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Everything posted by Richie194

  1. -1 Until people stop thinking PvP is the main form of criminal rp for example turning labs into a bloodbath or killing people cause they looked at you funny. Criminal groups need to focus on quality rp, until that happens I don't think it would ever be a good idea to increase the cap. This also gives smaller groups a chance to gain more members rather than the big crews sucking everyone up. Don't get me wrong having more than 30 sounds fun but the way gangs will use that faction cap is a different story, any crew can say "oh we don't clap or promote pvp mentalities" but they sure as shit change quickly.
  2. This is probably the best post I've seen here. More specifically the last part about money being used from the treasury. That would actually work out well, the players themselves wouldn't be losing anything but the faction will. It may bring more rp to the server between gov factions and how money is spent in the city etc.
  3. I like a lot of the ideas posted besides the gun dropping. As ive stated in another post, I'd suggest making it a lil easier to steal the guns from cops if they are held up. i think its just time consuming to have to wait for admins due to scripted guns being stuck on cops. besides from that the gun dropping will only incentivise PVP
  4. I like the idea of gaining something after fighting however like others have said not just in this post but in several others before, it only pushes for more PVP. If a clap crew can get a hold of a few good heavies just by killing cops, they will do that. Maybe if it was easier to take guns off of officers when they are held up as a hostage or someone puts them under fear rp to actually drop their weapon would be better, therefore actually allowing rp to happen but i have no clue how that can be implemented.
  5. Checking people's EXP on the spot is easier when it comes to criminal groups and their OOC requirements. For example a group with a minimum of 50k required will need to check who they recruit/talk to. Besides from that I dont see any positives or negatives, its just a list.
  6. The Movement, formed by anarchists who were once with Underground before it disbanded, got the urge to start gaining a little bit of recognition from PD. Everyone in the Movement knew that the fight against PD needs to continue and the best way to start warning PD was to make sure they know that no where is safe or out of reach, No one can hide behind their uniforms with their little 'SA exempt plates'. Richie ended up telling the rest of the Movement to meet up at the sewing factory to do a little bit of redecorating of PD parking, He went to the store and bought several cans of spray paint and put them in his trunk ready to hand them out and have fun. After he returned to the sewing factory with the cans of paint, everyone grabbed a can, put on their masks and started to creep over towards mission row. The end goal was to redecorate the place with paint and try to take one of their very valuable cars, Everyone ran inside and started to paint the walls, doors and cars. Messages were made consisting of threats and insults making sure they know what is coming for them over due time. After the painting was done and windows got smashed Santiago started to pick one of the very nice and very precious cars. The alarm started to go off and everyone started to run out before anyone came in to stop them. Everyone ran off beside the bridge and into the canal back to the sewing factory realising that the message is out there and now PD can understand that the Movement is not here to play games. Whether PD take this seriously or not is up to them, the Movement understand that this was only the very first step of a long journey. Everyone knew the end goal is to make sure change happens, the truth is revealed and the people come first. Painting the parking lot may have been a small gesture but if gone ignored it will be a mistake.
  7. +1 I completely understand your point, the economy on the server is fucked, but you honestly cant fix it. HOWEVER the house prices would be considered an IC issue tbh
  8. I get what point you're trying to make, its good that its mentioned as crims grind every day where its 80% grinding and 20% rp. Crims lose everything hence why we have to constantly grind and grind and grind for money. PD cant lose their gear, their uniforms, they get new cars in a matter of seconds, weapons they cant lose. ONLY issue is, if you try to suggest a way for PD to get more repercussions, it will most likely be halted by a lot of LEO mains. Crims (me included) just have to suck up the fact its a grind every day rather than rp every day, especially with the new nerfs to chop parts crims dont gain much and lose everything. Its the thought that counts tho.
  9. +1 When chopping two cars just doors and tires (one was a high end car) and only getting 6.5k from it, I think its clear to say chopping is no longer worth the time and that crims are being forced to go to labs with the new drug update and perks with drugs. I personally hate labs a lot as it is mostly 'get robbed or die' sometimes people just shoot on the spot, I'm staying away from DM rp at all costs. It's a pain in the arse that prices are nerfed for chop parts.
  10. I mean when it comes to the chop parts, it sucks ass, I got about 6.5k for 2 cars just for doors and tires (1 was a high end car). It just isn't worth it. As a crim I am desperately trying to avoid going to labs as it is just a deathmatch zone and you see all the reports come through, its not worth it. It's annoying to be forced to move to other methods, I get its so criminals can interact with each other more but I'd rather have RP than shootouts. From what I see the server is nerfing one part to push crims to go try something else, it shouldn't be like that, just have a balance across the board. I'm not one to complain usually but its getting annoying as hell. There is a lot of risk when it comes to chopping, the noise of the tools, the cars being flagged as stolen, picking/hotwire minigame, the annoying tires popping every 5 seconds while chopping(bug) just to get very little.
