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Swagmiku last won the day on August 17 2017

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  1. "Yeah, I think its time to move onto bigger and better things. There's a lot more out there you feel me? It's been real!" -Elias Brooks, - a 'Former' leader of Shroud Coalition.
  2. +1 to this. I don't think OP has the proper attitude or sense of accountability of their own actions to play in the Eclipse server.
  3. I can get behind the idea, however! I feel like the potential for abuse/misuse is high! To give you an example of what I mean, let's use one of the situation I described above! You are in the middle of a high speed chase! You've just stolen 5k and some drugs from a rival gang! You're barreling down Blaine County doing 175 and wham! Desync! You hit an invisible object in the middle of the road! Or your car glitches out and decides to become Jesus! For all purposes, you 'could' have met up with your crew and taken on the other gang, you 'could' have passed a cop that may have joined in on the fray and made things much harder for for the rival gang to intercept, giving you some time to escape with proper planning! Buuuut~ That didn't happen. The rival gang immediately catches up with you despite seeing you unfortunate accident and steals your goods back from you! And more! Personally I feel like this is a difficult decision to make here, do you try to explain briefly OOCly to the gang what happened in hopes they'll agree with you, wait for a staff to resolve the issue, then continue the high speed chase roleplay after going OOC for a bit? What if one of those members genuinely wants to take advantage if the situation anyhow and won't agree to pause the roleplay? How could you tell even? I'd like to believe this would NEVER happen but given the influx of improper role players I'd say its quite reasonable that it might. I think its okay that you should be able to type in /command to go OOC and wait for an admin after filing a report as long as you're solely by yourself and need assistance. Doing so during a large RP under various different circumstances could potentially be difficult and tricky however! What are your thoughts?
  4. No worries haha! There was a unique suggestion that might be feasible if worked out made by @Yputi!
  5. "And would I even bother bugging the admins and having them try and remove said cooldowns if at even all possible? Probably! But I feel like that would add more hassle to the mountain of problems staff are already dealing with, ya know?"
  6. EDIT: I totally take back my previous statement! Because, as you know, when we get shot we enter a bleedout period that in my opinion lasts foreeeeeeeever if you're not managed to be saved resuscitated. How would we balance the death screen with this? I can't think of anything solid at the moment, but layering that on top of a death screen when you die multiple times just feels like a punishment, not a feature! Haha!
  7. If it were possible to implement this and it probably is somehow!, sure, by all means! I'm all for it!
  8. -1 I feel like this would somehow have needed to be built into the base game for something like this to even occur, hence why it might be impossible! There might be a way to do this, but I imagine it would involved a scripted animation that is otherwise forced upon you when you get shot randomly, thus making you unable to move or act while other players/gang members get clean shots during your 1-2 second animation.
  9. -1 While I understand and agree with the idea behind this suggestion, you have to keep in mind that not all deaths are related to RP. In fact, more often than not, some deaths are just the result of the game being wonky! Oh no! I got teleported into a wall and am slowly dying! Oh darn! I fell through the world and upon eventually spawning back atop the surface my character was still falling too fast and splat! Now I have to wait +10 minutes because of these accidents next time my character dies ICly? And would I even bother bugging the admins and having them try and remove said cooldowns if at even all possible? Probably! But I feel like that would add more hassle to the mountain of problems staff are already dealing with, ya know? Really great idea in theory! But the potential for it to go wrong is just too high in my opinion!
