Services" that are advertised to give you better ping if you do not want this to happen.
  8. Issue resolved. @HobGoblin - There is an option for remove all.
  9. Kris

    Access door bug

    No longer an issue.
  10. Not a bug. When adding permissions - you need to capitalize the characters for permissions such as: AccessProperty BuildProperty ManageProperty
  11. Yes - which can be seen by anyone pressing F4 and doing the same as in the bug report itself.
  12. @Trall Reach out to one of the founders on Discord. Only they are able to help with inquiries related to credits.
  13. Kris

    Forum link

    Hello! There is no need to do this at the moment and it is bugged at the moment.
  14. If you got denied by the system - it has a longer cooldown than manual denials. I suggest you wait and redo it once the cooldown is up.
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