  11. After a long and busy few weeks, Underground gathered up at HQ making a choice on what to do next. Richie was telling a few others how he wants to bring back some fun from last year with baseball bats and rusty cars. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the modern motel, modern cars and definitely didn’t like how PD raided HQ so many times in just a couple of months. After a long discussion with the rest of Underground the plan was set in stone to deliver a very nice fake present to attempt to get the gear lost on the raids. Everyone knew that this would never happen and took this as an opportunity to send a message and make sure people see the dark side of PD. UG’s newest recruit Santiago came up with the design of the fake bomb consisting of radios and some chemical powder. The equipment was placed inside a bag making a consistent beeping sound to try and make sure PD knew it was a threat. Upon creation of the fake bomb, Nathaniel mentioned a dead man switch via some fishing line connected to the fake bomb so it wouldn’t be so easy for PD to rush in. Lastly, before everyone got ready to set off to mission row, Richie clearly announced ‘no one is expected to get out of this freely, bring guns if you want but melee would be better’. Everyone armed up with weapons and spray paint and set off to Mission row. Upon arrival, the building seemed empty giving underground the time they needed to decorate the place with spray paint and smashed windows. They waited a few minutes to see if anyone would arrive but no one came. Richie turned on his phone and made a polite 911 call stating ‘We are at mission row with a present fuckers.’, Hoping PD would arrive a little quicker, in less than 5 minutes the place was surrounded and the doors were locked. Everyone in underground was locked in the lobby and certain negotiations took place. Once everything started to happen, Nathaniel attached the fake dead man switch to himself making himself the target for PD to take down. UG overheard PD mentioning that they were looking for the guy with the switch and saw they moved the trees outside to get better angles on everyone inside. Richie told Nate to get behind him and got Claire to stand in front of him, knowing that there may be a sniper team somewhere on the rooftops. PD took it upon themselves to continuously say underground can blow themselves up if they want, but everyone in pink knew that they won't be taken down so easily. After about 30 to 45 minutes PD started to use gas through the doors to try and move everyone out. Unfortunately Santiago couldn’t get out of the way quick enough and fell down coughing his lungs out. After Richie tried to get a safe passage out for Santiago to be treated and failed, Luna took it upon herself to surrender herself to get Santiago to safety and so they did. After the first set of gas was used, everyone decided to stand by the doors holding them shut to make sure no more would get in. Underground was not budging and the waiting game continued. 1 and a half hours went by and Underground was 2 down, 5 left. Knowing the glass was bullet proof they were in there for a long time, they didn’t speak and they didn’t move. PD started to move about, UG knew something would happen soon but didn’t know what could happen next. That was until one of the side doors started to open with gas thrown, Richie and Wisteria decided to rush to the door to stop them from entering, unfortunately they were both shot down by shotguns. At that moment, the inside of the building was swarming with PD and the last few Underground got gunned down and pushed. At the end of the scene Richie looked about to see what chaos they were able to cause for PD over a fake little bomb and as he got into the back of a cruiser, he laughed. Once everyone was finally transported to DOC they all got together and celebrated the fact everything went according to plan and everyone got a nice terrorism charge. Alongside the charges and chaos they caused, they hoped a message was shown to the public how PD didn’t care about anyone’s safety but their own. Next time, it might not be so fake.
  12. It was a quiet night sitting at HQ until Claire and Richie decided to go get a repair at LSC only to hear that there were people in pink impersonating Underground and starting fights at Burgershot harassing the people of the city. Both Claire and Richie whispered to each other and knew this wouldn't slip. Immediately after, Richie asked about what the guy in pink looked like and found the man matching the description. They drove to Burgershot simply to ask the man what was going on, the man responded by calling Underground a gang full of snitches and the LGBTQ gang. This did not sit well with Claire nor Richie, they went to grab their guns and picked up the rest of Underground to have some fun with the fake rat. They drove back to Burgershot to find the guy on his BF400 wearing pink, after already being told to take off his shirt and to stop calling himself Underground, He decided to try and drive off. Tanner shouted at the man to pull over but instead he sped up. Richie gave the word to take his tires and get him in the trunk. Once he was in the trunk Charlie, Ex-command of underground, suggested they take the man to the Vinewood sign to do some…new tattoos on his body. Once they got to the Vinewood sign, Charlie grabbed the knife from Claire and slowly carved the word ‘FAKE’ in his chest. Then cut his hair, giving him a nice shiny bald head. But unfortunately he fell unconscious and everyone thought it would be boring to just leave him there. Richie then suggested to get him in the trunk, drive him to the top of Chiliad, then strip him of everything and let him walk down with nothing. So they went up to the top of Chiliad with the man pleading for mercy as he woke back up. No one in the Kamacho cared for what he had to say and so he was dumped off at the top of Chiliad and Underground celebrated the fact they got rid of some impersonating scum trying to give Underground a bad name, hurting and harassing the undeserving.
  13. After a week of laying low, Underground were feeling the urge to start causing more chaos. They all knew what had to be done, so they started to prepare and build up their stock before going back to causing all out chaos around the city. Guns, money and connections are the main things Underground are working with. Even though morale was low after the raid on HQ. The Underground were more furious than ever. All they needed was a plan and things to keep them occupied until the time is right. One night they all gathered around HQ deciding what to do and when. They all voted on robbing stores to build up their cash, ready for what will come to the city. With multiple stores robbed successfully and their pockets filled with packed cash. They decided to call it a day and hand out the money. It wasn’t much, but it was something. Soon, only anarchy will thrive.
  14. The underground were chilling at the HQ talking to a new recruit at which two bikers drove up and started throwing phrases like ‘This the gay gang?’. Mel grabbed her shotty and blasted one of the guys. The rest of UG were trying to beat down the other biker with hammers and bats but couldn't get him in time. By then a cop was driving up the road at which one of the bikers snitched and all hell broke loose. The cops downed Mel as she finished the first biker but the rest of UG split up and hid for a bit. After UG scattered the area and regrouped, Tanner and Richie both knew they had to kill the snitch. No one can snitch and get away without justice well served. So they grabbed their guns and got the new convert, Nathaniel, to go hunting. After a good hour or so of tracking the snitch down, Nathaniel caught eyes of the snitch queuing up outside LSC. As soon as the rest of Underground caught word of the snitch’s location, they drove over armed and on bikes to put the snitch down. This was a very clear and sincere message. Snitches get stitches.
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