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Posts posted by Phantas

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): March 7th 10:30 AM PST 

    Character name: Vince Draco

    Issue/bug you are reporting: /browseweb displays the Dream Market UI but is missing guns,ammo,and attachments. 

    Expected behavior:  Laptop UI displaying at least empty guns and attachments. 

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: At the time West Coast Assassins were added to the F4 list the laptop UI ceased to function. Most people thought this would correct after a server restart but that was not the case. 

    Vehicle license plate number*:

    • Like 6
  2. +1 Having to ooc pick someone up in a gun fight to resync them when there trying to call cops or send texts for back up to be able to kill them is nearly impossible now as it just takes too long.

    • Like 2
  3. Under card results:
    Liam Gunnar vs DeAndre King
    Winner: DeAndre King

    Reece "CopperBalls" Curry vs Fumar "Lord Smoke" Smith
    Winner: Fumar "Lord Smoke" Smith

    Rashid "Iron Chin" Ameen vs Andre "BTJ" Caprisun
    Winner: Andre "BTJ" Caprisun

    Collie "The Vegan" Fegan vs ''Free lifts by'' Rodney Yeargin
    Winner: ''Free lifts by'' Rodney Yeargin

    Bruce Wong vs Lewis Miller
    Winner: Bruce Wong

    Royal Rumble Results:
    Michael "Green Goblin" Laurie
    Fregothy Bleu
    Jeffery "The Dunk God" Beckerson
    Apol "The Apollo" O'Conner
    Anthony"Jones Bones" Laurie
    Tony Cortese
    Trevor "Shlong" DeLong
    Ford "Pops The Black Mamba" Davis
    Mikkel Christensson
    Joey "Two Pair" Poppins
    Jerzy "Tit Tattoo" McEden 
    Keavin Opele
    Carlos Rodriguez
    Winner: Carlos Rodriguez

    All victors are welcomed back to compete in our next Royal Rumble.
    Let us know any fights you would like to see in the future!
    We thank the 100+ people who came out to our event and we hope to see you at future events.

    -Management at Los Santos Fight Club

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  4. On 1/25/2020 at 2:19 PM, GOAT said:

    > In terms of the Zetas and the Triads. I really ain't surprised that you are bored and I have respect for your factions but that's kind of as much your fault as it is PD hassling you or you not getting the criminal update. You guys turned on The Wanted and forced an active faction out of the server for role-play reasons and for what? There is literally no-one left that is going to be stupid enough to oppose you and that is very, very bad for the scene. Because you don't fight Zetas and you don't fight Triads, you fight them both. Something that at times even PD with all our goodies struggle to do. I know that there is role-play to support it and you can't just start fighting each other but i've said this before but no gang in the city should be allying up, it should be about you and your gangs alone.

    Biggest thing lacking currently is criminals have no reason to fight each and when they do what do you fight for? Drug labs are something very few gangs even utilize since the more people that cook at lab just brings down the amount of many you each make individually. Your better off just fishing as a group or mining. 

    Every war in Eclipse could be your last war since they don't stop till a mutual agreement is found which is what rarely happens. If you don't have allies you can rely on your time is very limited. The criminal player population only goes down after any of these big gang wars. Players from the gang that just got wiped out usually go down three routes:

    1. Go to anther gang.
    2. Go solo and just rob on sight.
    3. Swap to a legal character. 

    You don't currently get a chance to rebuild your gang you have to cut all ties once you lose a war since its unbearable being hunted all over the map. 

    Reintroducing turfs could be a great solution to this wars would mostly gravitate towards these areas. It would reduce the whole hunting people all around the map once war is declared to a centralized area. If you lose your turf that wouldn't spell the end for your gang while the other gang chooses to defend what they had taken from you, you get some time to rebuild. Tying in turfs to weapon imports would allow you to take a away a gangs main means of arming themselves with heavy weapons.

    I personally feel turfs are something that is much more needed than portable drug labs. We don't need more methods to make money we need something that allows gangs to survive past one war and have something for them to fight to reclaim.

    It really hurts to see an official faction who worked for countless months to reach being official to lose it all over one war. 




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  5. tmurTd9.png


    The Triads nearing a year of prosperity in Los Santos had recently taken some new faces into the organization.
    These pupils had learned fast through the experiences they have had in the battle field of Los Santos.
    The Incense Apprentice and Mountain Master had decided it was time for them experience the Dream Market 
    The Dream Market was hidden in the dark web and was only accessible by an invite only basis.  
    The Triads had obtained access through many months of exporting goods to the black market of Shangdong China.

    After deciding on a product and moving money to the offshore Shangdong bank account discussion was had on how to protect the precious shipment.
    Teams had been decided resulting a total of three teams divided among the ten members of this mission.
    The Recon team consisted of two members tasked with collecting any information that will help us obtain the shipment with no hiccups.
    The Assault team consisted of six heavily armed individuals whose mission was to protect the shipment at any cost. 
    The Retrieval team consisted of a skill driver and a passenger who would obtain the shipment once it landed.
    Failure was not an option.

    Before the order could be placed everyone took to their positions.
    The Assault and Retrieval teams prepared a convoy.
    The Recon team made their way to their individual posts and checked in that they were ready.
    Once the order was placed location of the order was only whispered in person and never said through any compromisable method.
    The order had been placed.

    The Recon team remained far away from the shipment but consistently updated the rest of team of any roadblocks.
    Communications staying clear between all teams was pivotal to the success of this operation.
    While the Recon team collected information the convoy had arrived at the destination. PF8YqJU.jpgh289RlG.jpg

    Humane Labs an abandoned chemical research facility was the destination of the airdrop from Shangdong. 
    The Assault team positioned in tactical positions tucked away with Phantoms and heavy artillery.
    They had one mission and that was to make sure the Retrieval team had a clean escape with the airdrop.
    The Retrieval team had tucked themselves away in a garage and waited till they were notified of the drop arriving.
    The Assault Rifles had arrived.
    They were quickly transferred into Comet Retro.
    Not even a helicopter would be able to keep up with the speed of the Retro.
    Once the Assault team had cleared the area and given the go ahead the Retrieval team was off to the races.Sawlsto.jpg

    Once everyone had safely reunited a quick debrief was held and it was decided the mission was a success.
    Everyone obtained there ordered weaponry and gathered up to take a celebratory picture.
    It was evident these pupils had been a special batch and were later rewarded with promotions that month. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, Tezhl said:

    "This gang is using up our materials; we've got to fend them off to prevent them from purchasing anymore" 

    If this is the solution you propose all this would cause is for Official Factions to wipe out gangs before they can have even a semblance of a chance of reaching official. No one wants to do that due to that just reducing amount of criminal players that exist in general and would only reduce the amount of criminal role play that occurs. When Triads and Zetas were the only two gangs with the ability to import they easily could have wiped out many long standing gangs that had good role play but lacked the ability to import to secure imports for only themselves. That would not be good role play and would only decrease the criminal population that has slowly been on the decline resulting in gangs rather mining,hunting and fishing instead of cooking at labs and choping cars and robbing stores. 

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