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About Shurples

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  1. 1. More Fonts! Would love to paint my store name on the front of my store but don't want it to look like a "tag", I understand that's the purpose of this script but it having multiple uses would be cool. 2. Cancelling the spray shouldn't use the durability. 3. Have some type of boarder or notification that your text is going to override a tag - This will help if you want to use multiple, for example I wanted to write "Sanchez" & "Snackz" but couldn't find the sweet spot where they could be close together without removing each other. 4. Increase the timer for placing down a spray.
  2. Edited it so the "wellness" is replaced with the health as I forgot to do that in the images.
  3. Geez 20 fps!? ↑ That is the old old one that we used to have, don't have a picture of the health but it was just where it is now, but with a "food and water" bar too. I do like the idea of it being less cartoony as the current, but the new ones do look better IMO. Just being given the option to move them to where you want is preferred.
  4. Current: Suggestion: Remove the HP and AP bars and replace them to the right copying the same style as our current stats. An OPTION to choose between a circle & rectangle map. An option to edit the size of the hud and placement. Only show the food and water icon if you are less than 30%. Do we really need the wellness icon? The less the better. Seems pointless and confusing especially to new players, it's a known thing that if you're low on health you eat, drink & heal. Perhaps when you get dropped off at the hospital / respawn a little message appears on screen saying something like “You’ve just left the hospital, you’re slowly recovering and will be a bit slow. Make sure to eat and drink to ensure you recover quicker”.
  5. + 1 rule reminders could be toggleable perhaps as for weazel stuff I made this - Weazel news revamp idea
  6. Looking for someone to create a store sign for the front of my general store, I'd like it to say "SanchezSnackz" but with the lack of supplies in the furniture store I'm not so sure it's possible...
  7. Added some extra stuff to do with store owners.
  8. It would be nice to have the option to choose animations for each action if possible, so one animation just for being idle, one for walking and one for running! For example - sexy female for idle / walking & default for running. Whilst we're on the topic of animations, more anims (with props)!! /anim note for example would pull out a notepad. /anim umbrella or /anim walkingstick
  9. Weazel News revamp / New phone <<< Rather than creating a dupe post, I thought I'd share what I have made here as it's the same concept. Get rid of the text based ads, they are super unappealing and clog up the chat, not something you want for a very text based server (RP wise). It's also very Gmod/darkRP vibes.
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