  10. Good Morning ladies and Gentleman! I am here with what I believe would be an absolutely helpful proposition! And that is to let any player have the option to pause RP for themselves in the event an unexpected situation arises in game! In other words, please give us the option to mark ourselves as OOC when the need absolutely arises, subject to admin approval depending on the circumstances. Now why would we need this? Well, I can give a few reasons and scenarios that I've seen happen to players and have had happen to me alike! I'll begin with the fact that as we all know GTA V is a game, and games are never perfect. So it is understood that sometimes, you might say, get stuck in a wall, or the floor, or maybe your car will flip itself upside down over an invisible/desynched server object during a super high speed chase! Or even worse, maybe your car will just freak out and violently thrash around angrily for no reason! All of the scenarios mentioned above are not the fault of the player ICly or OOCly in question, they are a fault with the current state of the base GTA V game combined with all of the tools we use to RP on it. Now you could be thinking: "Swagmiku, just /report 2 "I got stuck in a wall/my car randomly flipped out and destroyed itself/stopped working." -The problem with that is the fact that due to a major increase in GTA V RP popularity, admin response times have gone way, waaaaaay down. And that's totally to be expected! On an RP server that can reach up to 1000+ players they are probably out and about solving problems and helping the community. Not to mention, admins are players too! So we can expect them to actively participate in roleplay, creating their own stories and the like as well, therefore not all of them are always on active duty. Personally, I understand this, buuuuuut~ How am I supposed to continue my (Roleplay) when something like what mentioned above happens to me? To expand upon the things described above, I've seen a roleplayer have a glitch happen to them wherein their car got stuck in the air and wouldn't move/fall. Typical /report 2 "My car is the second coming of jesus, pls halp" ya know? But while waiting 45+ minutes patiently near their car for some assistance due to what I can only assume is staff working/fixing issues involving other jesus cars, some gang members roll up and demand the players car, possessions, guns, and moolah! Despite the best attempts from the person in need of admin assistance to calmly explain the situation to said gang, he wasn't able to pause RP for himself and found themselves the victim of a crime that otherwise would have never happened! Oh no! And we can't log out either, because then we wouldn't be around to respond to our reports! You could make the same report on the forum buuuuut the response times there are just as long if not longer for obvious reasons, because now not only do the staff have to potentially fix an inworld issue, they have to troubleshoot and perhaps find a permanent fix to said issue! (As someone who works in the IT field, hooo boy do I know what this is like.) This can be frustrating as you can see. So back to the proposal at hand! Would it be at all possible to have a /command denoting players as OOC/Waiting for Assistance? I also propose that the command should only be used while a /report is active if this is at all further possible! That's all I really needed to say, thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion!
  11. Shroud Coalition History Shroud Coalition found its beginnings after a chance encounter between two of the current leaders Robin and Vasily Fedorov, wherein one tried to mug the other while the other was minding their business and performing their duties as a garbage truck operator and trash collector. By some unimaginable measure the two managed to find common ground with each other, and both opted to abandon their civilian lives in favor of teaming up and living the dangerous yet much more appealing life of crime. During their escapes together, they slowly formed a crew of likeminded individuals, those who were fed up with living the normal day to day life in the streets of Los Santos. Two men became three and eventually they came across the path of Elias Brooks, a criminal with not just good leadership skills, but a vision. Now with Elias, also known as ‘Eli’, three became four, and four eventually became over a dozen men and women going around, robbing stores, boosting cars, and killing all while looking out for each other. Some would refer to them now as modern-day outlaws, they think different. “We just happen to live an alternative lifestyle, we don’t fit in with normal society, so we made our own. That’s all.” – Elias Brooks, a leader of the Shroud Coalition. Our Statement and Promise to You. “We’re here to offer a place for those who are ready to throw their common lives away in exchange for a far more dangerous and exhilarating one, 9-5ers who are sick of working and waiting two weeks for their next check when they could have what they want the moment they want it. Does that sound like you? Well then join us. We’re looking to be for those like us, we’ll need you when we’re the biggest, baddest gang in Los Santos.” Current Situation At the moment, the Shroud Coalition is focused on finding as many people who are like them, people who are ready throw down, get rough, and do whatever it takes to get what they deserve. They’re currently a small group that travels in a tight pack, robbing, stealing, and holding up those who are unfortunate enough cross them. While extending a hand to those looking to occupy themselves in the