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About JDBooker

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  1. i dunno, when i go shopping in open my wallet and thumb through the stack of notes and then give the cashier the number they need. sounds legit to me.
  2. We have wire transfers now. nobody currently uses is because of the 5% tax, and paying is free. so that would be an incentive to use it.
  3. Yes, it just needs a simple way to transfer from the carry to the trunk. IRL it'd be easier to do that, than to take something out of your backpack and put it in the trunk! just a simple right click on an empty square in the trunk and have a new option on the drop/split/carry menu, saying "Place Carried Item" or even just "Stow" if you're short of wordage also, this should also be a feature for furniture and safes in the house too.
  4. I think we've all wanted this at some point or another! Currently the contacts in the phone is an absolute mess,
  5. I think that pocket money should actually be in your pocket. There are many reasons that this would be an improvement, but these three immediately spring to mind. 1) when being robbed it is not very RP to "pay" the robber, the robber should be able to take some, or all of the cash, straight from your pockets while frisking. 2) when renting a property, the renter could leave the cash in a prearranged cabinet or safe for the landlord to collect, meaning they do not need to be online at the same time to pay/receive rent. 3) when running a club/bar/casino the owners and operators should be able to store away excess cash in a safe, to save carrying too much on them. These are all standard practices in the real world and should really be RPd the same way. I think cash should stack up to $50k per slot allowing up to $900k to be carried in the 18 inventory slots. In real life money, $50k in $20 bills, would weigh just under 2.5kg (2.467kg as each bill weighs 0.987 Grams). This means $900k weighs just under 45kg (44.415kg). Again this is very close to maxing the inventory weight. so it all works out well.
  6. Two accounts are linked to your social club account, not IP address. maybe a family member made an account from your login.
  7. This is still an extremely game breaking issue. is there any news on a fix?
  8. the solution is for the Developers to move the ATM out of the wall. in the meantime. return your vehicle, Quit the job, then go upstairs to the start of the job and rejoin. this will reset the next destination.
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 26/07/2019, 01:45, British Summer Time Character name: Jonathan David Issue/bug you are reporting: The ATM job dropoff location at the casino has been removed by the latest update. Expected behavior: Expected to ffind an ATM to service, but it's gond and now the job is stuck unable to complete. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Screenshot attached ....Also worth noting that the original casino door is no longer valid, as can be seen. Vehicle license plate number*: Not Applicable Evidence...
  10. Thank you for the info, i'll replace them asap.
  11. i'd like to see the ability to block texts from certain numbers. personally i have some players that message me that i'd like to just not get the message. and of course the bank telling me it's open.. i can see the time and i know when it'll be open. the ability to opt out of the bank texts should be an option.
  12. Date and time (provide timezone): all the time since the last server update a couple of days ago Character name: All my characters and all of my friend's characters are affected too. Issue/bug you are reporting: House Stash problems Expected behavior: House Stash is not working as it used to. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I've not seen any changes posted for the House stashes. However, now they are visible big red boxes, so not a very secret location any more. also they have collision so if they're on stairs or in doorways they now block access. And finally, when i tried the /stashspot command to move it to a less restricting location, i get "Command not found." Vehicle license plate number*: not applicable
  13. When you park up at your house and there's 15 Warreners parked in the street, it would be nice to have the license plates on the end of the vehicle name. then you would know which vehicle is yours to park. Now, I know that you can only park your own cars and you can just click park on each one until it works, but hold on, there's more to the suggestion When you Unpark your car, you get a list of cars in your garage. it seems the house owner can unpark any vehicle whether owned by them or not. but you cannot repark the car if you get out the wrong one, because it's not yours. So having the license plate listed here would save a lot of hassle from dumping your housemates car on the street if you have two or more identical named cars in the household.
  14. Issue Being Reported: Logging in on my main character i seem to be put in a solo instance, similar to the AFK timeout. Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): Since i tried logging in today 17-June, around 8am UK time. and still continuing. Your characters name: Jonathan David Other player(s) involved: No other Players or Characters involved Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: Logging in i am unable to "press E" on any CityBee stand, or on the Farming job circle. I have logged in my alternate character and everything works perfectly. the Alt see's other players farming and can interact with job zones, but when i return to my main account the other players are gone and i am unable to interact with zones. I have restarted the PC, reinstalled RageMP, and GTA, nothing makes a difference. i believe the character is bugged somehow. This is now resolved i was stuck in the wrong dimension. for anyone searching on this error in the future, type "/report 2 I am stuck in the wrong dimension" in the game chat, and wait for help.
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