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Everything posted by SteScotland

  1. Title says all, Add an automatic me when player expands the phone /me takes out cell Add an automatic me when player puts phone away /me puts cell away Perhaps also add an animation when phone is expanded. Character holding phone anim. +1 If you agree -1 If you disagree
  2. Agreed. SWAT are OP as it is. Massive -1
  3. Try thoroughly removing all client files for rage:
  4. Minor changes could be made here, I found my self having to use /report 1 in order to ascertain whether or not the VIP Player text system was IC or OOC. A simple ((OOC)) or something alike to the side of the VPM bulletin would suffice. Nevertheless, keep up the great work dev's!
  5. So the ability to crouch (with C - which hides the name tags) was a great implementation! However, for what ever reason it's buggy to an extent; holding the C key will put you in crouch but after a short period of time the character will stand up even though the C key is still being held. -Make the C key a toggle key (so we press it once - it puts us in crouch, press it again - we stand up) -Perhaps change the /anim crouch to also hide name tags (this would be another work aroud) +1 if you agree with this suggestion -1 if you disagree Nevertheless keep up the amazing work dev's! Happy RP'n!
  6. Oooh. I miss-read that, I do apologise. stingergt = 0x82E499FA,2196019706,-2098947590 Enjoy.
  7. Date and time (provide timezone): 30/05/2018 Character name: Steven Black Issue/bug you are reporting: It seems people are able to exploit being able to set your stashpoint literally anywhere on the map if you're in dimension 1/2 Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: So after me and a few others robbed a number of houses, we were kinda stunned when 4 of us couldn't find a stash pot, taking this in mind i thought something fishy is going on. My friend and i came to the conclusion that some houses when you enter, you're actually able to walk out the front door without using Y - Doing so, you would be in the wrong dimension, but able to literally set the stashpoint to anywhere on the map. So we tested this theory and indeed as suspected it can be abused. We tested this with a house in Sandyshores, my friend walked out of his house as the door was open (without pressing Y) and he was able to go half way accross sandy shores and set his stashpoint. A few lines of code I'm sure would rectify this. (I'd like to add after we tested this theory we did set the stashpoint back to within the house)
  8. The vehicle hash for the Stirling GT - feltzer3 = 0xA29D6D10,2728226064,-1566741232 (Stirling GT) Good luck!
  9. Hey ya'll. Just a small simple suggestion in relation to warehouses's. 1) The ability to store things in the warehouse would be great, rather than just be able to withdraw and deposit crates. 2) Safe parking at warehouses, rather than us having to leave our vehicles outside of the warehouse. -1 If you disagree. +1 If you agree. Over to you!
  10. Not sure if it's known to the devs or not; however Ballin advised me to post a bug report here if I could find the time to :) Moving on... Jump from a high building and take NO damage. Date and time (provide timezone):GMT:0 12:00 25/05/2018 Character name: Steven Black Issue/bug you are reporting: Has the potential to be abused. One can jump from any building, any height and take no damage. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: To replicate; Simply find your way to a tall building, jump from it then hit CTRL 0 a few times. As we know CTRL + 0 resets the player animation. Pressing it whilst jumping from a building will reset the falling animation and you'll land on your feet.
  11. That’s SFX for all world sounds, lower that and everything apart from voice becomes quiet. (including footsteps, bullets etc) We do need less storms it’s irritating and just ruins the overall experience imo. +1
  12. +1 for sure. Some sort of proximity announcement would be adequate.
  13. Welcome to eclipse, pretty sure I’ve see you on twitch or some other streaming site. Enjoy! :)
  14. Welcome to eclipse, you've made a great choice to join up :)
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