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Posts posted by Taedolf

  1. 1 minute ago, DISCO said:

    closing the constructive thread without no reason on your own is a sign of unhealthy community and its a sign that staff doesn't not appreciate the facts/evidence/other opinions showed towards them. 


    Regards to this thread, this is my final response and I am not comment on this one anymore.


    I felt the topic accomplished what it was going to, and instead moved off topic which is why it was closed.  Thread closing is also not indicative of PD, as it is staff that did so.  Bad-mouthing PD accomplishes, quite literally, nothing in that situation because they had nothing to do with it.

  2. 12 hours ago, Pistol Pete said:

    This one definitely needs revision in my opinion. There's a few cops that stream on Twitch and having watched them it's clearly problematic. While there seems to be a rule in place to ensure PD and MD use in-game chat while communicating on TeamSpeak (as mentioned by @Bucolic_6), it's too easy to forget.

    Wasn't I just told in the previous thread that this is only used for OOC?  Which is it?  Either a communication medium is considered to be inRP or out of RP.

    2 hours ago, DISCO said:

    since the discussion thread was closed (it was constructive with all the facts and evidence) and this thread comments shows the same attitude from the PD stance, it shows that PD has no intention of changing themselfes while showing community a big middle finger.


    Shame on you.

    let's not do that.  that'd be cool.  He actually responded with thought.  Being against your point of view does not mean you are being shown a middle finger.



    I think the biggest thing I'm hearing here that actually makes sense to me is: certain things are possible and obtainable while PD, yet not as crim despite the fact that they WOULD be able to be obtained.  I mean, crims import AK's yet they can't order a set of Kevlar off amazon?  I could order Kevlar right now if I wanted to.  Crims should be able to get everything police have access to, when reasonable, but at a much higher price due to the difficulty of obtaining things illegally.  Sniper rifles are one of those things where they should be an unrealistically high price, imo, because of how ridiculous they are.

    I recognize PD should have advantages over criminals, but it also shouldn't be non-RP reasons like restricting things that should be able to be gotten.  Instead of nerfing PD armor, give the option to get armor to criminals because it simply makes sense to do so.  Keep PD well equipped, but allow criminals to become well equipped by investing their ill-gotten money and potentially losing it.  That's how it should be.  There should not be an artificial barrier that breaches what should be possible in the name of balance.  It'd be okay for a lite-rp, but not what I feel this community is trying to accomplish here.

  3. 1 minute ago, Andor said:

    Admin duty is a chore but it has rewards ( you get credits I believe ) or other things that can be handed out to make it worth while. 
    And I agree admins get shit talked a lot but that doesnt mean they shoudnt be open to critique when its given in a respectfull way which at the moment, just as the PD is a point that needs  massive improvemen

    Damn, I wish all my admin/mod work on other communities and even the volunteer crap I did for an indy MMO had rewards xd

  4. Just now, Andor said:

    The problem is with the system in place is that admins who are dealing with RP have to break off RP or ignore a report for a bit to do continue the RP.

    Hmm, I didn't think of that.  True enough.  I was thinking smaller picture.  It does make being an admin more of a chore but.. well, that's what admin work is.  Thankless chore work.


    (on that note, ty admins.)

  5. Just now, Andor said:

    No I have played and was a mod on serveral SAMP servers where a RP character isnt allowed to go on admin duty at all. 
    The system was. Admin rank 1 to 6, 1 you need to be in admin duty 3 hours each week ( it was tracked ) and it went up with rank. The highest being 6 I believe. This is a seperate character slot you were gifted once you got added into the admin team. 

    I think we could get the same result by forbidding admins to rule on situations they are involved in, tbh.  Players are also more quick to doubt an admin ruling on something they were involved in, whether they were correct or not, simply because they have something to gain for ruling against you.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Andor said:

    Honestly the problem is that the majority of the admin team is in the PD and that the server allows people to play on their "admin" characters. 
    A admin character imo should be seperated from the RP character.

    I assume you're suggesting removing the ability for admins to respond to situations they are a part of in rp?  If so, I wholeheartedly agree.  Levels of bias are difficult to avoid in situations anyone is a part of.  While we, myself included, like to think we are above such things, it is human nature to have bias when personally involved in something.


    Instead, admins involved in situations should be required to do the same things players are:  take evidence and have another admin rule on it.  It removes potential bias from the equation and ensures mistakes due to bias do not happen.

  7. 3 minutes ago, DISCO said:

    They are pointing the problems and the evidence. 

    If they will lock this thread, this will be a clear sign that staff and devs doesn't give a damn about community opinion and that would literally show no respect for the community. 

    The key of a good and healthy community is not advocating themselves after a fuck up, but to accept the evidence and start to change, the key is to listen to community and be responsible for their actions. Community will usually leave if their voices are unheard.

    I'm not saying things are being done wrong now but cautioning, because if it does cross the threshold of constructive then it can and should be locked.

  8. I'd like to ask everybody to keep good communications going.  Not inflammatory or aggressive but communications focused on solutions.  What should have been done differently?  What would you like to see in the future?  I realize there's a lot of frustrations built up but let's try to keep this solution-focused rather than how wrong someone was or wasn't.  We're a community here and should keep that in mind, since we all want what's best for the server.


    These things can derail fast as hell and I don't want to see this go to a bad place and get locked, satisfying none of the parties.

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  9. 10/10, great guys.  Don't get to play as much as I'd like recently but whenever I do I enjoy myself with these boys.  Nice to roll with people that don't rob every single person they come across just because.

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