dangerous life of crime lifestyle. Future Plans/Current Goals Right now, Shroud Coalition has been focused on gaining capital in all categories: Money, Drugs, Guns, & Cars. Whilst focusing on recruitment and expanding their ranks, building a steady supply of these much-needed resources for the following reasons: Money as a safety net, Drugs to push back onto the street for a profit, Guns to equip and defend our own with, & Cars for those sweet sweet cars shows, block parties, and most importantly: Helpful getaway vehicles. Dress Code Members of Shroud Coalition are primarily from middle classed backgrounds, although there are some formerly homeless, army vets, mercenaries, and whatnot within our ranks. As a result, while there is no formal dress code at the time being, our busy, crime ridden lifestyle usually prefers us wear a mix between personal & utilitarian clothing for various needs. Cargo pants, for carrying, jackets with hidden pockets, dark colored clothing to be less visible during the night. As it stands now their dress code is loose, but mandatory Black/Dark Grey colors, this includes their vehicles as well. Ranks We cannot have a group of individuals from different backgrounds performing the things we do and living the lives we live without some form of structure and order within ourselves, see below for the ranking structure of the Shroud Coalition Founders/Commanders: The founding members/individuals who have played a major role in forming and shaping our group into what it is today, they are the Top Bosses, the Dons, the El Jefe’s and organizers of our family with the final say in every large decision brought to their attention. Lieutenants: Report to the Commanders only, Lieutenants are responsible for overseeing the group in the absence of the commanders, as well as responsible for commanding a small 4-2 sized groups of Enforcer/Soldiers in the event of large-scale raids/lucrative opportunities should they arise. The Lieutenants also serve as advisors to the Commanders, responsible for seeking out and bringing in lucrative resources for the Coalition this includes Drug Trafficking, Car Boosting, Weapons Dealing, Prostitution, etc. Each Lieutenant is responsible for overseeing an area that best suits their inherent skills. Enforcers: Loyal members and top prospects for leadership within the Shroud Enforcers are members who have stuck with the gang for a long period of time and have proven themselves more than once, Enforcers are fully fledged, dedicated members to the cause who will stop at nothing to uphold our ideals while looking out for our own. Enforcers also seek out potential recruits and put them through their paces to see whether they are a good fit for the group with the approval of the Lieutenants and above. Soldiers: Soldiers are full members of Shroud Coalition these members have passed the initiation processes and all trials and tribulations that go along with it. New blood that is ready to smuggle, steal, and aim down the sights of a gun at another human being in the for the sake of the group. Recruits: Street thugs, scum, criminals, they’ve been called those things many times before, but the difference is this time they’ve been recognized by the Shroud Coalition to have potential and be of use to our family in one way or another. Recruits are those who are have the potential to become one of us and need to prove themselves to be down for the cause. Once a Recruit has proven themselves in one way or another test provided to them by an Enforcer or above, the become fully fledged Soldiers. Rules: - Always look out for and respect your fellow Coalition members, we’re criminals in the eyes of the law sure, but we’re still family. - Carry yourself with dignity, even in public. What we do in our private time is our business and no one else’s, don’t act like a fool and ruin our public image, you never know which potential allies could be watching. - We do not kill those who comply, we do not betray those who have taken an interest in us without sufficient cause to believe they will harm us. - Most importantly, stick it out with us and let the good times roll! Current Activity/Whereabouts: Rumors indicate that members and leadership typically meet up in the isolated outskirts of Los Santos, with most common sightings being around or near the Discount Gun Store before heading out on a series of crime sprees. Although we can be found virtually anywhere there is a profit to be made, if one were to try hard enough, finding us wouldn’t be too difficult, but then again, we’re usually the ones that are doing the finding. If you see one of us, don’t be afraid to approach us, after all. We’re people just like you, we just happen to live an alternative lifestyle.
  12. Aha! There's a neat little command you can use to check whether you're in an NCZ just type in /ncz lmao! Also, new player huh? If you need any help or just want to get down to roleplaying please feel free to send me a DM! I'll show you the ropes (or try!)
  13. From what I gather. Your vehicles should be safe in most NCZs and working/business areas. I'm not entirely sure though, I could be wrong! You might be under very unique circumstances I'm unaware of haha!
  14. I think what OP is trying to convey is that texts need not be sent to the players phone? You're obviously correct however. I do agree with OP though, if the mass amounts of speeding texts is causing his text messages not to appear correctly. That's an unintended bug that needs to be fixed or remedied somehow, or just simply avoided. I'm going to have to +1 OP on this one.
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