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Posts posted by Phantas

  1. 3 minutes ago, Harley said:

    I think you'd love this post: 



    I want to be able to not grind in doc just to stay alive I don't care for extra features. WIth the reduction of how much food fills up hunger your spending more time mining than you can rp. Now imagine how long it takes to get enough stamps to fill up hunger with two people mining. Might as well run into a wall full speed and nlr yourself. 

  2. I never thought in all my days on this server I would be making a serious ''the state of...'' post. DOC is currently is the  worst experience I have ever fucking had. I MINED OUT THE ENTIRITY  OF THE YARD, NO GOSH DARN STONE LEFT UNTURNED. I GOT A MEASLLY 433 STAMPS. The cheapest food item is 450 stamps. I can't afford to even eat. I was expected under war rules to treat my prisoners better than what DOC is set up to do. I WAS FEEDING people once an hour during the first official war due to fm requiring us to do so. Yet here I am starving like marvin in doc not able to afford a basic meal slowly dying. PLEASE increase the amount of stamps we get or decrease the cost of food so I don't need to invest 500 stamps and 40 minutes to keep my char alive in doc. We seem to be pushing for realism in every other corner of the server but doc is getting neglected. 

    Thank you for attending my Ted talks. image.png.adf7faf63d23737cc93418dee8a2a857.png


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  3. 40 minutes ago, Charlie Mchoe said:

    Life invader is currently unusable in my opinion. until it is fixed or until it can be hosted on better servers the old system should be brought back as it was just 10x better.


    Leaked image of the life invader servers.

    • dead 1
  4. Didn't seem like anyone but players wanted life invader to be successful. Didn't allow selling on life invader till majority of player base had ceased to use it. Can't believe we lost the best part of the forums to a site that might as well be on dial up internet with how slow it is. 

  5. The current turfs could use some adjustments but they are a large leap of an improvement from the original turf system that was just a huge king of the hill shootout which was removed with no replacement for a couple of years. 

    These current turfs encourage gang relations between larger groups and smaller ones. Official gangs are incentivized to have unofficial gangs provide them money packs, cars to chop, and drugs and usually works out in the benefit of the smaller gang improving relations with the larger gang and earning various perks throughout rp. 

    We have a lot more incentive than the previous system we had in the down time of the original turfs, which was the laptop where the only other player interaction you would get was ordering for other groups and having your drops compromised. 

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  6. I know im not adding to the conversation much, but i was wondering if anyone wanted to play fortnite later today? I have some og skins so please have some as well.

    Edit: Allow tracking when someone is in a vehicle!

    • NAY 1
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  7. When limited to 1 hostage negation a week your never going to have a bank meta where negations are common place. As said by other members of the community banks are needed to maintain turfs. There is more reason to do them than just financial gain and it is realistic to dip out of the bank before police arrive as your odds in real life of getting away drop dramatically once they have arrived. 

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  8. On 1/16/2022 at 4:49 PM, Kieran Horn said:

    This blatantly toxic. I was referring to pd needing crimson to have a job. In the game

    i agree with you pd needs crimson to have as job. look at there thread its amazing 

    @Jellay fm should think about bringing them in as a server faction!

    • NAY 1
  9. On 1/9/2022 at 3:27 AM, Kieran Horn said:

    Punishing criminals with blatant OOC punishments (financial) when you rely on them to have a job? 

    Not the best of plans. 

    might need staff to investigate this guy if he believes ic money fees are an ooc punishment and he relies on them for a job.


    • dead 4
  10. 55 minutes ago, Lola said:

    Hey! I thought it would be good to clarify a few things on the Jewellery Heist because it was mentioned in the original post. This was an alternative RP request, which means I wrote up a document requesting several things to be approved by SA that would help facilitate the RP opp. Concerning jail times/fines, we asked that the jail fines would be paid because if you successfully rob a jewellery store, you would have enough money to pay back the fines. The charges placed and hours spent in prison did not change. If you’re part of a faction, I definitely recommend speaking to your faction leaders about your ideas and other creative planning if you’d like to do the same because it’s not impossible! 

    Very cool Lola will definitely pass that along!

    • POG 1
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  11. 41 minutes ago, Roderick said:


    Making the license suspension so that it depends on time spent playing after prison rather than simply OOC time does not only have the effect that this issue is solved by just not playing for a small bit, which should never be a solution, but also that actions - and in this case risks taken - will affect your character more thoroughly.

    For example:
    Vehicular misdemeanors - 2 hours gametime after prison
    Vehicular felonies - 6 hours gametime after prison

    Very good idea! 

  12. 1 hour ago, TheCactus said:

    I agree too. It should be reduced to either 24 or 12 hours. Maybe leave the 2 days suspension for charges that include violent dangerous usage of the vehicles such as drive-by, felony hit and run, felony public endangerment, etc

    Agreed leave longer suspensions for violent felonies and reduced suspensions for non violent felonies and misdemeanors. 

  13. 1 hour ago, IAmTurtle said:


    Only should really be given to pd/sd for "Training" and thats it. no other real need for it.

    Are you joking/memeing? If you aren't I'll give a civil response on why paintball arenas of all things shouldn't be just for law enforcement. 

    • Like 7
  14. Currently you RP showing someone your driving license but when you do /showlicense you automatically show them all your licenses which does not make sense. There have been multiple times where players have powered seeing the firearms approval being revoked and called police over a .50 due to the script not allowing you to only show one license when using /showlicense.

    /showlicense should show your driving license.
    /showtruckerlicense should show your truckers license.
    /showfirearmapproval should show your fire arms approval license.
    /showweaponslicense should show your weapons license. 
    /showmedicallicense should show your medical license.
    /showpilotlicense should show your pilots license.

    Example below of what currently happens when you attempt to show your license. 



    Example of what should happen if these changes were made


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  15. In 2019 I worked at the casino faction for the short time it was opening regularly and enjoyed my time rping there. I feel that faction has a lot to provide to the server if given some script support for crims,legals and civs alike. Even adding the ability to roll custom sided dice would help a lot with the games that could be played. 

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