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Salvador Rivera

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Everything posted by Salvador Rivera

  1. Delete this or close we Solved this problem.
  2. deam, one of the best I've seen, I for design and layout ! Good luck with this
  3. Looking good, can't wait to see more!
  4. Could you place some pictures of your house?
  5. Longer time than car spends under water. The idea arose to buy an Off-road with which to go on challenging trip but you know what happen? At the first obstacle she was sent to mors and my trip ended after 5min. I don't really understand how this all works but the vehicle barely touches the water and its already send to mors. This should be changed to something better so that people can enjoy off-road trips.
  6. Welcome. Have you tried arma3, if you have then surely this will be much different.
  7. Why doesn't anyone post pictures when they sell something?
  8. I personally think that it would be useful to introduce animation after you get with taze. It's like when you're hungry and can't run fast and all your movements are limited, because of which the PD could arrest you faster and handcuff you. In this way, it would be possible to play out the situation much better.
  9. @XposeD how much you asking for the first one ?
  10. I remember Brodie, long time no see
  11. 10mill is too crazy, I could offer about 3-4mill, depends on what has been built inside.
  12. @MrSilky I would say 6mill for it, I want to see how far the gate can be placed in front of the house. Is there any chance to meet?
  13. I already found one , I'II wait a few more days and then.
  14. Looking for owners if you know who owns it, call me #2227338
  15. Could you show us some pictures before someone wastes their time driving and looking ?
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