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Everything posted by waffels852

  1. Absolute lad with this post, always love rping with you no matter what character you're on
  2. we don't use ts for inrp comms, we use it for situations that require us to speak oocly, such as code 0 which is a disconnect.
  3. Idea 4 not only PD uses TS, MD uses it as well and we have to for code 0 situations, (crashing) and other situations.
  4. Idea 2 that's exactly how it is, cadets are pistols, same with PO1 then after that each rank gets new weapons.
  5. I don't think a lot of criminal only players understand the difficulties of being in a MD or PD faction, there is an absolute load of information, rules, calls, and just proper way of doing things that are involved. Not only that but especially with PD there is a mass amount of situations that happen on a daily basis, i've had plenty of criminal interactions, as well as purely criminal characters, hell i've had situations where i'm on a criminal and i've made Marco Davis use his revolver just to stop my car. I think it's genuine lack of rp qualities that a lot of criminals do have that make it so much more difficult for PD or MD. We've all seen it and all probably been apart of it. I've seen situations where it should be a good rp session but it ends up the guy in cuffs getting back into a vehicle and bug abusing driving off. That type of stuff as PD or MD is beyond frustrating and it gets tiring after awhile. I'm not saying everyone in this thread can't RP or anything even close to that as i'm friends with a lot of people in this thread and really enjoy the rp I have with them. I am saying that working as PD and getting 100's of calls a day with the same thing happening over and over again makes it incredibly tiring, that's why when i've had interactions I always try and change up whatever is going on, as it's more likely to lead to a better time for not only myself, but for pd or md or whatever the case may be. I've had admin interactions where i've gotten in trouble for fail rp and not one did I argue with it because I understand that they decide not myself or anything else. I love ECRP and wouldn't imagine leaving it for anything, but I do get where the frustration sets in from both perspectives. Working as MD for 6 hours or whatever i'll have like 30 broken legs and yeah it gets boring but it's apart of it and I think everyone in PD/MD understands that, and accepts it, but at the same time they want to have different interactions and I think people need to realize that, as well as working on rp situations.
  6. +1 would make it a lot smoother of a process
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